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Burke et al., Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1999
In the present research, a
role for
phospholipase D ( PLD ) in the regulation of
cPLA2 was shown based on a number of observations ... Further evidence for the
involvement of
PLD in the regulation of
cPLA2 came from the observation that the stimulated production of diacylglycerol ( for which phosphatidic acid is a major source ) was greatly diminished in undifferentiated cells as compared to differentiated cells
Kitatani et al., Biol Pharm Bull 2000
(Leukemia, Basophilic, Acute) :
These results suggest that PA formed by the catalytic action of PLD is used as a substrate for cPLA2, thus
PLD regulates
cPLA2 activation in antigen stimulated RBL-2H3 cells
Parmentier et al., J Biol Chem 2001
These data suggest that HETEs are the mediators of
cPLA(2) dependent
PLD activation by NE in VSMC
Li et al., J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2005
Furthermore, ETYA,
cPLA(2) antisense, and cPLA(2) siRNA
attenuated Ang II-elicited
PLD activation
Flamand et al., Br J Pharmacol 2006
No alteration of phospholipase D ( PLD ) activity in fMLP activated PMN was observed with up to 10 microM pyrrophenone, suggesting that the
cPLA2alpha inhibitor does not directly
inhibit PLD