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TCF20 — TCF4
Text-mined interactions from Literome
Palka-Hamblin et al., J Cell Sci 2010
The ability of PTK6 to negatively
regulate beta-catenin/TCF transcription by modulating levels of
TCF4 and TLE/Groucho could contribute to its growth-inhibitory activities in vivo
Grumolato et al., PLoS Genet 2013
Suppression of
TCF/LEF activity in these cells
mediated by an inducible dominant negative
TCF4 ( DN-TCF4 ) inhibited both cell growth and the expression of Wnt target genes ... Further, expression of TCF1 and LEF1, but not
TCF4 ,
stimulated TCF/LEF reporter activity in certain human cell lines independently of ß-catenin