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Rhyu et al., J Am Soc Nephrol 2005
(Fibrosis...) :
Phosphorylation of
Smad proteins and/or mitogen activated protein kinases ( MAPK ) is
required for TGF-beta1 induced
Valcourt et al., Mol Biol Cell 2005
Ectopic Smad2 or Smad3 together with Smad4 enhanced, whereas dominant negative forms of Smad2, Smad3, or
Smad4 , and wild-type inhibitory Smad7,
blocked TGF-beta induced
Desgrosellier et al., Dev Biol 2005
Smad6, an inhibitor of
Smad signaling downstream of ALK2, but not ALK5,
inhibited EMT in AV cushion endocardial cells
Liu et al., Perit Dial Int 2008
(Fibrosis...) :
Phosphorylation of
Smad proteins is
required for TGFbeta1 induced
Miyazono et al., Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci 2009
(Disease Progression...) :
Multiple transcription factors, including deltaEF1/ZEB1, SIP1/ZEB2, and Snail/SNAI1, are induced by
TGF-beta-Smad signaling and
play critical roles in TGF-beta induced
EMT ... In addition, both
non-Smad signaling activated by TGF-beta and cross-talk with other signaling pathways
play important roles in induction of
Zhou et al., J Am Soc Nephrol 2010
Because Smad proteins transduce TGF-beta signaling from the cytosol to the nucleus and HSP72 assists in protein folding and facilitates nuclear translocation, we investigated whether HSP72
inhibits TGF-beta induced
EMT by modulating
Smad expression, activation, and nuclear translocation
Townsend et al., Cells Tissues Organs 2011
Targeting of Smad4, the common mediator Smad, demonstrated that
Smad signaling is
required for
EMT in the AVC and TGFßR3 dependent EMT stimulated by TGFß2 or BMP-2 ... Taken together, our data demonstrate that TGFßR3 dependent endocardial cell
EMT stimulated by either TGFß2 or BMP-2
requires Smad4 and the activation of the Par6/Smurf1 pathway
Hesling et al., EMBO Rep 2011
regulation of
EMT by TIF1? and
Smad4 in mammary epithelial cells
Park et al., Cancer Sci 2011
(Cell Transformation, Neoplastic...) :
The novel ALK5 inhibitor, EW-7203, efficiently
inhibited TGF-ß1 induced
Smad signalling,
EMT and breast tumor metastasis to the lung in vivo, demonstrating that EW-7203 has therapeutic potential for breast cancer metastasis to the lung
Ai et al., J Natl Cancer Inst 2011
(Adenocarcinoma...) :
Furthermore, high expression of pIgR was sufficient to
induce EMT through activation of
Smad signaling