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Fekete et al., Neurosci Lett 2000
Whereas fasting suppressed CRH mRNA levels in the PVN,
alpha-MSH at doses of 150 and 300 ng every 6 h for 64 h
prevented the fasting induced suppression of
CRH gene expression in the PVN ... These data indicate that the suppression of
alpha-MSH synthesis may be
responsible for the decreased
CRH gene expression in the PVN during fasting
Vecsernyés et al., Endocr Res 2000
Our results reveal that both the anxiogenic and the PAA activating effects of
alpha-MSH are
mediated by
Xia et al., J Neuroimmunol 2001
(Bacterial Infections...) :
In the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, a major neuroendocrine and autonomic center, gamma ( 2 )
-MSH inhibits LPS induced increases in
CRF mRNA levels, but does not suppress LPS augmented arginine vasopressin heteronuclear RNA expression
Sarkar et al., Brain Res 2002
alpha-MSH also
induces the activation of
CRH gene expression in the PVN, we further determined whether i.c.v. injection of alpha-MSH regulates the phosphorylation of CREB in hypophysiotropic CRH neurons ... These data demonstrate that i.c.v. alpha-MSH administration increases the phosphorylation of CREB in several subdivisions of the PVN including TRH and CRH neurons in the medial and periventricular parvocellular subdivisions, suggesting that phosphorylation of CREB may be necessary for
alpha-MSH induced activation of the TRH and
CRH genes
Van der Salm et al., Gen Comp Endocrinol 2004
The release of
alpha-MSH was
stimulated by TRH and
CRH , and was inhibited by MCH and DA
van den Burg et al., Gen Comp Endocrinol 2005
The origin of this variable response was investigated by ( 1 ) studying the
effects of
corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) on
alpha-MSH and NAc beta-end release in vitro, ( 2 ) establishing where in the second messenger pathway coupled to CRH receptors melanotrope responsiveness is determined, and ( 3 ) testing modulatory actions of other hypothalamic factors ( here opioid beta-endorphin )
Flik et al., Gen Comp Endocrinol 2006
Endorphin, produced in the NPO and transported via axons to the pituitary gland in vivo, reverses the stimulatory
CRF action on
MSH-cells to a differential inhibition of N-acetyl beta-endorphin release in vitro ( MSH release is not affected )
Catania et al., Brain Res Bull 1991
CRH ( 1 and 10 micrograms/kg IV ) did not
affect plasma
alpha-MSH , whereas it stimulated ACTH and corticosterone release
Sobel et al., Endocr Res 1990
Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and
corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) plus arginine vasopressin (AVP)
induce immunoassayable ( 1-13 ) ACTH ( alpha
MSH ) from mononuclear leukocytes
Tachibana et al., Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 2007
(Anorexia) :
Therefore, we investigated whether the anorexic effect of
alpha-MSH is
mediated by
corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) in the domestic chick
van Oers et al., Endocrinology 1989
Finally, we found that PFU 83 did not affect resting or ether induced alpha MSH secretion, indicating that
CRF does not
play a major role in the control of alpha
MSH secretion
Kemppainen et al., Endocrinology 1989
Cortisol had no effect on either basal or
CRF stimulated secretion of IR-alpha
MSH or IR-ACTH from dog PI cells, but it did inhibit CRF stimulated IR-ACTH from perifused dog PD
Verburg-Van Kemenade et al., Peptides 1987
During in vitro superfusion of neurointermediate lobe tissue,
CRF , sauvagine and urotensin I
induced a rapid and dose dependent stimulation of secretion of
MSH and endorphin
Castro et al., Comp Biochem Physiol C 1988
4. AVT and
CRF when perfused together
acted synergistically on
alpha-MSH release yielding a dose response line whose slope approximated that of DME
Hotta et al., Regul Pept 1988
CRH stimulated not only IR-beta-Ep and IR-adrenocorticotropic hormone ( ACTH ) but also IR-alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (
IR-alpha-MSH ) secretions from fetal pituitaries
Fazekas et al., Exp Clin Endocrinol 1984
Synthetic ovine
CRF stimulated the release of both immunoreactive ACTH and bioactive
alpha-MSH in dose dependent fashion
Meunier et al., Can J Biochem Cell Biol 1983
A requirement for calcium ions was observed on basal as well as on
CRF induced
alpha-MSH secretion
Tozawa et al., Neurosci Lett 1994
These results suggest that there is a short negative feedback
effect of alpha
MSH on
CRF release and it appears only in the absence of a long negative feedback effect of glucocorticoids
Colao et al., Horm Res 1996
(Cushing Syndrome) :
No difference in sensitivity to dexamethasone ( urinary cortisol percent decrease : 66.4 +/- 4.9 vs. 67.8 +/- 3.4 ) and surgery outcome ( chi 2 test : p = 0.7 ) was found between patients with
alpha-MSH response to
CRH and patients without such a response ... By contrast, baseline PRL levels, although being normal in both groups, were significantly higher in patients with
alpha-MSH response to
CRH ( 18.1 +/- 1.6 vs. 10.1 +/- 0.7 micrograms/l ; p < 0.001 )