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BMP15 — SLC22A3
Text-mined interactions from Literome
Okagawa et al., Dev Biol 2007
These results provide evidence that
BMP signaling through the AV endocardium is
required for the
EMT and the activation of the BMP receptor in the endocardium can promote AV EMT in the chick
Ohta et al., Development 2007
These indicate that the inhibition of
Bmp signaling by temporal and/or spatial Nog expression
suppresses EMT and leads to the cessation of the ingressive cell movement from the VER at the end of gastrulation
Yan et al., Am J Pathol 2010
(Cicatrix...) :
Moreover, TNF-alpha induced EMT was impaired by antagonists against bone morphogen proteins (BMP) 2/4, suggesting that
BMP mediates the TNF-alpha induced
EMT in human skin
Bai et al., Development 2013
(Truncus Arteriosus, Persistent...) :
To directly address the function of Vegfa repression in
Bmp mediated
EMT , we performed ex vivo explant cultures from Bmp4/7 and miR-17-92 mutant hearts