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Lin et al., Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2001
Interleukin-15 enhances CD4 ( + )
CD45RA ( + ) expression on umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells ... The aim of the study was to investigate the
effect of
interleukin (IL)-15 , a novel cytokine similar to IL-2 in biological activities, on
CD45RA/RO expression and apoptosis in umbilical cord blood ( CB ) and adult peripheral blood (APB) mononuclear cells ( MNCs )
Mueller et al., Int Immunol 2003
(HIV Infections) :
We show here that
IL-15 preferentially
enhances the activation and effector function of human effector-memory
CD45RA ( - ) CD62L ( - ) and CD45RA ( + ) CD62L ( - ) CD4 ( + ) and CD8 ( + ) T cells in both healthy and HIV infected individuals
Kanegane et al., Blood 1996
We report that
IL-15 at optimal concentrations rapidly
induced memory (
CD45RO+ ) CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and naive ( CD45RO- ) CD8+ T cells to express the CD69 activation marker followed by proliferation