Note: Updated Feb. 24, 2025
The tracks that are listed here contain genetic variants and links to scientific publications that
mention them.
- The Mastermind track was created by Genomenom, a company that analyzes fulltext
of publications with their own proprietary software with an unknown false
positive rate.
- The VarChat
track was created by enGenome and links to its proprietary
software, VarChat, with an unknown false positive rate.
- The AVADA track was created in the Bejerano lab at
Stanford by J. Birgmeier also on fulltext papers, using sophisticated machine learning
methods and was evaluated to have a false positive rate of around 50% in their study.
- The PubTator rsIDs track was created using
PubTator 3 data.
For additional information please click on the hyperlink of the respective track above.
Display conventions
By default, each variant is labeled with the nucleotide change. Hover over the
feature to see more information, explained on the track details page of the particular track
or when clicking onto the feature.
For data provenance, access and descriptions, please click the documentation via the link above.