Public Sessions

Sessions allow users to save snapshots of the Genome Browser and its current configuration, including displayed tracks, position, and custom track data. The Public Sessions tool allows users to easily share those sessions that they deem interesting with the rest of the world's researchers. You can add your own sessions to this list by checking the appropriate box on the Session Management page.

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Screenshot Session Properties Creation Date Use Count
Description: Module 08 test.bed
Author: froemming.m
Session Name: froemming.m_mod_8
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2025-03-10
Views: 27
1741593600 27
Description: For CNV analysis
Author: HGSalk
Session Name: CNV
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2025-03-06
Views: 30
1741248000 30
Description: mm39 Blue opsin F2-R2 amplicon (#386-387) for BS seq
Author: renkejhsph
Session Name: mm39 Blue opsin F2-R2 amplicon (#386-387)
Genome Assembly: mm39
Creation Date: 2025-03-04
Views: 159
1741075200 159
Description: It is tracked by samples and treatment groups. Some differentially accessible peaks highlighted.Custom gtf file with transcript ID, gene names, gene ID
Author: Pengxin Yang
Session Name: pig_BCG_ATAC_filtered_by_sample_and_merged_custom_gtf
Genome Assembly: susScr11
Creation Date: 2025-03-03
Views: 167
1740988800 167
Description: NSD1 truncating variants
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: hg38_NSD1_Truncating
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2025-03-02
Views: 130
1740902400 130
Description: Why don't humans have tails?
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: hg38_TBXT
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2025-03-02
Views: 17
1740902400 17
Description: NSD1 missense hot-spot
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: hg38_NSD1_missense
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2025-03-02
Views: 23
1740902400 23
Description: E2F1 binding site on genome depending on SETD6
Author: Gizem
Session Name: E2F1 chip seq
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2025-02-27
Views: 119
1740643200 119
Description: It has tracks by samples and by treatment groups
Author: Pengxin Yang
Session Name: pig_BCG_ATAC_filtered_by_sample_and_merged
Genome Assembly: susScr11
Creation Date: 2025-02-27
Views: 30
1740643200 30
Description: ALDH2 and alcohol intolerance in East Asian populations
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: hg38_ALDH2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2025-03-02
Views: 30
1740902400 30
Description: Each bam file was filtered in the identified 92226 peaks.
Author: Pengxin Yang
Session Name: pig_BCG_ATAC_filtered_by_sample
Genome Assembly: susScr11
Creation Date: 2025-02-26
Views: 116
1740556800 116
Description: mTEClo vs mTEChi anti-P53 CUT&RUN from Gamble et al. 2025
Author: ngamble
Session Name: antiP53_CUTRUN_mTECs
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2025-02-25
Views: 110
1740470400 110
Description: Tracks used to evaluate SNVs
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: hg19_EVAL_SNV
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2025-03-04
Views: 34
1741075200 34
Description: A few DAPs highlighted
Author: Pengxin Yang
Session Name: pig_BCG_project_ATAC _highlight
Genome Assembly: susScr11
Creation Date: 2025-02-17
Views: 389
1739779200 389
Description: peaks visualization for pig BCG project. A few DAPs were highlighted
Author: Pengxin Yang
Session Name: pig_BCG_project_ATAC
Genome Assembly: susScr11
Creation Date: 2025-02-17
Views: 163
1739779200 163
Description: Machine Learning Prediction of Non-Coding Variant Impact in Cell-Class-Specific Human Retinal Cis-Regulatory Elements Leah S. VandenBosch 1 and Timothy J. Cherry 1,2,3† 1 Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Seattle Children's Research Institute, Seattle, WA, USA. 2 University of Washington Department of Pediatrics, Seattle, Washington, USA. 3 Brotman Baty Institute for Precision Medicine, Seattle, Washington, USA. † Corresponding Author: [email protected] This public session provides access to a track hub of Variant Impact Prediction (VIP) scores for 39,437 candidate human retinal cis-regulatory elements (CREs) in 18 different cell types and developmental stages from the adult and developing human retina. Non-coding variants in cis-regulatory elements (CREs) like promoters and enhancers contribute to inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) however regulatory variants are typically challenging to interpret and prioritize for follow up studies. To improve identification of variants of interest, we implemented machine learning using a gapped k-mer support vector machine approach (GKM-SVM/deltaSVM) trained on single nucleus ATAC-seq data from specific cell classes and developmental states in the developing and mature human retina. These models demonstrate accuracy over 90% and a high degree of cell class specificity. Variant Impact Prediction Scores (VIPS) nominate specific sequences within candidate CREs, including putative transcription factor (TF) binding motifs, that would likely alter CRE function if mutated. This analysis demonstrates the capacity for singe nucleus-epigenomic data to predict the impact of non-coding sequence variants. It is our hope that these predicted impact scores can assist in identifying and interpreting variants of interest within human retinal cis-regulatory elements.
Author: CherryLab
Session Name: csVISIONS_TrackHub
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2025-02-16
Views: 274
1739692800 274
Description: rho
Session Name: hg19rHONEW
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2025-01-28
Views: 364
1738051200 364
Description: Abigail Hodges
Author: aehodges
Session Name: hg19 RHO
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-08-31
Views: 376
1725091200 376
Description: single cell bone marrow analysis
Author: marcel
Session Name: BM_scRNA_PB_ID _paper
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2025-01-10
Views: 28
1736496000 28
Description: mm10_CTCF-CHD7 bigwig signal tracks
Author: jyq_ucsc_2
Session Name: mm10_CTCF-CHD7
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2025-01-08
Views: 533
1736323200 533
Description: yes
Author: aryanzandi123
Session Name: Core Chromatin State Window
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-12-11
Views: 770
1733904000 770
Description: CTCF and SMC1 ChIP-seq data for Crewe et al submission to NAR
Author: Morgan.Crewe
Session Name: NAR_CTCF_SMC1_Data
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2024-12-10
Views: 710
1733817600 710
Description: Training for visualising transcriptomic data
Author: afrankish
Session Name: longtrec2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2025-03-02
Views: 44
1740902400 44
Description: 2/2/25
Author: aehodges
Session Name: hg38//CRX gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2025-03-02
Views: 14
1740902400 14
Description: A new study in Nature reveals how the absence of a small gene segment due to alternative splicing in CPEB4 leads to the deregulation of 200 genes associated with autism spectrum disorders: An earlier work by the same authors identified this mRNA as a factor in the autism-like phenotype: The work took place at IRB Barcelona: “Our results suggest that even small decreases in the percentage of microexon inclusion can have significant effects. This would explain why some individuals without a gene mutation develop idiopathic autism.” UCSC Genome Browser Session
Author: brianlee
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-12-05
Views: 133
1733385600 133
Description: Rearrangements of the 17q24.3 region associated with abnormal phenotypes.
Author: 429035671
Session Name: Pei_et_al_2025_fig5
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-12-04
Views: 307
1733299200 307
Description: 12
Author: aryanzandi123
Session Name: Core Chromatin State Window 2.0
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-12-11
Views: 103
1733904000 103
Description: te
Author: aryanzandi123
Session Name: Alternate Repressors and Activators Window
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-12-11
Views: 108
1733904000 108
Description: 15 stae ChromHMM model of MSC,PC,HC based on murine data and on a human ChromHMM model. (Neu et al. 2024)
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: murine and humanized ChromHMM model
Genome Assembly: mm39
Creation Date: 2024-11-15
Views: 644
1731657600 644
Description: GFP+ ChIP-Seq data
Author: nimt0001
Session Name: GFP+ ChIP-Seq
Genome Assembly: danRer10
Creation Date: 2024-11-13
Views: 551
1731484800 551
Description: This public session provides access to a track hub featuring 25,000 predicted forebrain enhancers within the hg19 human genome assembly, identified using a DNA-sequence-based prediction pipeline that incorporates tissue-specific transcription factor occupancy patterns. These enhancers, crucial for regulating gene expression during brain development, were evaluated using chromatin marks, DNase hypersensitivity data, GWAS-based SNP data, and in vivo zebrafish models. The track hub enables researchers to explore the gene regulatory basis of brain-related diseases and development, as well as investigate the role of these predicted enhancers in mammalian and primate brain evolution. For citation, refer to the paper: Shireen et al. (2024), FEBS Letters.
Author: abbasiam
Session Name: Predicted human forebrain enhancers_hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2025-01-16
Views: 216
1737014400 216
Description: ATAC-Seq from 8 sorted immune cell populations representing the early lymphoid hematopoietic differentiation cascade along the B cell lineage. Cell populations were isolated from healthy adult human bone marrow precursors and peripheral blood (n=13). A total of 78 samples are analyzed. Additional single-cell ATAC-Seq data from 5 healthy adult human bone marrow, recovering HSC, MPP, LMPP, CLP, cycling pro-B, pro-B, cycling pre-B, and pre-B cells, is analyzed.
Author: TransBioLab
Session Name: hg38_Brex
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-13
Views: 509
1731484800 509
Description: MultiRegion chrX 1 156040895 chrY 1 57227415 The KOLF2.1J cell line was derived from the HPSI0114i-kolf_2 line through extensive molecular and cellular characterization efforts, including the correction of a pathogenic mutation in ARID2. Biosample: SAMEA2547615 subject id SAMEA2398402 Originating cell line seems to have no chrY data. CRAM file /17998_8%235.cram track name=17998_8%235.cram bigDataUrl= type=bam Session:
Author: brianlee
Session Name: cram_KOLF2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-12
Views: 207
1731398400 207
Description: Module 08 Assignment
Author: LouisLiu
Session Name: test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-12
Views: 133
1731398400 133
Description: RHO/H1FOO
Author: sofiaterenziani
Session Name: RHO/H1FOO
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 120
1730966400 120
Description: NRL/CPNE6
Author: sofiaterenziani
Session Name: NRL/CPNE6
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 122
1730966400 122
Description: GUCA1B/GUCA1A
Author: sofiaterenziani
Session Name: GUCA1B/GUCA1A
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 115
1730966400 115
Description: PDE6C/RBP4
Author: sofiaterenziani
Session Name: PDE6C/RBP4
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 126
1730966400 126
Description: mm9_NRL_CPNE6
Author: l.g.altizer
Session Name: mm9_NRL_CPNE6
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 119
1730966400 119
Description: mm9_CPNE6_NRL
Author: l.g.altizer
Session Name: mm9_CPNE6_NRL
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 120
1730966400 120
Description: 11/7
Author: aehodges
Session Name: mm9//Nrl gene
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 107
1730966400 107
Description: mm9_RHO_H1FOO
Author: l.g.altizer
Session Name: mm9_RHO_H1FOO
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 112
1730966400 112
Description: 11/7
Author: aehodges
Session Name: mm9//Guac1B gene
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 108
1730966400 108
Description: GUCA1B/GUCA1A
Author: madelinebarlas
Session Name: mm9 GUCA1B/GUCA1A
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 120
1730966400 120
Description: multiomics
Author: diazacex
Session Name: Multiomics_mm9_wt_Nrl-
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 116
1730966400 116
Description: NRL/CPNE6
Author: madelinebarlas
Session Name: mm9 NRL/CPNE6
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 113
1730966400 113
Description: PDE6C/RBP4
Author: madelinebarlas
Session Name: mm9 PDE6C/RBP4
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 115
1730966400 115
Description: Mouse Retina stuff
Session Name: mm9MouseRetina
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 149
1730966400 149
Description: PDE6C/RBP4
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: PDE6C/RBP4
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 114
1730966400 114
Description: NRL/CPNE6
Author: rchelsea
Session Name: mm9 NRL
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 126
1730966400 126
Description: RHO/H1FOO
Author: rchelsea
Session Name: mm9 RHO
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 122
1730966400 122
Description: GUCA1B/GUCA1A
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: GUCA1B/GUCA1A
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 117
1730966400 117
Description: GUCA1B/GUCA1A
Author: rchelsea
Session Name: mm9 GUCA1B
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 115
1730966400 115
Description: 11/7
Author: aehodges
Session Name: mm9//PDE6C gene
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 102
1730966400 102
Description: 11/7
Author: aehodges
Session Name: mm9//RHO
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 112
1730966400 112
Description: PDE6C/RBP4
Author: rchelsea
Session Name: mm9 PDE6C
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 139
1730966400 139
Description: NRL/CPNE6
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: NRL/CPNE6
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 117
1730966400 117
Description: mm9 wt CBR Nrl-
Author: diazacex
Session Name: mm9_BAM_wt CBR_Nrl-
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 114
1730966400 114
Description: RHO/H1FOO
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: RHO/H1FOO
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 129
1730966400 129
Description: mm9_GUCA1B_GUCA1A
Author: l.g.altizer
Session Name: mm9_GUCA1B_GUCA1A
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 124
1730966400 124
Description: GB Multiomics custom data tracks - 3
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: GB Multiomics custom data tracks - 3
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 111
1730966400 111
Description: mm9_CBR_RNA_seq
Author: l.g.altizer
Session Name: mm9_CBR_RNA_seq
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 118
1730966400 118
Description: wt CBRs Nrl- CBRs
Author: diazacex
Session Name: mm9_wt CBR_Nrl- CBR
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 116
1730966400 116
Description: CBR regions with extra data
Author: ClaytonFannin
Session Name: mm9 CBR regions with extra data
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 110
1730966400 110
Description: RHO/H1FOO
Author: madelinebarlas
Session Name: mm9 RHO/H1FOO
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 123
1730966400 123
Description: GB Multiomics custom data tracks - 2
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: GB Multiomics custom data tracks - 2
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 120
1730966400 120
Description: mm9_NRL/WT
Author: l.g.altizer
Session Name: mm9_NRL/WT
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 121
1730966400 121
Description: mm9 CRX CBR mRNA
Author: madelinebarlas
Session Name: mm9 CRX CBR mRNA
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 116
1730966400 116
Description: 11/7/24
Author: aehodges
Session Name: mm9//2nd
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 124
1730966400 124
Description: mm9 CBR regions
Author: ClaytonFannin
Session Name: mm9 CBR regions
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 128
1730966400 128
Description: GB Multiomics custom data tracks - 1
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: GB Multiomics custom data tracks - 1
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 107
1730966400 107
Description: 11/7/24
Author: aehodges
Session Name: mm9//1st
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 104
1730966400 104
Description: mm9 CRX CBR
Author: madelinebarlas
Session Name: mm9 CRX CBR
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 138
1730966400 138
Description: UCSC Genome browser features two custom tracks on chromosome 22, the regions from 20,100,000 to 20,140,000. The first track, titled as “spacer,” marks every 10,000 bases with blue ticks. The second track, named “even,” traced with red ticks every 100 bases (by skip 100 bases), with a 100-base interval between each tick. The “even” track shows labels such as : “first,” “second,” and “third.” These tracks illustrates how BED format can be used to visualize specific genomic intervals with determined position.
Author: ankathi.s
Session Name: Module8 assignment
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-07
Views: 135
1730966400 135
Description: This UCSC Genome Browser session features two custom tracks on chromosome 22, covering the region from 20,100,000 to 20,140,000. The first track, titled “spacer,” marks every 10,000 bases with blue ticks. The second track, named “even,” uses red ticks every 100 bases, with a 100-base interval between each tick. The “even” track also includes labels for the first three ticks: “first,” “second,” and “third.” These tracks demonstrate how BED format can be used to visualize specific genomic intervals and annotations.
Author: das.arushi
Session Name: Module_8_assignment_hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-06
Views: 134
1730880000 134
Description: This session features two custom tracks on chromosome 22 on hg38 assembly, covering the region from 20,100,000 to 20,140,000. The first track, labeled "spacer" marks blue ticks every 10,000 bases. The second track, called "even" displays red ticks at intervals of 100 bases, with a 100-base gap between each tick. Additionally, the "even" track includes labels for the first three ticks: "first," "second," and "third." These custom tracks illustrate how BED format can be used to visualize specific genomic intervals and annotations.
Author: das.raj
Session Name: BINF 6310: Module 8 Assignment
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-06
Views: 128
1730880000 128
Description: This session includes two custom tracks on chromosome 22, spanning the region 20100000-20140000. The first track, named 'spacer', displays blue ticks every 10,000 bases. The second track, named 'even', shows red ticks every 100 bases, skipping 100 bases between each tick. The 'even' track also includes labels for the first three ticks: 'first', 'second', and 'third'. These custom tracks demonstrate the use of BED format for visualizing specific genomic intervals and annotations.
Author: Pratham donda
Session Name: Custom Track Assignment
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-06
Views: 123
1730880000 123
Description: This is ganesan murugan's session
Author: ganesan.m
Session Name: ganesan_murugan
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-06
Views: 123
1730880000 123
Description: PDE6B: macula RNA-seq peripheral retina RNA-seq
Author: diazacex
Session Name: PDE6B
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-05
Views: 118
1730793600 118
Description: RNA-seq custom tracks activity - PDE6B
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: RNA-seq custom tracks activity - PDE6B
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-05
Views: 115
1730793600 115
Description: RNA-seq custom tracks activity - PDE6A
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: RNA-seq custom tracks activity - PDE6A
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-05
Views: 120
1730793600 120
Description: PDE6A: macula RNA-seq peripheral retina RNA-seq
Author: diazacex
Session Name: PDE6A
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-05
Views: 121
1730793600 121
Description: GNAT2: macula RNA-seq peripheral retina RNA-seq
Author: diazacex
Session Name: GNAT2_rec_mac
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-05
Views: 112
1730793600 112
Description: GNAT 1: macula RNA-seq periperal retina RNA-seq
Author: diazacex
Session Name: GNAT1_ret_mac
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-05
Views: 124
1730793600 124
Description: RNA-seq custom tracks activity - GNAT2
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: RNA-seq custom tracks activity - GNAT2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-05
Views: 128
1730793600 128
Description: RNA-seq custom tracks activity - GNAT1
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: RNA-seq custom tracks activity - GNAT1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-05
Views: 126
1730793600 126
Description: RHO macula RNA-seq RHO periperal retina RNA-seq
Author: diazacex
Session Name: RHO_ret_mac
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-05
Views: 120
1730793600 120
Description: 11/5
Author: aehodges
Session Name: hg38//custom tracks
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-05
Views: 93
1730793600 93
Description: RNA-seq custom tracks activity - RHO
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: RNA-seq custom tracks activity - RHO
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-05
Views: 130
1730793600 130
Description: Rhodopsin
Session Name: hg38RHOMacula
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-05
Views: 135
1730793600 135
Description: This custom track displays genomic intervals from the provided test.bed file, showing regions of interest for our class assignment. The data spans chromosomes 1 and 7 and highlights segments related to gene regulation and expression.
Author: Shamitha
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-05
Views: 156
1730793600 156
Description: This session contains custom tracks visualizing specific features on chromosome 22 between positions 20,100,000 and 20,140,000. It includes: Spacer Track: Description: Blue ticks placed every 10,000 bases. Color: Blue (RGB: 0, 0, 255) Key Positions: chr22:20100000-20100001 chr22:20110000-20110001 chr22:20120000-20120001 Even Track: Description: Red ticks placed every 100 bases, with skips of 100 bases between ticks. Color: Red (RGB: 255, 0, 0) Key Positions: chr22:20100000-20100100 (first) chr22:20100200-20100300 (second) chr22:20100400-20100500 (third)
Author: taliaroth19
Session Name: Module 8 Assignment
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-04
Views: 125
1730707200 125
Description: customs tracks but better
Session Name: hg38CustomTracksPractice - EA
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-10-31
Views: 122
1730361600 122
Description: custom tracks
Session Name: CustomTracks_Test
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-10-31
Views: 134
1730361600 134
Description: CLIP2 is a gene that is related to linker protein function. Various RefSeq comparisons are aligned with expression levels from a variety of tissues.
Author: gwilds
Session Name: clip2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-10-31
Views: 132
1730361600 132
Description: MAPT mutations
Author: diazacex
Session Name: MAPT GB custom tracks
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-10-31
Views: 154
1730361600 154
Description: MAPT mutations looged by Clayton Fannin
Author: ClaytonFannin
Session Name: hg38 MAPT mutations Group 5 (CAF)
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-10-31
Views: 139
1730361600 139
Description: 10/31 Intro to UCSC Custom Data tracks
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: 10/31 Intro to UCSC Custom Data tracks
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-10-31
Views: 124
1730361600 124
Description: 10/31/24
Author: aehodges
Session Name: hg38//MAPT gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-10-31
Views: 125
1730361600 125
Description: UCSC GB custom tracks intro part 1A
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: UCSC GB custom tracks intro part 1A
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-10-31
Views: 124
1730361600 124
Description: practicing custom tracks
Author: diazacex
Session Name: RHO Practice
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-10-31
Views: 140
1730361600 140
Description: 10/31/24
Author: aehodges
Session Name: hg19//custom track
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-10-31
Views: 112
1730361600 112
Description: ELK3 promoter region
Author: gauravagarwal
Session Name: ELK3_promoter
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-10-29
Views: 529
1730188800 529
Description: epigenomic data generated for the training study
Author: weitzela
Session Name: 2024-10_training-study
Genome Assembly: rn7
Creation Date: 2024-10-25
Views: 270
1729843200 270
Description: Looking at the mutations in distal and tumor tissue of liver (hepatocellular carcinoma) in Patient #8. The mutations found exclusively in tumor tissue biopsy are highlighted in blue windows.
Author: dlk_browse
Session Name: Patient8_ND6
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-10-14
Views: 1012
1728892800 1012
Description: Ridley Ch 4 HTT Fig 1
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: Ridley Ch 4 HTT Fig 1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-10-14
Views: 289
1728892800 289
Description: Ridley Ch 4 HTT Fig 2
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: Ridley Ch 4 HTT Fig 2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-10-14
Views: 291
1728892800 291
Description: 10/13/24
Author: aehodges
Session Name: hg38/HTT Gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-10-13
Views: 136
1728806400 136
Description: THP-1 monocyte PMA timecourse
Author: Firefoot97
Session Name: T2T_monocyte_PMA_timecourse
Genome Assembly: hub_3671779_hs1
Creation Date: 2024-10-10
Views: 147
1728547200 147
Description: Tracks H3K9me3 during E5 gametocytogenesis
Author: sandracula
Session Name: Sci-Rep_H3K9me3_gametocytes
Genome Assembly: hub_4042823_pfa2
Creation Date: 2024-10-04
Views: 291
1728028800 291
Description: For Art & Katja
Author: mc.sierant
Session Name: RNU4-2_cons
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-30
Views: 475
1727683200 475
Description: Genes e Microssatélites do Salminus brasiliensis set/2024 - LARGE_UFSJ
Author: jguimasr
Session Name: LARGE_UFSJ-GCA_030463535.1
Genome Assembly: hub_4414904_GCA_030463535.1
Creation Date: 2024-08-05
Views: 215
1722844800 215
Description: Exon 10
Author: sofiaterenziani
Session Name: Exon 10 - HDG gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-26
Views: 144
1727337600 144
Description: HDG_hg38
Author: l.g.altizer
Session Name: HDG_hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-24
Views: 365
1727164800 365
Description: HDG gene
Author: sofiaterenziani
Session Name: hg38 - HDG gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-24
Views: 321
1727164800 321
Description: 9/24/24
Author: aehodges
Session Name: hg38//HGD session 2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-24
Views: 302
1727164800 302
Description: HGD gene - Figure 2
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: HGD gene - Figure 2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-24
Views: 156
1727164800 156
Description: Human genome HGD gene
Author: rchelsea
Session Name: hg38 HGD #1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-24
Views: 112
1727164800 112
Description: hg38HGDExon10
Session Name: hg38HGDExon10
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-24
Views: 162
1727164800 162
Description: HGD gene - Figure 1
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: HGD gene - Figure 1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-24
Views: 162
1727164800 162
Description: hg38 HGD
Session Name: hg38 HGD
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-24
Views: 148
1727164800 148
Description: edwcdewd
Author: maddiebendele
Session Name: HGD gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-23
Views: 163
1727078400 163
Description: 9/20/24
Author: aehodges
Session Name: hg38//HGD gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-20
Views: 131
1726819200 131
Description: Human chr2 compared to other mammals
Author: sofiaterenziani
Session Name: hg38 - chr2 + other organisms
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 387
1726560000 387
Description: Human and other primates
Author: rchelsea
Session Name: hg38 chr2 #2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 329
1726560000 329
Description: 9/17/24
Author: aehodges
Session Name: hg38//session 2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 352
1726560000 352
Description: Region of Human Chr2 in Ridley Chapter and Other Primates
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: Region of Human Chr2 in Ridley Chapter and Other Primates
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 156
1726560000 156
Description: wow
Author: maddiebendele
Session Name: Fusion_Event_Bendele
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 151
1726560000 151
Description: Synteny and Conservation among Primates and the human
Session Name: Synteny and Conservation among Primates
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 151
1726560000 151
Description: Human and chimp chromosome #2
Author: rchelsea
Session Name: hg38 chr2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 153
1726560000 153
Description: hg38 chromosome 2 comparison
Author: ClaytonFannin
Session Name: hg38 chromosome 2 comparison
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 176
1726560000 176
Description: region of human chromosome 2 discussed in the Ridley chapter
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: Region of Human Chr2 in Ridley Chapter
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 153
1726560000 153
Description: Humans vs different Ape comparison of chr 3
Author: diazacex
Session Name: Comparison of Chr 3
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 147
1726560000 147
Description: hg38 chromosome 2 full comparison
Author: ClaytonFannin
Session Name: hg38 chromosome 2 full comparison
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 156
1726560000 156
Description: Human chromosome 2 in comparison to chimp chromosomes to show fusion.
Author: l.g.altizer
Session Name: Chimp_fusion
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 153
1726560000 153
Description: Human fusion
Author: maddiebendele
Session Name: FusionEventBendele
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 144
1726560000 144
Description: L1_ALS_trackDb
Author: UCSC_Rambo
Session Name: L1_ALS_trackDb
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-26
Views: 159
1732608000 159
Description: for prez
Author: maddiebendele
Session Name: p.aergiona presentation
Genome Assembly: hub_3560215_GCF_000006765.1
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 180
1726560000 180
Description: Ridley Ch2 Species Pt. 1
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: Ridley Ch2 Species Pt. 1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 159
1726560000 159
Description: Comparison on Chr2 with chimps
Author: sofiaterenziani
Session Name: hg38 - chr2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 149
1726560000 149
Description: human chr2 synteny to chimps
Author: marte2je
Session Name: hg38 chimp - chr2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 145
1726560000 145
Description: comparison of the KPNA6 gene from humans to opossums
Session Name: M.Domestica Comparison
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-15
Views: 150
1726387200 150
Description: H3K27ac ChIP-seq and RNA-seq of lung neuroendocrine tumors from GSE247574.
Author: yotamd
Session Name: lung_NET
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-10
Views: 501
1725955200 501
Description: CRX gene isoforms
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: CRX gene isoforms
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-10
Views: 383
1725955200 383
Description: CRX gene
Author: ClaytonFannin
Session Name: CRX gene BIO481 CAF
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-10
Views: 408
1725955200 408
Description: 9/10
Author: aehodges
Session Name: CRX Gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-10
Views: 158
1725955200 158
Description: RHO
Session Name: hg19 RHO
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-02
Views: 188
1725264000 188
Description: The custom tracts represent Hop1 ChIP-Seq data in wild type, ATPase deficient mutant and null mutant. Bam files contains uniquely mapped reads to S. cerevisiae genome. The sample information is given below: 1. m_sorted_mapped_cer_HP1_4h_Ch_1.bam- Hop1 WT replicate 1, 2. m_sorted_mapped_cer_HP1_4h_Ch_2.bam- Hop1 WT replicate 2, 3. m_sorted_mapped_cer_HP1_4h_In_1.bam- Hop1 WT input, 4. m_sorted_mapped_cer_SK_Hp1m_4h_Ch1.bam- Hop1 ATPase mutant replicate 1, 5. m_sorted_mapped_cer_SK_Hp1m_4h_Ch2.bam- Hop1 ATPase mutant replicate 2, 6. m_sorted_mapped_cer_SK_Hp1m_4h_In2.bam- Hop1 ATPase mutant input, 7. m_sorted_mapped_cer_hp1_4h_Ch_1.bam- Hop1 null mutant repliacte 1, 8. m_sorted_mapped_cer_hp1_4h_Ch_2.bam- Hop1 null mutant replicate 2, 9. m_sorted_mapped_cer_hp1_4h_In_1.bam- Hop1 null mutant input
Author: Sameerjoshi1997
Session Name: Hop1 ChIP-Seq data
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2024-09-04
Views: 487
1725436800 487
Description: Quiz 2
Author: sofiaterenziani
Session Name: hg19 RHO 2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-03
Views: 395
1725350400 395
Description: Abigail Hodges
Author: aehodges
Session Name: hg19 RHO redo
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-03
Views: 390
1725350400 390
Description: Quiz 1
Author: sofiaterenziani
Session Name: hg19 RHO
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-03
Views: 171
1725350400 171
Description: RHO
Author: diazacex
Session Name: RHO_hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-03
Views: 171
1725350400 171
Description: hg19 RHO
Author: madelinebarlas
Session Name: hg19 RHO
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-03
Views: 176
1725350400 176
Description: RHO gene and OMIM Alleles
Author: l.g.altizer
Session Name: hg19 RHO
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-03
Views: 158
1725350400 158
Description: RHO Gene & OMIM & Multi
Author: l.g.altizer
Session Name: hg19_RHO_2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-03
Views: 163
1725350400 163
Description: hg19 RHO - quiz #2
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: hg19 RHO - quiz #2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-02
Views: 130
1725264000 130
Description: hg19 RHO - Quiz 1
Author: gplaughon912
Session Name: hg19 RHO
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-02
Views: 151
1725264000 151
Description: hg19 RHO - Quiz 2
Author: gplaughon912
Session Name: hg19 RHO - Session 2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-02
Views: 171
1725264000 171
Description: RHO NEW
Session Name: hg19RHO NEW
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-02
Views: 149
1725264000 149
Description: same as the previous rho but with highlight
Author: maddiebendele
Session Name: hg19 RHO2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-02
Views: 146
1725264000 146
Description: Quiz 2
Author: aehodges
Session Name: hg19 RHO session 2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-01
Views: 161
1725177600 161
Description: hg19 RHO
Author: ClaytonFannin
Session Name: hg19 RHO
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-01
Views: 153
1725177600 153
Description: It is tracked by samples and treatment groups. Some differentially accessible peaks highlighted
Author: Pengxin Yang
Session Name: pig_BCG_ATAC_filtered_by_sample_and_merged_highlight
Genome Assembly: susScr11
Creation Date: 2025-03-03
Views: 25
1740988800 25
Description: Fall24 MouseBIO481 group5 (CAF)
Author: ClaytonFannin
Session Name: Fall24 MouseBIO481 group5 (CAF)
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-08-29
Views: 161
1724918400 161
Description: Fall24 Worm BIO481 group#3
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: Fall24 Worm BIO481 group#3
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2024-08-29
Views: 121
1724918400 121
Description: First experience using UCSC Genome Browser looking at the Rhodopsin gene of a mouse
Session Name: Fall24 MouseBIO481 group5
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-08-29
Views: 175
1724918400 175
Description: C.elegans ICD-1
Author: marte2je
Session Name: Fall24 Worm Bio481 group 3 #2
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2024-08-29
Views: 104
1724918400 104
Description: Fall24 MouseBIO481 group6
Author: madelinebarlas
Session Name: Fall24 MouseBIO481 group6
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-08-29
Views: 173
1724918400 173
Description: CGEMS Mouse AEH Test
Author: aehodges
Session Name: Fall24 MouseBIO481 group6
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-08-29
Views: 188
1724918400 188
Description: Fall24 Worm BIO481 group#3 C. elegans
Author: sofiaterenziani
Session Name: Fall24 Worm BIO481 group#3
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2024-08-29
Views: 140
1724918400 140
Description: Fall24 Worm BIO481 group 3
Author: rchelsea
Session Name: Fall24 Worm BIO481 group 3
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2024-08-29
Views: 204
1724918400 204
Description: MEK
Author: diazacex
Session Name: Fall24 Yeast BIO481 group#2
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2024-08-29
Views: 132
1724918400 132
Description: In class assignment 8/29
Author: Mitcheij
Session Name: Fall24 Worm BIO481 group 4
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2024-08-29
Views: 166
1724918400 166
Description: C. elegans ICD-1
Author: marte2je
Session Name: Fall24 Worm Bio481 group 3
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2024-08-29
Views: 151
1724918400 151
Description: BIO481 UCSC Genome Browser Assignment - Group 5 Mouse
Author: gplaughon912
Session Name: Fall24 MouseBIO481 Group5
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-08-29
Views: 185
1724918400 185
Description: Manuscript: Feedback Regulation of Retinaldehyde Reductase DHRS3, A Critical Determinant of Retinoic Acid Homeostasis Online resources: Potential RAR-bound regions, were identified using the ChIP-Seq tracks from the ReMap2022 Atlas on the GRCm38/mm10 mouse genome [1], accessed via the UCSC Genome Browser in April 2024 and filtered for RAR-ChIP sets. Potential RARE motifs were identified using TRANSFAC and JASPAR databases [2]. RAR ChIP-Seq tracks from ReMap and promoter and enhancer elements contained in ENCODE [3] are depicted in Fig. S4. 1. Hammal, F., de Langen, P., Bergon, A., Lopez, F. & Ballester, B. (2022) ReMap 2022: a database of Human, Mouse, Drosophila and Arabidopsis regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of DNA-binding sequencing experiments, Nucleic Acids Res. 50, D316-D325. 2. Rauluseviciute, I., Riudavets-Puig, R., Blanc-Mathieu, R., Castro-Mondragon, J. A., Ferenc, K., Kumar, V., Lemma, R. B., Lucas, J., Cheneby, J., Baranasic, D., Khan, A., Fornes, O., Gundersen, S., Johansen, M., Hovig, E., Lenhard, B., Sandelin, A., Wasserman, W. W., Parcy, F. & Mathelier, A. (2024) JASPAR 2024: 20th anniversary of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles, Nucleic Acids Res. 52, D174-D182. 3. Consortium, E. P., Moore, J. E., Purcaro, M. J., Pratt, H. E., Epstein, C. B., Shoresh, N., Adrian, J., Kawli, T., Davis, C. A., Dobin, A., Kaul, R., Halow, J., Van Nostrand, E. L., Freese, P., Gorkin, D. U., Shen, Y., He, Y., Mackiewicz, M., Pauli-Behn, F., Williams, B. A., Mortazavi, A., Keller, C. A., Zhang, X. O., Elhajjajy, S. I., Huey, J., Dickel, D. E., Snetkova, V., Wei, X., Wang, X., Rivera-Mulia, J. C., Rozowsky, J., Zhang, J., Chhetri, S. B., Zhang, J., Victorsen, A., White, K. P., Visel, A., Yeo, G. W., Burge, C. B., Lecuyer, E., Gilbert, D. M., Dekker, J., Rinn, J., Mendenhall, E. M., Ecker, J. R., Kellis, M., Klein, R. J., Noble, W. S., Kundaje, A., Guigo, R., Farnham, P. J., Cherry, J. M., Myers, R. M., Ren, B., Graveley, B. R., Gerstein, M. B., Pennacchio, L. A., Snyder, M. P., Bernstein, B. E., Wold, B., Hardison, R. C., Gingeras, T. R., Stamatoyannopoulos, J. A. & Weng, Z. (2020) Expanded encyclopaedias of DNA elements in the human and mouse genomes, Nature. 583, 699-710.
Author: alexmoise1
Session Name: mm10 RAR cREs Mouse Dhrs3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2024-08-16
Views: 984
1723795200 984
Description: CRX
Session Name: hg38 CRX
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-12
Views: 165
1726128000 165
Description: For Bioinformatics class assignment purpose, to be viewed by the instructors.
Author: hemib
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-10-08
Views: 148
1728374400 148
Description: CUT&RUN dataset for Six3 (with antibodies Six3_abs and Six3_ori), Six6, and IgG control for mouse embryonic retinas at E13.5.
Author: Wei_einstein
Session Name: PlosOne
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2024-08-08
Views: 973
1723104000 973
Description: hg19 RHO altered for quiz 2
Author: ClaytonFannin
Session Name: hg19 RHO altered
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-02
Views: 152
1725264000 152
Description: GWAS endometriosis associations around RERG
Author: Pkgg77
Session Name: RERG - ras ER reg high in uterus CHR12
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-07-22
Views: 1564
1721635200 1564
Description: These datasets are part of the manuscript title: Interpreting regulatory mechanisms of Hippo signaling through a deep learning sequence model. Example browser position : chr15:102015496-102017061
Author: KhyatiD
Session Name: Dalal_hippo_pathway_TFs_mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2025-02-19
Views: 56
1739952000 56
Description: This session shows how UShER can place H5N1 sequences on the tree of viral samples. Here are the steps to replicate a similar session. First find an example viral sequence such as SRR28752449_HA_cns.fa in this repository: With the fasta sequence copied follow these steps. 1. Navigate to UShER, quick link: 2. Paste in a sequence: >Consensus_SRR28752449_HA_cns_threshold_0.5_quality_20 ATGGAGAACATAG... 3. Click "Upload" 4. Click "View in Genome Browser" 5. Note the placement near the branch of H5N1 near other cattle lineages (click session image on the left to see, find the light blue horizontal line highlighting Consensus_SRR28752449).
Author: brianlee
Session Name: H5N1
Genome Assembly: hub_4086371_GCF_000864105.1
Creation Date: 2024-07-01
Views: 1566
1719820800 1566
Description: hg38 CNGB1 alt polyA isoforms
Author: renkejhsph
Session Name: hg38 CNGB1 alt polyA isoforms
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-06-19
Views: 1098
1718784000 1098
Description: Archaic introgression identified with the use of hmmix by Skov et al., ( Genotype data from 1000 genomes projects.
Author: daxa213
Session Name: hg19_SkovHMM_1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-10-29
Views: 139
1730188800 139
Description: HumanDevelopingRetinaAtlas
Author: zhenzuo2
Session Name: HumanDevelopingRetinaAtlas
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-06-06
Views: 886
1717660800 886
Description: "A two-step regulatory mechanism dynamically controls histone H3 acetylation by SAGA complex at growth-related promoters" paper genome wide data (Zencir et al., 2024)
Author: sevil
Session Name: GSE268170_BIGWIG FILES
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2024-06-05
Views: 571
1717574400 571
Description: All QTLs from datasets in our S. cerevisiae QTL datasets reanalysis. QTL Track Name Format: - GENE::dataset_name$$LOD, where LOD is rounded to the nearest integer Relevant Fields: - Color: blue for mRNA QTLs, brown for protein QTLs, black for xQTLs - Color Intensity: darker with increasing QTL LOD - Strand: direction of QTL as considered in the paper - Arrows: right for positive QTL effect
Author: matthewf
Session Name: Reanalysis of QTL Datasets
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2024-08-05
Views: 190
1722844800 190
Description: long retinal isoform of shisa5
Author: JonathanM70
Session Name: hg38 shisa5 long isoform
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-06-03
Views: 456
1717401600 456
Description: Chip-seq
Author: ucscfzl
Session Name: SIRT3KO
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-08-21
Views: 185
1724227200 185
Description: nair
Author: xiaopei
Session Name: hg38_xiaopei_May20
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-05-20
Views: 642
1716192000 642
Description: test
Author: xiaopei
Session Name: hg38_test2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-05-20
Views: 564
1716192000 564
Description: test 1
Author: xiaopei
Session Name: hg38_test1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-05-20
Views: 442
1716192000 442
Description: ATAC-seq YZ
Author: Yichao Zhou
Session Name: NewATAC-seq analysis
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2024-05-20
Views: 166
1716192000 166
Description: hg18_rnaseq
Author: hyfydky
Session Name: hg18_rnaseq
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2024-05-18
Views: 249
1716019200 249
Description: hg38_GSE176016
Author: hyfydky
Session Name: hg38_GSE176016
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-05-10
Views: 833
1715328000 833
Description: c.4619T>G P.Leu1540Arg Revel score
Author: sk202
Session Name: VWF_1540
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-05-16
Views: 251
1715846400 251
Description: test
Author: yunna
Session Name: test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-05-02
Views: 435
1714636800 435
Description: isPCR hits in two adjacent genes. Shows amplicons expected if using mRNA as template.
Author: netherlands2024
Session Name: hg19_isPCR
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-04-29
Views: 1324
1714377600 1324
Description: CRX binding sites for HTT gene in mouse genome
Author: eraterman
Session Name: mm9 HTT
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-04-10
Views: 1649
1712736000 1649
Description: CRX binding sites for THRB gene in mouse genome
Author: eraterman
Session Name: mm9 THRB
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-04-10
Views: 1247
1712736000 1247
Description: CRX binding sites for PDE6A gene in mouse genome
Author: eraterman
Session Name: mm9 PDE6A
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-04-10
Views: 558
1712736000 558
Description: CRX binding sites for RCVRN gene in mouse genome
Author: eraterman
Session Name: mm9 RCVRN
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-04-10
Views: 291
1712736000 291
Description: CRX binding sites for RHO gene in mouse genome
Author: eraterman
Session Name: mm9 RHO
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-04-10
Views: 281
1712736000 281
Description: class assignment 4-10-24
Author: ShMaBe
Session Name: CRX ChIP Seq wt Nrl
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-04-10
Views: 264
1712736000 264
Description: lab 4-3
Author: Ruffi2ec
Session Name: Lab due 4-3
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-04-04
Views: 264
1712217600 264
Description: This session contains a custom track showing near coding regions in PanelApp green genes, as described in the article "Systematic identification of disease-causing promoter and untranslated region variants in 8,040 undiagnosed individuals with rare disease" Martin-Geary et al 2024
Author: ageary
Session Name: CRDG 'Near coding regions' Martin-Geary et al '24
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-04-05
Views: 304
1712304000 304
Description: yes
Author: aryanzandi123
Session Name: REST and Co-repressor Window
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-12-11
Views: 119
1733904000 119
Description: a demo
Author: xiyuan09
Session Name: xyuan2024-hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-03-30
Views: 493
1711785600 493
Description: U2AF2 iCLIP (Sutandy et al 2018) and eCLIP (ENCODE) processed with racoon_clip
Author: melinak
Session Name: U2AF2_iCLIP_and_eCLIP
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-04-12
Views: 278
1712908800 278
Description: Ribosome Footprinting profile of miR181a/b-1 knockout vs wildtype in mouse thymocytes with three samples each. Data from Verheyden and Klostermann et al. 2024 (
Author: melinak
Session Name: miR181_RibosomeFootprint_Verheyden&Klostermann_2024
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2024-03-26
Views: 668
1711440000 668
Description: hg19 RHO #2 Quiz #@
Author: rchelsea
Session Name: hg19 RHO #2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-02
Views: 116
1725264000 116
Description: hg19 RHO Quiz #1
Author: rchelsea
Session Name: hg19 RHO
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-02
Views: 167
1725264000 167
Description: hg19 RHO
Author: madisonflorenz
Session Name: hg19 RHO
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-09-02
Views: 161
1725264000 161
Description: miR181-eCLIP data from Verheyden and Klostermann 2024. Shown are the chimeric and non-chimeric crosslinks for four conditions: Ago2 IP Ago2 IP with enrichment for miR181 Ago2 IP with miR181a/b-1 knockout Ago2 IP with miR181a/b-1 knockout and a following enrichment for miR181 In addition binding sites are shown for Ago2 IP Ago2 IP with enrichment for miR181 Ago2 IP with miR181a/b-1 knockout And the differential binding sites of Ago2 IP with miR181a/b-1 knockout vs Ago2 IP
Author: melinak
Session Name: miR181-eCLIP_Verheyden&Klostermann_2024
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2024-03-25
Views: 413
1711353600 413
Description: This browser track accompanies the Alternative Proteome Detection Project out of the Sheynkman Lab at the University of Virginia.
Author: emilyfwatts
Session Name: Alternative-Proteome-Detection
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-03-15
Views: 454
1710489600 454
Description: Rearrangements of the 17q24.3 region associated with abnormal phenotypes.
Author: 429035671
Session Name: Pei_et_al_2024_fig6
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-03-11
Views: 811
1710144000 811
Description: Test session for Module 7 of BINF 6310.
Author: oconnor.ea
Session Name: oconnor-binf6310
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-03-01
Views: 955
1709280000 955
Description: Blue ticks every 10000 bases. Red ticks every 100 bases, skip 100
Author: lizkiefer
Session Name: hg38_chr22_KieferLiz
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-02-27
Views: 1419
1709020800 1419
Description: ATAC-seq of MaSC(mammary stem cell)
Author: woaichixiangcai
Session Name: MaSC_ATAC
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2024-02-18
Views: 757
1708243200 757
Description: Track Decorators help page:
Author: BGMP2024
Session Name: Track_Decorators
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-01-28
Views: 713
1706428800 713
Description: Highlighted exons 5-8 of ENST00000269305.9
Author: BGMP2024
Session Name: hg38_BGMP2024_Ex
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-01-28
Views: 834
1706428800 834
Description: practice
Author: jordancibellis
Session Name: hg19_480L
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-01-24
Views: 660
1706083200 660
Description: BIO480L Spring 24
Author: penguinttoes
Session Name: hg19_newsome
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-01-24
Views: 412
1706083200 412
Description: This is Harshini and Jenn's steps to solve FAD!
Author: creminslab
Session Name: FAD_Harshini_hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-01-19
Views: 407
1705651200 407
Description: te
Author: aryanzandi123
Session Name: Polycomb and Chromatin-Binding Proteins Window
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-12-11
Views: 99
1733904000 99
Description: This session features a track hub with MaveDB experiment datasets mapped to the GRCh38 reference genome
Author: mcline
Session Name: MaveDB
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-04-03
Views: 375
1712131200 375
Description: PE2 editing efficiency in synHEK3 reporters in K562 cells
Author: lxyttpp912
Session Name: hg38_synHEK3_hub
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-12-26
Views: 857
1703577600 857
Description: Differentially methylated CGIs under DiPRO/ZNF555 knockdown in human rhabdomyosarcoma and myoblast cells (shDiPRO1 vs. non-targeting shCTL)
Author: dr_finder
Session Name: metCGI_ZNF55/DiPRO1_2023
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-12-20
Views: 268
1703059200 268
Description: Coverage tracks from SF3B1-humanized yeast treated with splicing inhibitors Plad-B and Thail-A from Hunter et al. Published in RNA
Author: mannyares
Session Name: Hunter_etal
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2023-12-13
Views: 818
1702454400 818
Description: may
Author: xiaopei
Session Name: hg38_xiaopei_May21
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-05-21
Views: 232
1716278400 232
Description: bigWig files for promoter NDR resetting after replication (Zencir et al.,2024)
Author: julien_soudet
Session Name: EdU_replication
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2024-05-31
Views: 240
1717142400 240
Description: CTCF loops, Oxford nanopore phased methylation and RNAseq in LUHMES cell line for the 15q11-q13 region. View of AS imprinted region as shown in Figure 7A of Gutierrez Fugon et al, Human Molecular Genetics, 2024.
Author: ojg333
Session Name: AS_Locus_Fig7A_Fugon_2024
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-12-06
Views: 237
1701849600 237
Description: A snapshot from the genome browser displaying the enrichment of H3K27ac in the replicates of the two groups, with and without sodium lactate.Yanhua Zhao, Meiting Zhang, Xingwei Huang, Jiqiang Liu, Yuchen Sun, Fan Zhang, Na Zhang and Lei Lei Lactate modulates zygotic genome activation though H3K18 lactylation rather than H3K27 acetylation.
Author: ZhangMeiTing
Session Name: H3K27ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2023-12-03
Views: 652
1701590400 652
Description: The UCSC Browser show the enrichment of the H3K27ac signal of Eif2b5 in both +L and -L groups.Yanhua Zhao, Meiting Zhang, Xingwei Huang, Jiqiang Liu, Yuchen Sun, Fan Zhang, Na Zhang and Lei Lei Lactate modulates zygotic genome activation though H3K18 lactylation rather than H3K27 acetylation.
Author: ZhangMeiTing
Session Name: Eif2b5_H3K27ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2023-12-03
Views: 474
1701590400 474
Description: The UCSC Browser show the enrichment of the H3K27ac signal of Ccnt1 in both +L and -L groups.Yanhua Zhao, Meiting Zhang, Xingwei Huang, Jiqiang Liu, Yuchen Sun, Fan Zhang, Na Zhang and Lei Lei Lactate modulates zygotic genome activation though H3K18 lactylation rather than H3K27 acetylation.
Author: ZhangMeiTing
Session Name: Ccnt1_H3K27ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2023-12-03
Views: 427
1701590400 427
Description: The UCSC Browser show the enrichment of the H3K27ac signal of Dppa2 in both +L and -L groups.Yanhua Zhao, Meiting Zhang, Xingwei Huang, Jiqiang Liu, Yuchen Sun, Fan Zhang, Na Zhang and Lei Lei Lactate modulates zygotic genome activation though H3K18 lactylation rather than H3K27 acetylation.
Author: ZhangMeiTing
Session Name: Dppa2_H3K27ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2023-12-03
Views: 356
1701590400 356
Description: The UCSC Browser show the enrichment of the H3K18la signal of Ccnt1 in both +L and -L groups.Yanhua Zhao, Meiting Zhang, Xingwei Huang, Jiqiang Liu, Yuchen Sun, Fan Zhang, Na Zhang and Lei Lei Lactate modulates zygotic genome activation though H3K18 lactylation rather than H3K27 acetylation.
Author: ZhangMeiTing
Session Name: Ccnt1_H3K18la
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2023-12-03
Views: 375
1701590400 375
Description: The UCSC Browser show the enrichment of the H3K18la signal of Eif2b5 in both +L and -L groups.Yanhua Zhao, Meiting Zhang, Xingwei Huang, Jiqiang Liu, Yuchen Sun, Fan Zhang, Na Zhang and Lei Lei Lactate modulates zygotic genome activation though H3K18 lactylation rather than H3K27 acetylation.
Author: ZhangMeiTing
Session Name: Eif2b5_H3K18la
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2023-12-03
Views: 362
1701590400 362
Description: A snapshot from the genome browser displaying the enrichment of H3K18la in the replicates of the two groups, with and without sodium lactate.Yanhua Zhao, Meiting Zhang, Xingwei Huang, Jiqiang Liu, Yuchen Sun, Fan Zhang, Na Zhang and Lei Lei Lactate modulates zygotic genome activation though H3K18 lactylation rather than H3K27 acetylation.
Author: ZhangMeiTing
Session Name: H3K18la
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2023-12-03
Views: 371
1701590400 371
Description: The UCSC Browser show the enrichment of the H3K18la signal of Dppa2 in both +L and -L groups.Yanhua Zhao, Meiting Zhang, Xingwei Huang, Jiqiang Liu, Yuchen Sun, Fan Zhang, Na Zhang and Lei Lei Lactate modulates zygotic genome activation though H3K18 lactylation rather than H3K27 acetylation.
Author: ZhangMeiTing
Session Name: Dppa2_H3K18la
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2023-12-03
Views: 371
1701590400 371
Description: ZC3 ChIP
Author: yannfrey
Session Name: ZC3 ChIP
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-11-26
Views: 519
1700985600 519
Description: CTCF loops, Oxford nanopore phased methylation and RNAseq in LUHMES cell line for the 15q11-q13 region. Zoomed in view of the MAGEL2 anchor region as shown in Figure 9A of Gutierrez Fugon et al, Human Molecular Genetics, 2024.
Author: ojg333
Session Name: MAGEL2_Fig9A _Fugon_2024
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-07-22
Views: 182
1721635200 182
Description: RNA omics stuff
Author: nrpowell
Session Name: 2023_Nov_CYP3A4_fold/m6a/eclip_comparison
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-11-20
Views: 660
1700467200 660
Description: Tdg&p53
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: Tdg&p53
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2023-11-18
Views: 384
1700294400 384
Description: PDE6C&RBP4
Author: gracewattawa
Session Name: PDE6C&RBP4
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-14
Views: 421
1699948800 421
Description: p
Author: julianna0220
Session Name: PDE6C
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-14
Views: 444
1699948800 444
Description: GUCA1B&GUCA1A
Author: gracewattawa
Session Name: GUCA1B&GUCA1A
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-14
Views: 298
1699948800 298
Description: d
Author: julianna0220
Session Name: GUCA1B
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-14
Views: 392
1699948800 392
Description: mm9 PDE6C/RBP4 Multiomics
Author: chelseadonovan
Session Name: mm9 PDE6C/RBP4 Multiomics
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-14
Views: 413
1699948800 413
Description: NRL&CPNE6
Author: gracewattawa
Session Name: NRL&CPNE6
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-14
Views: 278
1699948800 278
Description: d
Author: julianna0220
Session Name: cone6
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-14
Views: 399
1699948800 399
Description: nrl version of everything
Author: joshraynes
Session Name: Nrl version
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-14
Views: 384
1699948800 384
Description: RHO&H1foo
Author: gracewattawa
Session Name: RHO&H1foo rnaseq
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-14
Views: 263
1699948800 263
Description: pho
Author: julianna0220
Session Name: RHO Pho
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-14
Views: 405
1699948800 405
Description: mm9 GUCA1B/GUCA1A Multiomics
Author: chelseadonovan
Session Name: mm9 GUCA1B/GUCA1A Multiomics
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-14
Views: 366
1699948800 366
Description: mm9 NRL/CPNE6 Multiomics
Author: chelseadonovan
Session Name: mm9 NRL/CPNE6 Multiomics
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-14
Views: 415
1699948800 415
Description: RNASEQnrl
Author: gracewattawa
Session Name: RNASEQnrl
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-14
Views: 380
1699948800 380
Description: mm9 RHO Multiomics
Author: chelseadonovan
Session Name: mm9 RHO Multiomics
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-14
Views: 409
1699948800 409
Description: BINF6310
Author: varun1010
Session Name: hg38_assignment7_1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-11-12
Views: 407
1699776000 407
Description: RCVRN gene
Author: Isabella Lindblad
Session Name: 11-9_mouse3_RCVRN
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 403
1699516800 403
Description: mm9 RCVRN CBR sites
Author: chelseadonovan
Session Name: mm9 RCVRN CBR sites
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 402
1699516800 402
Description: RCVRN
Author: kenzie.prettyman
Session Name: RCVRN
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 399
1699516800 399
Description: rcvrn
Author: julianna0220
Session Name: RCVRN
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 400
1699516800 400
Description: HTT
Author: kenzie.prettyman
Session Name: HTT
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 435
1699516800 435
Description: mm9 HTT CBR sites
Author: chelseadonovan
Session Name: mm9 HTT CBR sites
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 409
1699516800 409
Description: HTT
Author: julianna0220
Session Name: HTT
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 404
1699516800 404
Description: CRX binding regions of PDE6A
Author: taylo2ga
Session Name: Mouse PDE6A
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 398
1699516800 398
Description: THRB
Author: kenzie.prettyman
Session Name: THRB
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 400
1699516800 400
Description: thrb
Author: julianna0220
Session Name: THRB
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 388
1699516800 388
Description: mm9 THRB CBR sites
Author: chelseadonovan
Session Name: mm9 THRB CBR sites
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 409
1699516800 409
Description: PDE6A
Author: kenzie.prettyman
Session Name: PDE6A
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 400
1699516800 400
Description: RHO nrl- onlh
Author: joshraynes
Session Name: RHO Nrl-
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 377
1699516800 377
Description: PDE6A
Author: julianna0220
Session Name: PDE6A
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 398
1699516800 398
Description: mm9 PDE6A CBR sites
Author: chelseadonovan
Session Name: mm9 PDE6A CBR sites
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 406
1699516800 406
Description: Viewing Mouse Genome 2007 (mm9), RHO gene with CRX binding sites
Author: chelseadonovan
Session Name: mm9 RHO CBR sites
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 398
1699516800 398
Description: crx binding
Author: julianna0220
Session Name: CRX JP
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 402
1699516800 402
Description: CBR data in PDE6A gene on mouse mm9 genome
Author: ryleestrother
Session Name: CBR PDE6A mm9
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 403
1699516800 403
Description: CBR regions of the RCVRN gene
Author: taylo2ga
Session Name: Mouse RCVRN
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 391
1699516800 391
Description: crx binding sites
Author: gracewattawa
Session Name: CRX binding sites
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 401
1699516800 401
Description: CRX binding regions of the gene HTT
Author: taylo2ga
Session Name: Mouse HTT
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 394
1699516800 394
Description: CRX binding sites wt and mutant
Author: kenzie.prettyman
Session Name: CRX
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 423
1699516800 423
Description: Enke Bio481 THRB Gene in mm9
Author: cooperki
Session Name: THRB_Mouse
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 381
1699516800 381
Description: RHO gene
Author: Isabella Lindblad
Session Name: 11-9_mouse_RHO
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 387
1699516800 387
Description: CRX binding regions of the THRB gene
Author: taylo2ga
Session Name: Mouse THRB
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-11-09
Views: 391
1699516800 391
Description: binf6310 hg38 custom track
Author: sydneycole
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-11-05
Views: 520
1699171200 520
Description: test.bed custom tracks
Author: rpatel01
Session Name: binfmodule7
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-11-03
Views: 780
1698998400 780
Description: BINF6310 MODULE 7
Author: Pruthweish27
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-31
Views: 689
1698739200 689
Description: BINF6310 MODULE 7
Author: sreepoojitha
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-11-02
Views: 407
1698912000 407
Description: ancestry - taster nontaster
Author: fareehaa_ahm
Session Name: ancestry
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-11-02
Views: 403
1698912000 403
Description: hg19 TAS2R38 Ancestry Data
Author: chelseadonovan
Session Name: hg19 TAS2R38 Ancestry Data
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-11-02
Views: 413
1698912000 413
Description: ancestry
Author: julianna0220
Session Name:
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-11-02
Views: 390
1698912000 390
Description: SNPs
Author: ryleestrother
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-11-02
Views: 379
1698912000 379
Description: data
Author: kenzie.prettyman
Session Name:
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-11-02
Views: 389
1698912000 389
Description: custom tracks - BIO 481
Author: fareehaa_ahm
Session Name: MYBPC1_customtracks_Fareeha
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-11-02
Views: 418
1698912000 418
Description: MYBPC1
Author: julianna0220
Session Name: MYBPC1 JP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-11-02
Views: 392
1698912000 392
Description: Final with descriptions
Author: rahrigHK
Session Name: MYBPC1 Activity (Final)
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-11-02
Views: 407
1698912000 407
Description: MYBPC1 session
Author: joshraynes
Session Name: MYBPC1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-11-02
Views: 381
1698912000 381
Description: MYBPC1 assignment
Author: kenzie.prettyman
Session Name: MYBPC1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-11-02
Views: 398
1698912000 398
Description: hg19 assembly showing MYBPC1 gene & custom tracks
Author: chelseadonovan
Session Name: hg19 MYBPC1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-11-02
Views: 398
1698912000 398
Description: BINF_6310 Module 7
Author: kandalkarankita
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-11-02
Views: 384
1698912000 384
Description: BINF-6310
Author: Harshini144
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-11-02
Views: 375
1698912000 375
Description: BINF 6310 Module 7
Author: nallaboluvikas
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-11-01
Views: 1018
1698825600 1018
Description: Custom tracks for genomic variants on chr22
Author: sdzzwzy
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-11-01
Views: 394
1698825600 394
Description: BINF6310
Author: SaradaPriya_Mns
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-31
Views: 614
1698739200 614
Description: binf6310
Author: varun1010
Session Name: hg38_assignment7
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-31
Views: 494
1698739200 494
Description: BINF 6310
Author: Pavitra Dass
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-31
Views: 404
1698739200 404
Description: BINF6310
Author: Meghana09
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-31
Views: 490
1698739200 490
Description: custom link for assignment7
Author: srivastava.sank
Session Name: assignment7track
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-31
Views: 383
1698739200 383
Description: DAG session
Author: DaniGonzalez
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-10-31
Views: 134
1730361600 134
Description: Incorporating a customized track
Author: Tanvi
Session Name: test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-31
Views: 407
1698739200 407
Description: BINF6310 Assignment: Incorporating a customized track using the provided bed file into the UCSC Genome Browser. Submitted by AashkaB
Author: aashka.b
Session Name: test_session_AB
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-31
Views: 390
1698739200 390
Description: This is a session run as a part of assignment for the course BINF6310
Author: Unnati Jonnavithula
Session Name: UJ1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-31
Views: 401
1698739200 401
Description: this is the assignment
Author: yuqiaotang
Session Name: 6300assignment7
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-31
Views: 414
1698739200 414
Description: Module 7 - BIF6310
Author: trangtu97
Session Name: hg38_human
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-30
Views: 389
1698652800 389
Description: test for school
Author: tojaga.m
Session Name: Eosinophil
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-26
Views: 408
1698307200 408
Description: Harvard MCB197 course, histone modifications in human tissues
Author: amandajoyward
Session Name: MCB197-histone
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-20
Views: 388
1697788800 388
Description: hg38 Blat of in situ hybridization probes to NTRK2.
Author: amandajoyward
Session Name: MCB197-NTRK2 probes
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-30
Views: 374
1698652800 374
Description: BINF 6310
Author: pavan kumar
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-30
Views: 395
1698652800 395
Description: Quiz 10/12
Author: jschifflin
Session Name: HTT gene assignment
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-12
Views: 705
1697097600 705
Description: hg38 HTT gene BIO481 - 10/12/23
Author: fareehaa_ahm
Session Name: hg38_HTT
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-12
Views: 564
1697097600 564
Description: hg38 genome viewing HTT gene with GENCODE V32 and Simple Repeats
Author: chelseadonovan
Session Name: hg38 HTT gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-11
Views: 943
1697011200 943
Description: htt gene
Author: julianna0220
Session Name: hg38 HTT gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-11
Views: 471
1697011200 471
Description: haethethntgnarangr
Author: jrkenne
Session Name: hg19_hbg
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-10-02
Views: 707
1696233600 707
Description: Hemoglobin
Author: Biniyam
Session Name: hg19_hemoglobin
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-09-28
Views: 559
1695888000 559
Description: The genes HBB and HBD are both expressed in red blood cells, but HBB is also expressed in many other tissues, whereas HBD in expressed in red blood cells almost exclusively.
Author: laparidis.e
Session Name: hg19_hemoglobin
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-11-05
Views: 388
1699171200 388
Description: Methylation data for human and mouse
Author: masarun
Session Name: masa_test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-09-21
Views: 978
1695283200 978
Description: BAF and histone markers in SS mouse model
Author: Li Li
Session Name: mouse_SS_BAF_histoneMarkers
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2024-06-27
Views: 225
1719475200 225
Description: Chip seq
Author: xiaopei
Session Name: Chip_seq_A
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-06-27
Views: 207
1719475200 207
Description: Microsatellites Density Landscape (Main track) Including sub-tracks: Landscape of STR Density, HMDP, MMDP, LMDP Description: The landscapes illustrated the relative density of local microsatellites per kilobase of sequence along the comprehensive reference Human Genome GRCh38 , indicating that microsatellites tend to aggregate in a characteristic manner, resulting in numerous peaks of microsatellite density throughout the genome. These microsatellite density peaks can be categorized into three distinct types: High Microsatellite Density Peak (HMDP), Middle Microsatellite Density Peak (MMDP), and Low Microsatellite Density Peak (LMDP). Therefore, the main track contains four sub-tracks which are Landscape of STR Density, HMDP, MMDP, LMDP. Methods: Each chromosome sequence of GRCh38 was divided into a large number of units (bins) by the differential method with a resolution of 1kb. The local microsatellite relative density in every 1kb resolution unit was referred as position-related Differential-unit1kb (D1) Relative Density (pD1RD) and calculated by formula: pD1RDi = mi/1kb × 1000. Track statistics summary: Genome Assembled Size (bp): 3,088,269,832 Total peak count: 208,638 HMDP count: 3,480 MMDP count: 26,310 LMDP count: 178,848 Session Name: Microsatellite Density Landscape References: Xia Y, Li D, Chen T, Pan S, Huang H, Zhang W, Liang Y, Fu Y, Peng Z, Zhang H et al. Microsatellite density landscapes illustrate short tandem repeats aggregation in the complete reference human genome. BMC Genomics. 2024; 25(1):960. PMID: 39402450; DOI: 10.1186/s12864-024-10843-9 Li D, Pan S, Zhang H, Fu Y, Peng Z, Zhang L, et al. A comprehensive microsatellite landscape of human Y-DNA at kilobase resolution. BMC genomics. 2021; 22(1):76. PMID: 33482734; PMCID: PMC7821415
Author: zhongyangtan
Session Name: GRCh38.p14
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-09-10
Views: 257
1694332800 257
Description: Microsatellites Density Landscape (Main track) Including sub-tracks: Landscape of STR Density, HMDP, MMDP, LMDP Description: "The microsatellite, also called short tandem repeats (STRs), density landscapes illustrated the relative density of local microsatellites per kilobase of sequence along the complete reference Human Genome T2T-CHM13, indicating that microsatellites tend to aggregate in a characteristic manner, resulting in numerous microsatellite density peaks throughout the genome. These microsatellite density peaks can be categorized into three distinct types: High Microsatellite Density Peak (HMDP), Middle Microsatellite Density Peak (MMDP), and Low Microsatellite Density Peak (LMDP). Therefore, the main track contains four sub-tracks which are Landscape of STR Density, HMDP, MMDP, LMDP. Methods: Each chromosome sequence of T2T-CHM13 was divided into a large number of units (bins) by the differential method with a resolution of 1kb. The local microsatellite relative density in every 1kb resolution unit was referred as position-related Differential-unit1kb (D1) Relative Density (pD1RD) and calculated by formula: pD1RDi = mi/1kb × 1000. Track statistics summary: Genome Assembled Size (bp): 3,117,275,501 Total peak count: 244,729 HMDP count: 8,823 MMDP count: 36,257 LMDP count: 199,649 Microsatellites Density Landscape References: Xia Y, Li D, Chen T, Pan S, Huang H, Zhang W, Liang Y, Fu Y, Peng Z, Zhang H et al. Microsatellite density landscapes illustrate short tandem repeats aggregation in the complete reference human genome. BMC Genomics. 2024; 25(1):960. PMID: 39402450; DOI: 10.1186/s12864-024-10843-9 Li D, Pan S, Zhang H, Fu Y, Peng Z, Zhang L, et al. A comprehensive microsatellite landscape of human Y-DNA at kilobase resolution. BMC genomics. 2021; 22(1):76. PMID: 33482734; PMCID: PMC7821415
Author: zhongyangtan
Session Name: CHM13v2.0
Genome Assembly: hub_3671779_hs1
Creation Date: 2023-09-10
Views: 433
1694332800 433
Description: zoom in PBK and find out all the upstream 200base SNPs
Author: ZhengJi
Session Name: hg38_upstream200SNPs
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-09-05
Views: 1069
1693900800 1069
Description: probes for FISH on human cells and tissues
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: hg19_FISH_probes
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-01-17
Views: 370
1705478400 370
Description: Crouch DRIP-Seq rDNA annotations
Author: apratim.mitra
Session Name: crouch-dripseq-rdna-annotations-diff
Genome Assembly: hub_4200124_mm10
Creation Date: 2023-08-31
Views: 93
1693468800 93
Description: class 3
Author: hekn
Session Name: “Fall23 Worm BIO481 group 3
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2023-08-31
Views: 502
1693468800 502
Description: Beginner Activity for UCSC Genome Browser (BIO481)
Author: fareehaa_ahm
Session Name: Fall23 Worm BIO481 group4
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2023-08-31
Views: 528
1693468800 528
Description: genomic 481 in class activity
Author: ryleestrother
Session Name: Fall23 Yeast BIO481 group2
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2023-08-31
Views: 447
1693468800 447
Description: Group Activity #1 from Group 1.
Author: jschifflin
Session Name: Fall23 Yeast BIO481 Group1
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2023-08-31
Views: 453
1693468800 453
Description: group 5 version of mouse project
Author: julianna0220
Session Name: Fall23 Mouse481 group5
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-08-31
Views: 426
1693468800 426
Description: Mouse genome group project group 6
Author: joshraynes
Session Name: Fall23 MouseBio481 Group 6
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-08-31
Views: 397
1693468800 397
Description: Mouse genome (mm9) for Group #6 in BIO481
Author: chelseadonovan
Session Name: Fall23 Mouse BIO481 Genome Group#6
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2023-08-31
Views: 273
1693468800 273
Description: The genes HBB and HBD are both expressed in red blood cells, but HBB is also expressed in many other tissues, whereas HBD is expressed in red cells almost exclusively.
Author: shancon1200
Session Name: hg19_hemoglobin
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-08-31
Views: 422
1693468800 422
Description: Show every Lysine site on POMC 1st extron on hg38.
Author: ZhengJi
Session Name: hg38_POMC1stextronK
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-08-31
Views: 429
1693468800 429
Description: hg18_rnaseq3
Author: hyfydky
Session Name: hg18_rnaseq3
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2024-05-20
Views: 245
1716192000 245
Description: Human FoxP2 gene; Fa23 Genomic class Enke
Author: renkejhsph
Session Name: hg38 Fox2P MoR Ch2 1st Person: Conservation
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-08-28
Views: 583
1693209600 583
Description: BTD MANE in HG38 UCSC browser
Author: lilinatera
Session Name: hg38_BTD_MANE
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-08-27
Views: 550
1693123200 550
Description: Clinically relevant pesudogenes sequences [high homology: orange; low homology: light orange, as per Mandelker et al. 2016; PMID: 27228465. Example: ALG1_0.26_241_1_241; Gene Name _ Mappability _ Positions <1 _ % Positions <1 _ Max contiguous bases; the 'ALG1' gene feature at position chr16:5127843-5128083, Exon+/-65bp has a 'Mappabilty score' of 0.26 (1= mapping only once to the genome whereas a score lower than 1 equates to homology else where on the genome. 241 'Positions' (bases) affected, 100'% of these Positions' and 241 'Max contiguous bases' within the Exon+/-65bp that are affected as indicated by having a mappability score below 1.
Author: Yog77
Session Name: hg19_ClinicalHomology
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-01-17
Views: 1648
1484640000 1648
Description: Archaic introgression identified with the use of hmmix by Skov et al., ( Genotype data from 1000 genomes projects.
Author: daxa213
Session Name: hg19_SkovHMM_GBR_CHS
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-08-23
Views: 124
1692777600 124
Description: 2
Author: jschifflin
Session Name: hg19 RHO 2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-09-05
Views: 444
1693900800 444
Description: This session is a view of the 10 capstone genes in the SSPsyGene project. It uses the multi-region tool to slice the genome over several chromosomes to display all the genes in one view. Capstone genes:ARID1B ASXL3 CACNA1G CHD8 DLL1 GABRA1 KMT2C SCN2A SHANK3 SMARCC2
Author: brianlee
Session Name: Capstone_Genes
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-08-15
Views: 1171
1692086400 1171
Description: This session is a view of the 10 capstone genes in the SSPsyGene project in order of chromosomes (a gene on chr2 before the gene on chr5). It uses the multi-region tool to slice the genome over several chromosomes to display all the genes in one view. Capstone genes:SCN2A GABRA1 DLL1 ARID1B KMT2C SMARCC2 CHD8 CACNA1G ASXL3 SHANK3
Author: brianlee
Session Name: CapstoneGenes
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-08-15
Views: 575
1692086400 575
Description: Testing public session
Author: gperez2
Session Name: Testing_public_session
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-08-03
Views: 509
1691049600 509
Description: BioInf 6310 bed file upload
Author: Neveen Mohamed
Session Name: nv23
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-31
Views: 415
1698739200 415
Description: ATAC-seq pile-up tracks for fruit fly clock neurons. For more details and citation:
Author: yegeyy
Session Name: ATAC wildtype and per01 pile-up tracks
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2023-08-08
Views: 429
1691481600 429
Description: Test
Author: gperez2
Session Name: brca1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-27
Views: 403
1698393600 403
Description: E5ind and NF54-GEXP02-Tom H3K9me3 dynamics at the onset of gam. dev.
Author: sandracula
Session Name: H3K9me3 dynamics at the onset of gam. dev.
Genome Assembly: hub_2790993_GCA_000002765.3
Creation Date: 2024-03-12
Views: 325
1710230400 325
Description: d
Author: julianna0220
Session Name: hg19 RHO JP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-09-04
Views: 425
1693814400 425
Description: eclip comparison 2023
Author: nrpowell
Session Name: eCLIP_comparison_May_2023
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-05-23
Views: 2404
1684828800 2404
Description: This custom session includes manually selected blood-related DNA methylation data measured by bisulfite sequencing. This initial session include 121 tracks updated until 2023 June.
Author: dai905
Session Name: hg38_bloodcell_121
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-06-02
Views: 363
1685692800 363
Description: rs142783062
Author: nrpowell
Session Name: rs142783062
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-06-01
Views: 2017
1685606400 2017
Description: Epigenetic selectivity of TopoIIα redistribution and histone eviction of anthracyclines Anthracyclines act by disrupting the interface of TopoII and DNA and by evicting histones. The anthracycline-specific redistribution of TopoII and its association with histone eviction were addressed in K562 cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation, followed by deep sequencing (ChIP-seq) against endogenously tagged TopoIIα, and transposase-accessible chromatin with sequencing (ATAC-seq) was performed 4 hours after anthracycline exposure.
Author: mtan1
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-08-11
Views: 461
1691740800 461
Description: Data Viewer
Author: allenbellamom
Session Name: hg38_DC
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-25
Views: 383
1698220800 383
Description: GR ChIP
Author: tsuzuki
Session Name: PC_hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-05-17
Views: 2158
1684310400 2158
Description: This session describes the genomic location for LD-SNPs of rs7255249 (r2>0.8). (Top) The plot shows the eQTL association of local variants with CHST8 expression in breast mammary tissues. (Middle) GeneHancer track shows probable interactions between regulatory elements and CHST8 promoter. (Bottom) DHS region, H3K4me1, H3K4me3, and H3K27ac marks present putative epigenetic regulation. DHS signals of each cells are from ENCODE. Histone modification signals of MCF7, HMEC-1 (mammary epithelial cell, 50-year-old female), and HMEC-2 (breast epithelium, 51-year-old female) are also from ENCODE, whereas histone modification results of vHMEC (Breast_vHMEC.Donor_RM035) and BMC (Breast_Myoepithelial_Cells) are from Roadmap Epigenomics. Histone modification signals from different biosamples are grouped in order by H3K4me3, H3K4me1, and H3K27ac and presented them as overlaid tracks.
Author: Wen-Cheng
Session Name: Breast_rs7255249
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-05-18
Views: 399
1684396800 399
Description: UCSC browser session associated with manuscript: PMID: 38032818 Title: Chromosome-specific maturation of the epigenome in the Drosophila male germline
Author: jamesanderson12358
Session Name: analysis230508___UCSC_session_germline_MS
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2023-05-08
Views: 497
1683532800 497
Description: inputA.bed and inputA.bedgraph
Author: amykle
Session Name: inputA from usr 16
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-05-04
Views: 711
1683187200 711
Description: hugo example RTS
Author: Example
Session Name: hg38_hugo2023
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-05-04
Views: 634
1683187200 634
Description: Mouse meth
Author: danilapror
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2023-05-04
Views: 720
1683187200 720
Description: OMICS_HW_2_Sokolov_AA
Author: hazirliver1
Session Name: mm10_Sokolov_AA
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2023-05-03
Views: 627
1683100800 627
Description: WGBS and RNA-seq data from ENCODE - T cells - GN12878 - NK - Pancr end_OTHERS Looking at gene CD55!
Author: michalula
Session Name: WGBS_RNA_ENCODE_T_GN12878_NK_Pancr_end_OTHERS_CD55
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-05-01
Views: 870
1682928000 870
Description: dnasel
Author: aehodges
Session Name: mm9/3.4.25
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2025-03-04
Views: 13
1741075200 13
Description: PSIP ChIP (GSE175482)
Author: tsuzuki
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-04-09
Views: 1169
1681027200 1169
Description: Gene project for genetics class
Author: bji20
Session Name: Gene Project Final
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-04-07
Views: 920
1680854400 920
Description: Tracks from GSE212386. Titration of H3K9me3 and H3K27ac antibodies in ChIP, as well as replicates of H3K9me2 IPs.
Author: ari11
Session Name: GSE212386
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-04-05
Views: 832
1680681600 832
Description: CUT&RUN data for "Stress increases sperm respiration and motility in mice and men." Numbers in the sample names are associated with treatment condition as follows: Vehicle: 4, 5, 10, 12 Cort: 2, 3, 7, 8, 9
Author: nickole.kanyuch
Session Name: CUT&RUN_NM_03-2023
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2023-03-28
Views: 129
1679990400 129
Description: BS assay and gRNA tracks for ATRT synthetic lethal candidate genes
Author: matejboros
Session Name: hg19_custom_track
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-03-07
Views: 1077
1678176000 1077
Description: Tissue-level Atlas of Mouse Isoforms. We used full-length cDNA sequencing and the Mandalorion tool to identify and quantify high confidence transcript Isoforms for a variety of mouse tissues
Author: vollmers
Session Name: TAMI
Genome Assembly: mm39
Creation Date: 2024-01-25
Views: 596
1706169600 596
Description: gene_expression_GM12878
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: hg19_expression_GM12878
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-01-24
Views: 1275
1674547200 1275
Description: these are the 4 variants to show bruce CTs in sessions
Author: cincinnati2023
Session Name: hg38_4vars
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-01-26
Views: 665
1674720000 665
Description: Wyatt Dano Bioinformatics hands on session gene public session
Author: wpd20
Session Name: MCR1 Gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-23
Views: 404
1698048000 404
Description: Human Chromosome 22 from the Human Genome Consortium build 38 (the latest annotated reference assembly of the human genome)
Author: elittlestone
Session Name: HGC/38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-10-23
Views: 392
1698048000 392
Description: tRNA
Author: ck-j
Session Name: tRNA
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-12-16
Views: 668
1671177600 668
Description: hg19 RHO gene with Multiz Allignments and Basewise Conservation (phyloP)
Author: chelseadonovan
Session Name: hg19 RHO Multiz Alignments
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-09-05
Views: 435
1693900800 435
Description: ChIP-seq of Histone 3 Acetylation (H3ac) marks.
Author: HanZhang-
Session Name: H3ac_ChIP
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-08-11
Views: 374
1691740800 374
Description: This data has been made public to provide access to peer reviewers
Author: VetrieLab
Session Name: BV173 ChIP Datasets_Scott et al
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-11-15
Views: 625
1668499200 625
Description: BALB/c mouse tissue level transcriptome atlas
Author: msadams
Session Name: BALB/c mouse transcriptome
Genome Assembly: mm39
Creation Date: 2022-08-09
Views: 686
1660032000 686
Description: Contribution tracks for peak 2
Author: lacey.walker
Session Name: peak2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-10-15
Views: 2690
1665820800 2690
Description: Contribution tracks for peak 0
Author: lacey.walker
Session Name: peak0
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-10-15
Views: 1602
1665820800 1602
Description: Contribution tracks for peak 1
Author: lacey.walker
Session Name: peak1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-10-15
Views: 689
1665820800 689
Description: Genome-wide characterization of mitochondrial DNA methylation in human brain. Matthew Devall1, Darren M. Soanes, Adam R. Smith, Emma L. Dempster, Rebecca G. Smith, Joe Burrage, Artemis Iatrou, Eilis Hannon, Claire Troakes, Karen Moore, Paul O’Neill, Safa Al-Sarraj, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill, Michael Weedon & Katie Lunnon The mitochondrial genome is characterized by specific regions of methylation. Graph showing average % methylation at each cytosine in the mitochondrial genome from superior temporal gyrus (STG) and cerebellum (CER) brain tissue from seven donors free of neurodegenerative disease, including three males and four females using a targeted bisulfite sequencing method.
Author: dmsoanes
Session Name: chrM_methylation_STG_CER
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-10-04
Views: 788
1664870400 788
Description: Used for CMSE 411
Author: CVan0124
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-09-23
Views: 637
1663920000 637
Description: HIV-1 strain NL4-3 mRNA Atlas v1 mRNA transcript models open reading frames (ORFs) mapped onto HIV-1 RefSeq:NC_001802.1. Author: Alejandro Gener. Contact: [email protected] Transcript model method: Transcript models were downloaded as FASTA from GenBank:MZ242719.1-MZ242757.1 were blat (sic) against NC_001802.1 (GCF_000864765.1) in UCSC. Max number of sequences for blat = 25, so n=38 was partitioned into two blat runs, sorted by accession. These were viewed as a track in UCSC Genome Browser. MZ242719.1, MZ242720.1, MZ242721.1 are models of unspliced, singly-spliced, and doubly-spliced. "Singly-spliced" and "doubly-spliced" have been commonly used in the literature, but without basis in explicitly defined mRNA models. As you can see, HIV-1 NL4-3 splice isoforms supported by high-quality long reads and reanalysis are more complicated that previously understood. Open reading frames (ORFs) method: Coding features were downloaded as FASTA from GenBank:MZ242719.1 were blat (sic) against NC_001802.1 (GCF_000864765.1) in UCSC. These were viewed as a track in UCSC Genome Browser. ORF note 1: Exact ranges for GENER10 and GENER12 differ because of apparent sequence differences at their start codons. This is because blat did not match the small leading exon 5'-ATGGCAG-3' which spans NC_001802.1:4599-4605. This exon is supported by long-read mRNA of NL4-3 infected and transfected cells. ORF note 2: Small regions of homology overlap polypurine tracts important for viral replication. These are not ORFs. ORF note 3: MZ242719.1 (NL4-3) and NC_001802.1 are both HIV-1 subgroup B viruses. NL4-3 is a synthetic chimeric virus reviewed elsewhere. However, it is the most common strain of HIV used in laboratory settings. Both are modeled as "R-U5-HIV-U3-R". If using the NL4-3 mRNA Atlas v1, please cite: 1.) Gener, A. R. (2022). Anticipating HIV drug resistance with appropriate sequencing methods. AIDS, 36(1). 2.) Gener, A. R., Klotman, P. E., Danesh, F. R., Cijiang He, J., Kimata, J. T., Lupski, J. R., & Ross, M. J. (2021). HIV informatics . Baylor College of Medicine Integrative Molecular and Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program.
Author: gener
Session Name: GCF_000864765.1_HIV-1_mRNA_Atlas_v1_blat_mRNA+ORFs
Genome Assembly: hub_3521609_GCF_000864765.1
Creation Date: 2022-09-21
Views: 480
1663747200 480
Description: HIV-1 strain NL4-3 mRNA Atlas v1 open reading frames (ORFs) mapped onto HIV-1 RefSeq:NC_001802.1. Author: Alejandro Gener. Contact: [email protected] Method: Coding features were downloaded as FASTA from GenBank:MZ242719.1 were blat (sic) against NC_001802.1 (GCF_000864765.1) in UCSC. These were viewed as a track in UCSC Genome Browser. Note 1: Exact ranges for GENER10 and GENER12 differ because of apparent sequence differences at their start codons. This is because blat did not match the small leading exon 5'-ATGGCAG-3' which spans NC_001802.1:4599-4605. This exon is supported by long-read mRNA of NL4-3 infected and transfected cells. Note 2: Small regions of homology overlap polypurine tracts important for viral replication. These are not ORFs. Note 3: MZ242719.1 (NL4-3) and NC_001802.1 are both HIV-1 subgroup B viruses. NL4-3 is a synthetic chimeric virus reviewed elsewhere. However, it is the most common strain of HIV used in laboratory settings. Both are modeled as "R-U5-HIV-U3-R". If using the NL4-3 mRNA Atlas v1, please cite: 1.) Gener, A. R. (2022). Anticipating HIV drug resistance with appropriate sequencing methods. AIDS, 36(1). 2.) Gener, A. R., Klotman, P. E., Danesh, F. R., Cijiang He, J., Kimata, J. T., Lupski, J. R., & Ross, M. J. (2021). HIV informatics . Baylor College of Medicine Integrative Molecular and Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program.
Author: gener
Session Name: GCF_000864765.1_HIV-1_mRNA_Atlas_v1_blat_ORFs
Genome Assembly: hub_3521609_GCF_000864765.1
Creation Date: 2022-09-20
Views: 779
1663660800 779
Description: This session is used for CNV interpretation
Author: JZhaoARUP
Session Name: hg38_ARUP_CMA_multi_gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-09-19
Views: 1134
1663574400 1134
Description: This session is used for CNV interpretation
Author: JZhaoARUP
Session Name: hg38_ARUP_CMA_single_gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-09-19
Views: 649
1663574400 649
Description: eCLIP experiments with ligation step allowing identification of miRNA-mRNA pairs and binding sites to around 60 nt resolution. Data generated in the laboratory of Todd Skaar.
Author: nrpowell
Session Name: miRNA_binding_sites_latest_Aug2022
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-09-01
Views: 961
1662019200 961
Description: test
Author: ez176
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-09-01
Views: 619
1662019200 619
Description: A session that isolates the 15 isoforms of SORBS1, a gene involved in insulin stimulation, and includes a custom track that isolates two of these isoforms. This session also includes the transcript expression GTEx track, which shows the frequencies of SORBS1 isoform expression in different types of tissue; Hence, one is able to see how each isoform of SORBS1 is expressed at different frequencies in each tissue type. The two isoforms highlighted within the custom track are great examples of isoform expression, as they are expressed in certain tissue types at vastly different rates.
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_SORBSct
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-08-30
Views: 797
1661846400 797
Description: tracks for analysis of ERRg regulatory variants.
Author: agacita
Session Name: ERRg_basic
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-06-11
Views: 454
1686470400 454
Description: The TBXT gene in its entirety. This gene is associated with the development of a tail and the way this gene is transcribed in hominoids results in their lack of an external tail. OMIM has two entries showing that variants on this gene are associated with spinal anomalies. For more information regarding this story, check out the Genome Browser education page:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_TBXTomim
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-08-30
Views: 920
1661846400 920
Description: The squirrel monkey genome and the TBXT gene in its entirety. This gene is associated with the development of a tail and the way this gene is transcribed in hominoids results in their lack of an external tail. In monkeys, the inclusion of an exon in the mature transcript allows for formation of a tail. For more information regarding this story, check out the Genome Browser education page:
Author: education
Session Name: saiBol1_TBXT
Genome Assembly: saiBol1
Creation Date: 2022-08-24
Views: 749
1661328000 749
Description: The TBXT gene in its entirety. This gene is associated with the development of a tail and the way this gene is transcribed in hominoids results in their lack of an external tail. Two Alu elements are highlighted; The yellow highlight (AluY) is unique to hominoids while the turquoise highlight (AluSx1) is found in all primates. The "Multiz Alignment" track illustrates which primates have the AluY element and which do not. For more information regarding this story, check out the Genome Browser education page:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_TBXTconservation
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-08-24
Views: 745
1661328000 745
Description: The TBXT gene in its entirety. This gene is associated with the development of a tail and the way this gene is transcribed in hominoids results in their lack of an external tail. Two Alu elements are highlighted; The yellow highlight (AluY) is unique to hominoids while the turquoise highlight (AluSx1) is found in all primates. For more information regarding this story, check out the Genome Browser education page:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_TBXTalus
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-08-24
Views: 1030
1661328000 1030
Description: The TBXT gene in its entirety. This gene is associated with the development of a tail and the way this gene is transcribed in hominoids results in their lack of an external tail. For more information regarding this story, visit the Genome Browser education page:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_TBXT
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-08-24
Views: 808
1661328000 808
Description: BRCA1 gene region, showing CpG islands and DNA methylation. These regions influence gene expression. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_methylationAndIslands
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-08-19
Views: 762
1660896000 762
Description: DNA methylation patterns with and without bi-sulfite treatment in BRCA1 region. These DNA modifications affect gene regulation. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_methylation
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-08-19
Views: 723
1660896000 723
Description: Transcription factor binding sites and CpG island in BRCA1 region of human hg19 genome assembly. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_tfbs
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-08-19
Views: 772
1660896000 772
Description: DMRs and DMPs in relation to H3K4me3 signals of Acute myeloid leukemia samples
Author: bacdao
Session Name: LAML
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-08-24
Views: 501
1661328000 501
Description: POLN and HAUS3 share the first exon.
Author: Dongbo Ding
Session Name: POLN
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-08-06
Views: 683
1659772800 683
Description: This session shows a portion of the ALDH2 gene, one of the two genes associated with alcohol intolerance in East Asian populations. The "GWAS" track is enabled and shows common nucleotide variants in the region and provides publications that further explore the consequences of a nucleotide change. Highlighted is rs671, which is the variant that causes “alcohol flush syndrome”; This condition is seen in approximately 30% to 50% of East Asian individuals. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_ALDH2gwas
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-07-21
Views: 791
1658390400 791
Description: .....
Author: gperez2
Session Name: rn6_atp4
Genome Assembly: rn6
Creation Date: 2022-07-26
Views: 673
1658822400 673
Description: Elys DamID in 16-18h Drosophila embryos.
Author: Shevelyov
Session Name: Elys_embryo DamID
Genome Assembly: dm3
Creation Date: 2022-12-14
Views: 613
1671004800 613
Description: This session shows a portion of the ALDH2 gene, one of the two genes associated with alcohol intolerance in East Asian populations, in its entirety. The "Human Genome Diversity Project" (or "HGDP") track is enabled and marks variants that have different allele frequencies in individual populations. Clicking into a rsID provides specific population allele frequencies and a helpful visual aid. Highlighted is rs671, which is the variant that causes “alcohol flush syndrome”; This condition is seen in approximately 30% to 50% of East Asian individuals. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_ALDH2hgdp
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-07-21
Views: 691
1658390400 691
Description: This session shows a portion of the ALDH2 gene, one of the two genes associated with alcohol intolerance in East Asian populations, in its entirety. The "Genome Aggregation Database" (or "gnomAD") track is enabled and marks variants that have different allele frequencies in individual populations. Clicking into a rsID provides specific population allele frequencies. Highlighted is rs671, which is the variant that causes “alcohol flush syndrome”; This condition is seen in approximately 30% to 50% of East Asian individuals. A click into the gnomAD track gives access to their population and other data. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_ALDH2gnomAD
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-07-21
Views: 824
1658390400 824
Description: View of ARID1a gene with "CRISPR Targets" Data track enabled in pack mode. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: crispr_fig3
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-08-28
Views: 770
1661673600 770
Description: FGFR2 on the “UCSC Genes” and “NCBI Genes” tracks. FGFR2 is read on the opposite, negative strand, hence the leftward facing intron arrows. Different splicing events produce different isoforms of the gene. Read more about splicing in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: fgfr2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-24
Views: 888
1645689600 888
Description: SNAPC1 gene shown with the first exon highlighted in orange. Find a story about three reading frames in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: 3frame_fig1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-06-27
Views: 1194
1656316800 1194
Description: Peak file 'MCF7_E2-ethl.hpeak.out' comparing E2 and ethl-treated (control) samples.
Author: NSP
Session Name: MCF7_E2-ethl_Peaks_hg18
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2022-06-28
Views: 740
1656403200 740
Description: A close-up of the first exon in the SNAPC1 gene. In this session, we can see the three different frames and the different amino acid sequences each frame contains. Notice how the frame with the methionine is the only frame read for the gene, as it encodes for the start of the first exon of the gene. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: 3frame_fig2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-06-27
Views: 976
1656316800 976
Description: Regions of genome detected in biofluids with at least 1 unique reads from samples present in the exRNA Atlas (
Author: elaplant
Session Name: hg19_exRNA_coverage_1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-06-17
Views: 786
1655452800 786
Description: Regions of genome detected in biofluids with at least 5 unique reads from samples present in the exRNA Atlas (
Author: elaplant
Session Name: hg19_exRNA_coverage_5
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-06-17
Views: 1051
1655452800 1051
Description: This session shows the proximity of the LCT gene and two variants within the intron of the nearby MCM6 gene that affect the activity of the LCT gene -- causing persistence of lactase activity into adulthood. People with these variants can digest milk as adults. Without at least one of them, lactose intolerance results. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_LCT_MCM6
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-06-03
Views: 784
1654243200 784
Description: This session highlights a single nucleotide change (G to A) with pathogenic consequences found within FOXP2, a gene associated with human speech and language comprehension. FOXP2's association with speech was discovered through this single nucleotide change first witnessed in the "KE family"; A pedigree in which almost half of the members for the past three generations have developed a speech disorder called verbal dyspraxia. The OMIM track is enabled and has a marker representing the nucleotide change found in the KE family pedigree. This G to A allele change results in a codon that corresponds to a different amino acid, histidine instead of the correct amino arginine (p.R553H), and results in a faulty protein which, as seen in the KE family, causes verbal dyspraxia. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_FOXP2p.R553H
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-05-15
Views: 761
1652601600 761
Description: METTL3 gene zoomed in on the 3rd exon. The amino acid numbering is from right to left, denoting this exon/gene is on the bottom strand. Note the arrow at the upper left indicating that the DNA sequence at the top of the display window runs right to left. (If you are unable to see the amino acid numbering when viewing a gene at this scale, click on the gray sidebar box next to the gene, click on “Configure”, check the box labeled, “Show codon numbering”, and click “Apply”.)
Author: education
Session Name: hg38_revStrandZoom2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-06-01
Views: 758
1654070400 758
Description: METTL3 gene view zoomed in on the 3rd exon. The amino acid numbering is from right to left, denoting this exon/gene is on the bottom strand. Note the arrow at the upper left indicating that the DNA sequence at the top of the display window runs left to right -- which is the reverse complement of the sequence encoding the amino acids. (If you are unable to see the amino acid numbering when viewing a gene at this scale, click on the gray sidebar box next to the gene, click on “Configure”, check the box labeled, “Show codon numbering”, and click “Apply”.) Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg38_revStrandZoom
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-05-31
Views: 796
1653984000 796
Description: MYC gene with exons and introns. The direction of the small intron arrows can be seen to go from left to right in the MYC gene, denoting the direction of the gene and signifying that the 5’ end is to the left and 3’ to the right (“top” strand). Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg38_MYC
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-05-31
Views: 906
1653984000 906
Description: There are two amino acid differences in the FOXP2 gene between the genomes of humans and other primates that have been of interest lately. These amino acid changes are thought to be connected to why humans are capable of speech while chimpanzees and other apes are not. This session shows one of these amino acid differences using the Multiz Alignment track; Humans possess a serine (S) in the highlighted position while the other primates present on the track have an asparagine (N). Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_FOXP2fig4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-05-29
Views: 720
1653811200 720
Description: Editing for public
Author: QAtester
Session Name: hg38_highlight_v431_edit
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-05-26
Views: 776
1653552000 776
Description: session
Author: QAtester3
Session Name: hg19_v431
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-05-24
Views: 763
1653379200 763
Description: The PLP1 gene is shown with GTEx track, indicating the tissue specificity of gene expression. Note the high signal is brain tissues (yellow bars). The OMIM Allelic Variants track is expanded to full display mode, showing the phenotypes of variants in different locations in the gene. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_pelizaeus
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-05-15
Views: 835
1652601600 835
Description: PLP1 gene and OMIM Allelic Variants track. Different variants result in different disease states (mouseover the OMIM Variants). Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_PLP1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-05-15
Views: 780
1652601600 780
Description: Highly conserved region in GRK4 gene. High PhyloP score for first and second nucleotides of codons reflects amino acid conservation through evolutionary time. Third base varies (wobble) because these amino acids have multiple codons -- the third base can be anything is free to diverge through time. PFAM track shows that this is a functionally significant region (protein kinase). Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_wobble2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-05-12
Views: 796
1652342400 796
Description: ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, and RNA-seq count data from sorted porcine myeloid cells in duplicate.
Author: rcorbett
Session Name: susScr11.1_Myeloid_ChIP_ATAC
Genome Assembly: susScr11
Creation Date: 2022-05-06
Views: 800
1651824000 800
Description: Quiz 1.
Author: jschifflin
Session Name: hg19 RHO
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-09-05
Views: 440
1693900800 440
Description: view of gene Rpl14 showing alternative splicing
Author: richardmott
Session Name: rn4.Rpl14
Genome Assembly: rn4
Creation Date: 2023-07-25
Views: 465
1690272000 465
Description: view of gene Slc39a12 showing alternative splicing
Author: richardmott
Session Name: rn4.Slc39a12
Genome Assembly: rn4
Creation Date: 2023-07-25
Views: 444
1690272000 444
Author: nannanzhao
Session Name: terc-ko
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2022-04-11
Views: 754
1649664000 754
Author: davem
Session Name: midterm
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-04-06
Views: 743
1649232000 743
Description: A session that isolates the 15 isoforms of SORBS1, a gene involved in insulin stimulation. This session also includes the two GTEx tracks, which illustrate frequencies of gene expression in different types of tissue.
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_SORBS1gtex
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-04-03
Views: 767
1648972800 767
Description: A session that isolates the 15 isoforms of SORBS1, a gene involved in insulin stimulation. This session is utilized on the Education page in the "splice variants" document.
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_SORBS1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-04-03
Views: 818
1648972800 818
Description: There are two amino acid differences in the FOXP2 gene between the genomes of humans and other primates that have been of interest lately. These amino acid changes are thought to be connected to why humans are capable of speech while chimpanzees and other apes are not. This session shows one of these amino acid differences using the Multiz Alignment track; Humans possess an asparagine (N) in the highlighted position while the other primates present on the track have a threonine (T). Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_FOXP2fig3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-05-15
Views: 718
1652601600 718
Description: RHO hg19
Author: Chaffikm
Session Name: hg19 RHO
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-01-26
Views: 553
1674720000 553
Author: ZC
Session Name: ATAC
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-03-25
Views: 811
1648195200 811
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: Paneles_VHIO_bed
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-03-25
Views: 765
1648195200 765
Description: Tracks from GEO GSE22104 Samples: GSM550303 Stat4WTTh1 GSM550304 Stat4KOTh1 GSM550305 H3K4me3WTTh1 GSM550306 H3K4me3 S4KOTh1 GSM550307 H3K27me3WTTh1 GSM550308 H3K27me3 S4KOTh1 content.txt files and bedgraph files
Author: twyss
Session Name: Chip_Stat4_Th1_Wei
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-12-13
Views: 116
1734076800 116
Description: This session shows a short match on the UTR sequence for a gene, acugcugagcugggag. If you click below the black box, into the gene page for TGDS, you can then click an "RNA Structure" link. This will bring you to a section where you can then see for the 5' UTR a "Picture" link and see how this RNA fold structure may arrange.
Author: QAtester
Session Name: RNA_plot
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-05-03
Views: 938
1651564800 938
Description: CHip
Author: xiaopei
Session Name: Chip_seq_B
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-07-01
Views: 198
1719820800 198
Description: Review in this mailing list question,, the "How to start from scratch to find tracks" and "How to view data in the region of interest and adjust display" sections and instead of using hg38 go to "GRCm38/mm10" and then use "TF" in the track search step. Set the "JASPAR Transcription Factors" track on mm10 to "pack" and then search "Mef2C" and select "Mef2c (ENSMUST00000198199.4) at chr13:83504034-83663343" from the search results, and then zoom out "1.5x" as well. Next click into the grey box for the "JASPAR Transcription Factors Track Settings" and click the "Schema" link on the far right. By clicking the Schema link you will see the fields for the "Primary Table: jaspar2022" and from this page you can use the Tools menu to arrive at the Table Browser, so this table will be automatically selected for you. Here click the "create" button next to "filter:" and for the "score is" field set it from "ignored" to ">" for greater than and put in a value such as 700 and then click submit. Then put in the "output filename:" field a name like "mm10Jaspar_Mef2c_score700.csv" and be sure that you click the button next to "csv (for excel)" and then click "get output" to download the results. Open the resulting file in Excel.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: Shiaoching
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2022-03-16
Views: 741
1647417600 741
Description: Mm10 browser session associated with our manuscript "Integration of multimodal data in the developing tooth reveals candidate regulatory loci driving human odontogenic phenotypes", Frontiers in Dental Medicine, 2022
Author: emmawentworth
Session Name: mm10_all_18state
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2022-03-08
Views: 1388
1646726400 1388
Author: hy123
Session Name: hg38 heart 1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-03-07
Views: 754
1646640000 754
Author: asaenz.13
Session Name: Genomics group 7 - final project
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-03-04
Views: 785
1646380800 785
Author: YKehayova
Session Name: hg19 ATAC-seq 01.03.22
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-03-01
Views: 798
1646121600 798
Author: aytyuh
Session Name: new
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2022-02-16
Views: 809
1644998400 809
Author: JFormosa
Session Name: 2-15-22 Hwk6pt1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-15
Views: 779
1644912000 779
Description: This session shows a portion of the ALDH2 gene, one of the two genes associated with alcohol intolerance in East Asian populations. The "OMIM" track is enabled and shows common nucleotide variants in the region and provides information regarding the consequences of a nucleotide change. Highlighted is rs671, which is the variant that causes “alcohol flush syndrome”; This condition is seen in approximately 30% to 50% of East Asian individuals. Clicking into the OMIM track provides access to details hosted there. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_ALDH2omim
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-07-21
Views: 732
1658390400 732
Description: This session shows the ALDH2 gene, one of the two genes associated with alcohol intolerance in East Asian populations, in its entirety. The "dbSNP 150" track is enabled and shows common nucleotide variants in the region. Highlighted is rs671, which is the variant that causes “alcohol flush syndrome”; This condition is seen in approximately 30% to 50% of East Asian individuals. A smaller rsID number corresponds to an earlier entry, meaning that rs671 is one of the earliest uploaded into NCBIs dbSnp database. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_ALDH2dbSNP150
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-07-21
Views: 781
1658390400 781
Author: Chilliard
Session Name: hg19 - assignment 5
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-15
Views: 1082
1644912000 1082
Author: JFormosa
Session Name: 2-14-22 Hwk 5
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-14
Views: 775
1644825600 775
Description: Desiccation-induced inflammation and ocular surface disease is suppressed by terminal state MRC1 conjunctival macrophages.
Author: zhenzuo2
Session Name: MRC1_conjunctival_macrophages
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2024-04-23
Views: 277
1713859200 277
Author: himtiffant
Session Name: p1 t1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2022-02-09
Views: 1006
1644393600 1006
Author: helenajara10
Session Name: mm10w/ Dock6
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2022-02-09
Views: 791
1644393600 791
Author: aytyuh
Session Name: task 1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2022-02-09
Views: 770
1644393600 770
Author: helenajara10
Session Name: mm10w/interaction
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2022-02-09
Views: 740
1644393600 740
Author: Jcotney
Session Name: TFAP2_Enhancer_KO_Session
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-02-08
Views: 872
1644307200 872
Author: chunmei1991
Session Name: ChIPseq_peak_profile_Weilab
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-06
Views: 918
1644134400 918
Description: Close view of the ARID1a gene with the "CRISPR Targets" data track enabled. Filter is set to 90 to show only the best sites. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: crispr_fig5
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-08-28
Views: 706
1661673600 706
Description: This session isolates a nonsense single nucleotide variant (rs886040510), highlighted in turquoise, found on BRCA2 which is a gene associated with breast cancer. The "dbSNP" track has information regarding this variant. This variant is an A to T change and is known to have pathogenic consequences. The "ClinVar" track confirms rs886040510's pathogenicity with a red box and bead. Clicking onto either of these markings will navigate you to a details page that provides more information. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_BRCA2stopclinvar
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-03
Views: 714
1643875200 714
Description: This session isolates a nonsense single nucleotide variant (rs886040510), highlighted in turquoise, found on BRCA2 which is a gene associated with breast cancer. The dbSNP track has information regarding this variant. This variant is an A to T change and is known to have pathogenic consequences. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_BRCA2stopgain
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-03
Views: 979
1643875200 979
Description: This session shows a synonymous variant found on BRCA2, a gene associated with breast cancer. The nucleotide change does result in a changed amino acid. The variant in question is highlighted in turquoise. Two dbSNP tracks are enabled and provide more information about the variant. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_BRCA2synon
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-03
Views: 773
1643875200 773
Description: This session shows a frameshift variant (highlighted in turquoise) on BRCA2, a gene associated with breast cancer. The variant is a deletion of two nucleotides, C and T. This deletion results in a change in the reading frame. Two dbSNP tracks are enabled and provide more information on the variant. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_BRCA2frameshift
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-03
Views: 729
1643875200 729
Description: This session shows a frameshift variant (highlighted in turquoise, but looks pale green under the yellow highlight) on BRCA2, a gene associated with breast cancer. The variant is a deletion of two nucleotides, C and T. This deletion results in a change in the reading frame. The pale yellow highlight shows this change, AGT being the new codon after the C and T nucleotides (pale green) are deleted. This changes the reading frame from the second frame to the first frame shown on the Base Position track, which is set to full in order to visualize three potential reading frames. The red highlight marks the stop codon of this new reading frame. Therefore, this frameshift variant results in a premature stop codon. The dbSNP track is enabled and provides more information on the variant. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_BRCA2frames
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-03
Views: 734
1643875200 734
Description: This session shows a missense variant, highlighted in turquoise, found on BRCA2. This single nucleotide variant (SNV) changes the resulting amino acid; The original codon "CAT" codes for histidine while an individual with the variant in question would possess either the codon "CAA" or "CAG", coding for glutamine. This means the resulting polypeptide chain would be impacted. However, ClinVar's data does not label this variant as pathogenic. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_BRCA2missense
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-03
Views: 742
1643875200 742
Description: This session shows a portion of BRCA2 (exon 11), a gene associated with breast cancer. Two dbSNP tracks are enabled and mark known variants in the region displayed. Red boxes represent variants that disrupt effective protein production (missense), while green boxes indicate that the variant does not change the resulting amino acid (synonymous). Some of these missense variants have pathogenic consequences, causing breast cancer. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_BRCA2variants
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-03
Views: 900
1643875200 900
Description: The genes HBB and HBD are both expressed in red blood cells, but HBB is also expressed in many other tissues, whereas HBD is expressed in red cells almost exclusively.
Author: helenajara10
Session Name: hg19_hemoglobin
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-03
Views: 1207
1643875200 1207
Author: Kaushik
Session Name: PHOX2B
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2022-02-05
Views: 818
1644048000 818
Author: pwjeffries
Session Name: hg38Covert
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-02-02
Views: 783
1643788800 783
Author: katerynamarku
Session Name: Fall19 Yeast test (KM)
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2022-01-31
Views: 826
1643616000 826
Author: pham4tt
Session Name: Spring20 Yeat Test TM,KM,EL
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2022-01-31
Views: 762
1643616000 762
Author: tomgo
Session Name: mm10- enhancers
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2022-01-31
Views: 785
1643616000 785
Author: jos200a
Session Name: Fall 2022 Yeast Test JEAA
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2022-01-30
Views: 775
1643529600 775
Author: Cliffford081915
Session Name: Spring2022 Yeast Test(JDC)
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2022-01-30
Views: 752
1643529600 752
Author: garberla
Session Name: CGEMS yeast LG test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2022-01-26
Views: 905
1643184000 905
Author: ajaycox
Session Name: CGEMS yeast (AJ) test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2022-01-26
Views: 792
1643184000 792
Author: espinokb
Session Name: CGEMS yeast KE test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2022-01-26
Views: 803
1643184000 803
Author: CherryLab
Session Name: Nuclear_EyeBrowser_TrackHub
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-11-01
Views: 1246
1635753600 1246
Author: aytyuh
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2022-02-09
Views: 1003
1644393600 1003
Author: YKehayova
Session Name: hg19 SBNO1 project
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-01-20
Views: 820
1642665600 820
Author: Pey.davoodi
Session Name: Optional
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-07
Views: 743
1644220800 743
Author: Pey.davoodi
Session Name: 4-genes-workshop
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-07
Views: 792
1644220800 792
Author: YKehayova
Session Name: hg19 ATAC peaks COLGALT2 promoter
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-01-19
Views: 853
1642579200 853
Description: ChIP, ATAC, and RNA-seq counts for sorted porcine myeloid cells in duplicate, along with H3K27ac and H3K4me3 data from other cell types for comparison.
Author: rcorbett
Session Name: susScr11_Myeloid_ChIP_ATAC_comparison
Genome Assembly: susScr11
Creation Date: 2022-05-06
Views: 825
1651824000 825
Description: CAG repeats in the HTT gene. Expansion of the CAG repeats leads to Huntington's disease. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: htt_main
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-01-13
Views: 926
1642060800 926
Description: A session highlighting two single-nucleotide variants found in introns 9 and 13 of the MCM6 gene, located upstream from the LCT gene, that impact whether or not an individual is lactase persistent as an adult. Both the OMIM and GWAS tracks have marked these variants as phenotypically relevant to the appearance of lactase persistence. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_LCT
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-12-25
Views: 1056
1640419200 1056
Author: dxliucmu
Session Name: hg38_ ChIP with H3K4me1 in HC vs SCZ (one pair))
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-01-09
Views: 756
1641715200 756
Author: JFormosa
Session Name: Hwk6Pt1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-22
Views: 742
1645516800 742
Description: Human CD14+ monocytes bivalent genes identified from ENCSR267NWZ, and ENCSR000ASK respectively for H3K4me3 (GSM1003536) and H3K27me3 (GSM1003564) ChIP-seq data sets.
Author: teetoonet
Session Name: Human CD14+ monocytes bivalent genes
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2023-03-02
Views: 488
1677744000 488
Description: UCLA 2022 workshop -- custom tracks Alus from dbRIP not in rmsk; CAT gene with two names, some SNPs from 151 missense and intron
Author: Example
Session Name: hg19_snp_CAT_Alus
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-01-20
Views: 802
1642665600 802
Author: ani_davis
Session Name: Spring22 Yeast Test AND
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2022-01-31
Views: 792
1643616000 792
Description: IPMK intron Author: Mustafi P Session Name: ATAC-seqPC4 Genome Assembly: hg19
Author: pallabidgp123
Session Name: ATAC-seq6
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-12-25
Views: 842
1640419200 842
Description: ATG5 intron Author: Mustafi P Session Name: ATAC-seqPC4 Genome Assembly: hg19
Author: pallabidgp123
Session Name: ATAC-seq4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-12-23
Views: 871
1640246400 871
Description: MAP3K7 intron Author: Mustafi P Session Name: ATAC-seq2 Genome Assembly: hg19
Author: pallabidgp123
Session Name: ATAC-seq2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-12-23
Views: 895
1640246400 895
Description: UVRAG promoter-TSS Author: Mustafi P Session Name: ATAC-seqPC4 Genome Assembly: hg19
Author: pallabidgp123
Session Name: ATAC-seq1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-12-23
Views: 936
1640246400 936
Description: IPMK intron Author: Mustafi P Session Name: ATAC-seqPC4 Genome Assembly: hg19
Author: pallabidgp123
Session Name: ATAC-seq PC4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-12-23
Views: 834
1640246400 834
Description: IPMK intron Author: Mustafi P Session Name: ATAC-seq5 Genome Assembly: hg19
Author: pallabidgp123
Session Name: ATAC-seq5
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-12-23
Views: 849
1640246400 849
Description: YEATS2 intron TSS Author: Mustafi P Session Name: ATAC-seq3 Genome Assembly: hg19
Author: pallabidgp123
Session Name: ATAC-seq3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-12-23
Views: 835
1640246400 835
Description: Close-up view if transition zone between a coding and a non-coding region of the virus. Note the High conservation in the PhyloP track in the protein-coding region. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: ebolav_pconserv
Genome Assembly: eboVir3
Creation Date: 2021-12-22
Views: 674
1640160000 674
Description: Ebola virus VP24 gene with PhyloP track showing high conservation in the protein-coding region among 160+ isolates. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: ebolav_phylop
Genome Assembly: eboVir3
Creation Date: 2021-12-22
Views: 875
1640160000 875
Description: Ebola virus genome showing vp24 gene region. The PhyloP track shows that the 100+ strains of ebola and Marburg have conservation in the protein-coding region of the gene. Pink color indicates a positive value above the display level in the track. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: ebolav_vp24
Genome Assembly: eboVir3
Creation Date: 2021-12-22
Views: 722
1640160000 722
Description: Zoomed-in view of ebolavirus L protein showing serine codon in the reference that is different in many islolates distantly related to it (lower part of figure). Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: ebolav_codon
Genome Assembly: eboVir3
Creation Date: 2021-12-22
Views: 714
1640160000 714
Description: Full genome of the ebola virus showing a blat alignment of the Marburg virus. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: ebolav_blatsearch
Genome Assembly: eboVir3
Creation Date: 2021-12-22
Views: 692
1640160000 692
Description: Full genome of ebola virus showing proteins in the top track and conservation among several outbreaks in the lower tracks. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: ebolav_mainsession
Genome Assembly: eboVir3
Creation Date: 2021-12-22
Views: 746
1640160000 746
Description: Visualization of the BRCA1 Gene, CpG islands and DNA methylations in different cell lines using the bisulfite Seq and Methyl 450k method.
Author: art_03m
Session Name: hg19: Methylation & CpG islands in BRCA1 gene
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-12-18
Views: 541
1639814400 541
Author: adelaidetovar
Session Name: apoa2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-12-13
Views: 757
1639382400 757
Author: SKellaway
Session Name: dnFOSforSNPs
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-12-08
Views: 809
1638950400 809
Author: Schne2lk
Session Name: hg38 NRL multiomics
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-12-07
Views: 797
1638864000 797
Author: marielgr
Session Name: ACSS2_ChIPseq
Genome Assembly: mm39
Creation Date: 2021-12-17
Views: 742
1639728000 742
Description: Aging MapR data in photoreceptor neurons. Loaded bigwig track correspond to the averaged signal for each aging time point generated from three independent biological replicates
Author: juanjaureguilozano
Session Name: dm6_agingMapR
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2021-12-01
Views: 9477
1638345600 9477
Description: A pipeline for predicting cardiac gene network components using cis-regulatory elements (CREs) Manuscript: Hieu T. Nim*, Louis Dang*, Harshini Thiyagarajah*, Daniel Bakopoulos, Michael See, Natalie Charitakis, Tennille Sibbritt, Michael P. Eichenlaub, Stuart K. Archer, Nicolas Fossat, Richard E. Burke, Patrick P. L. Tam, Coral G. Warr‡, Travis K. Johnson‡#, Mirana Ramialison‡#. "Predicting genes essential for heart development irrespective of their spatial expression pattern". Genome Biology (in press). (*: co-first authors; ‡: co-senior authors; #: corresponding authors)
Author: nimt0001
Session Name: CardiacNetworkComponentPredictor
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2021-11-30
Views: 1031
1638259200 1031
Author: latimeaa
Session Name: Hg38 HISAT2 Retina tracks
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-11-30
Views: 826
1638259200 826
Author: Eldar
Session Name: SNV
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-02-16
Views: 1177
1613462400 1177
Author: Eldar
Session Name: CNV
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-02-25
Views: 1433
1614240000 1433
Author: aigul
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-18
Views: 863
1637222400 863
Author: Wen-Cheng
Session Name: Liver_APOA5p
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-11-04
Views: 1475
1604476800 1475
Author: zunpengliu66
Session Name: WT H3K9me3 ChIP-seq
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-11-11
Views: 772
1636617600 772
Author: randa2jl
Session Name: Human retina multiomics
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-11-16
Views: 793
1637049600 793
Author: young_researcher
Session Name: hg19_intersection
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-07
Views: 1102
1636272000 1102
Author: young_researcher
Session Name: hg19_H3F3A
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-07
Views: 935
1636272000 935
Author: vladislav
Session Name: intersect_with_DeepZ
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-06
Views: 793
1636185600 793
Author: vladislav
Session Name: H3F3A.merge
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-06
Views: 830
1636185600 830
Author: vladislav
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-06
Views: 947
1636185600 947
Author: megallegos
Session Name: Independent Project Link
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-05
Views: 1204
1636099200 1204
Author: randa2jl
Session Name: PDE6A
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2021-11-04
Views: 834
1636012800 834
Author: Schne2lk
Session Name: mm9 RCVRN
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2021-11-04
Views: 841
1636012800 841
Author: Schne2lk
Session Name: mm9 HTT
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2021-11-04
Views: 1330
1636012800 1330
Author: Schne2lk
Session Name: mm9 thrb
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2021-11-04
Views: 829
1636012800 829
Author: randa2jl
Session Name: wt/nrl CBRs
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2021-11-04
Views: 1205
1636012800 1205
Author: laarne
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2021-11-04
Views: 846
1636012800 846
Author: Schne2lk
Session Name: mm9 PDE6A
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2021-11-04
Views: 856
1636012800 856
Author: adityabhagwate
Session Name: bw_upload
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-03
Views: 863
1635926400 863
Author: ashleywilkins
Session Name: DSP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-02
Views: 1292
1635840000 1292
Author: sweatbr
Session Name: MYBPC1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-02
Views: 846
1635840000 846
Author: sweatbr
Session Name: DSP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-02
Views: 1035
1635840000 1035
Author: randa2jl
Session Name: MYBPC1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-02
Views: 1337
1635840000 1337
Author: ashleywilkins
Session Name: Cardiomyopathy
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-02
Views: 900
1635840000 900
Author: Schne2lk
Session Name: hg19 DSP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-02
Views: 815
1635840000 815
Author: randa2jl
Session Name: hg19-RHO custom track
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-02
Views: 797
1635840000 797
Author: Schne2lk
Session Name: hg19 MYBPC1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-11-02
Views: 844
1635840000 844
Author: sweatbr
Session Name: RIDLEY
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-11-04
Views: 836
1636012800 836
Author: randa2jl
Session Name: Fall21 HTT gene Huntingtons
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-19
Views: 1009
1634630400 1009
Author: Schne2lk
Session Name: hg38 HTT
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-19
Views: 835
1634630400 835
Author: whaleycn
Session Name: HTT
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-19
Views: 842
1634630400 842
Author: JuliaLaz
Session Name: HTT
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-18
Views: 895
1634544000 895
Author: ashleywilkins
Session Name: hg38 HTT GENE
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-17
Views: 1073
1634457600 1073
Author: CherryLab
Session Name: VISIONS_TrackHub
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-15
Views: 967
1634284800 967
Description: This session includes two custom tracks on chromosome 22, spanning the region 20100000-20140000. The first track, named 'spacer', displays blue ticks every 10,000 bases. The second track, named 'even', shows red ticks every 100 bases, skipping 100 bases between each tick. The 'even' track also includes labels for the first three ticks: 'first', 'second', and 'third'. These custom tracks demonstrate the use of BED format for visualizing specific genomic intervals and annotations.
Author: Parth Doshi
Session Name: Custom Track Assignment
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-11-06
Views: 98
1730880000 98
Author: yoni.arndt
Session Name: ex.1 RAC1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-15
Views: 865
1634284800 865
Author: randa2jl
Session Name: Fall21 HGD gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-14
Views: 822
1634198400 822
Author: sweatbr
Session Name: chr3chimp
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-12
Views: 949
1634025600 949
Author: randa2jl
Session Name: Fall21 HumanChr2 JennaRandall
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-12
Views: 1078
1634025600 1078
Author: JFormosa
Session Name: Hwk6Pt4b
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-22
Views: 731
1645516800 731
Author: JFormosa
Session Name: Hwk6Pt4a
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-22
Views: 755
1645516800 755
Author: mjliddi16
Session Name: hg19_assignment6
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-22
Views: 1135
1645516800 1135
Description: BINF6310
Author: Rahulprasad Selvaraj
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-11-08
Views: 359
1699430400 359
Author: tboisjol
Session Name: TB-98358724-MEDG580-UBC-2020
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-08
Views: 1050
1633680000 1050
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: RLBase
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-06
Views: 2336
1633507200 2336
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: RLBase_slow
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-05
Views: 1003
1633420800 1003
Author: kkaczor
Session Name: tamer_hiv_atac
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-09-30
Views: 1114
1632988800 1114
Author: kkaczor
Session Name: tamer_hiv_rna
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-09-29
Views: 1059
1632902400 1059
Author: laarne
Session Name: hg38 HTT gene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-19
Views: 870
1634630400 870
Author: areynolds
Session Name: hg38 HBB-LCR
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-09-20
Views: 994
1632124800 994
Author: jschlachetzki
Session Name: 20210917_4DBSM_Schlachetzki
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-09-17
Views: 815
1631865600 815
Author: layla13
Session Name: TSA2R38 Group #4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-09-16
Views: 813
1631779200 813
Author: Thijs
Session Name: Wnt_human_NGS_20210914_V2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-09-14
Views: 1051
1631606400 1051
Author: mallorycunningham
Session Name: TASR38 group3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-09-12
Views: 1024
1631433600 1024
Author: noycohen
Session Name: HepG2 and K562 Methylation
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-09-12
Views: 1174
1631433600 1174
Author: msadams
Session Name: A549
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-09-28
Views: 793
1632816000 793
Author: xuxing
Session Name: multi-Paired-seq
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-31
Views: 843
1635667200 843
Author: jessicagarth
Session Name: TAS2R38 group4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-09-08
Views: 1007
1631088000 1007
Author: hayes22
Session Name: Fall21 Yeast Test JEH
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2021-09-08
Views: 1002
1631088000 1002
Author: SamanthaBusch
Session Name: Fall21 Yeast test SIB
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2021-09-07
Views: 1049
1631001600 1049
Author: Siddeldj
Session Name: Fall19 yeast test DJS
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2021-09-07
Views: 1035
1631001600 1035
Author: Albert Cheng
Session Name: hg38_ZFP18_1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-09-07
Views: 1052
1631001600 1052
Author: Albert Cheng
Session Name: hg38_Cas9_1_0_0_0
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-09-07
Views: 975
1631001600 975
Author: Albert Cheng
Session Name: hg38_ZFP18_1_0
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-09-07
Views: 1032
1631001600 1032
Author: Albert Cheng
Session Name: hg38_ZFP18_1_0_0
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-09-07
Views: 1303
1631001600 1303
Author: JuliaLaz
Session Name: hg19_hemoglobin
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-09-07
Views: 1171
1631001600 1171
Author: AbigailLambert
Session Name: Fall19 Yeast test AML
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2021-09-12
Views: 951
1631433600 951
Author: layla13
Session Name: Fall21 Yeast test LA
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2021-09-05
Views: 1010
1630828800 1010
Author: gucascau
Session Name: H3-3-2
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-09-03
Views: 1017
1630656000 1017
Author: mallorycunningham
Session Name: Fall21 Yeast Test MC
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2021-09-03
Views: 1013
1630656000 1013
Author: jessicagarth
Session Name: CGEMS yeast JMG test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2021-09-02
Views: 1010
1630569600 1010
Author: JuliaLaz
Session Name: Fall21 Worm test group#4
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2021-09-02
Views: 767
1630569600 767
Author: latimeaa
Session Name: CGEMS Worm AAL test
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2021-09-02
Views: 957
1630569600 957
Author: latimeaa
Session Name: Fall21 Worm test group#4
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2021-09-02
Views: 828
1630569600 828
Author: aazari99
Session Name: CGEMS Worm AA Test
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2021-09-02
Views: 1079
1630569600 1079
Author: aazari99
Session Name: Fall21 Worm test group#3
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2021-09-02
Views: 807
1630569600 807
Author: Schne2lk
Session Name: Fall21 Worm test group#3
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2021-09-02
Views: 778
1630569600 778
Author: laarne
Session Name: CGEMS worm LAN test
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2021-09-02
Views: 991
1630569600 991
Author: whaleycn
Session Name: Fall21 Mouse Test Group(6)
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2021-09-02
Views: 976
1630569600 976
Author: ashleywilkins
Session Name: Fall21 Worm test group #4
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2021-09-02
Views: 840
1630569600 840
Author: randa2jl
Session Name: Fall21 Yeast Test Group 1
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2021-09-02
Views: 957
1630569600 957
Author: asinerbc
Session Name: FAll21 Yeast test group 2
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2021-09-02
Views: 1002
1630569600 1002
Author: AHRImmunity
Session Name: stockingerg_ATACSEQ
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-09-01
Views: 1077
1630483200 1077
Author: AHRImmunity
Session Name: stockingerg_CHIPSEQ
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-09-01
Views: 1171
1630483200 1171
Author: Eldar
Session Name: gene level
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-08-27
Views: 1039
1630051200 1039
Author: aytyuh
Session Name: newnew
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2022-02-16
Views: 766
1644998400 766
Author: ssdhar
Session Name: hg19 Pim1 Bc
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-08-25
Views: 1098
1629878400 1098
Author: zxtzhangqian
Session Name: Lamprey_WGBS
Genome Assembly: petMar3
Creation Date: 2021-08-25
Views: 1022
1629878400 1022
Author: schmi4am
Session Name: Fall19 Yeast test AMS
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2021-09-05
Views: 1006
1630828800 1006
Author: ssdhar
Session Name: hg19 mmp11 bc
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-08-17
Views: 1041
1629187200 1041
Author: ssdhar
Session Name: hg19 new H3k27 ac six1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-08-17
Views: 994
1629187200 994
Author: lyj
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-08-15
Views: 988
1629014400 988
Author: lyj
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-08-15
Views: 1254
1629014400 1254
Description: H3K27ac ChIP-seq count data from A375 melanoma in response to medium-chain fatty acid (octanoate) administration.
Author: thuang316
Session Name: H3K27ac_ChIP_seq_octanoate
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-08-15
Views: 795
1629014400 795
Description: ReMap 2022: A database of Human, Mouse, Drosophila and Arabidopsis regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of DNA-binding sequencing experiments Go to <a href="">ReMap2022</a> for more info.
Author: Benoit Ballester
Session Name: US_hg38_ReMap2022
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-08-11
Views: 3649
1628668800 3649
Description: ReMap 2022: A database of Human, Mouse, Drosophila and Arabidopsis regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of DNA-binding sequencing experiments Go to <a href="">ReMap2022</a> for more info.
Author: Benoit Ballester
Session Name: US_mm10_ReMap2022
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-08-11
Views: 2192
1628668800 2192
Description: ReMap 2022: A database of Human, Mouse, Drosophila and Arabidopsis regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of DNA-binding sequencing experiments Go to <a href="">ReMap2022</a> for more info.
Author: Benoit Ballester
Session Name: US_dm6_ReMap2022
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2021-08-11
Views: 1377
1628668800 1377
Description: ReMap 2022: A database of Human, Mouse, Drosophila and Arabidopsis regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of DNA-binding sequencing experiments Go to <a href="">ReMap2022</a> for more info.
Author: Benoit Ballester
Session Name: US_araTha1_ReMap2022
Genome Assembly: hub_2961057_araTha1
Creation Date: 2021-08-11
Views: 2173
1628668800 2173
Description: This session uses Times font.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: Times_Font
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-08-10
Views: 3360
1628582400 3360
Description: A Public Session using the Avant Guard Font.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: AvantG_Font
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-08-10
Views: 2399
1628582400 2399
Description: 4931406C07Rik Transcripts
Author: szaman2
Session Name: 4931406C07Rik
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-08-10
Views: 979
1628582400 979
Author: jamesli
Session Name: RNA_ATAC_Cerebellum1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-08-06
Views: 811
1628236800 811
Author: gucascau
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-08-05
Views: 1079
1628150400 1079
Description: Sessions shows part of spike protein on SARS-CoV-2 genome. One track shows the reference amino acids for the spike protein. A custom track at the top shows the location of two amino acids that are substituted by prolines to hold the protein in the pre-fusion conformation. A track near the bottom shows the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNtech vaccines with the two prolines substituted for lysine and valine of the reference. The last rack shows current variants of concern (VoC). Reconfigure the vaccine track to see the "different RNA bases" by clicking the gray button to the left of track.
Author: Example
Session Name: wuhCor1_ProPro2
Genome Assembly: wuhCor1
Creation Date: 2021-08-04
Views: 1053
1628064000 1053
Description: The genes HBB and HBD are both expressed in red blood cells, but HBB is also expressed in many other tissues, whereas HBD is expressed in red cells alomst exclusively.
Author: EJ
Session Name: hg19_hemoglobin
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-08-03
Views: 1077
1627977600 1077
Author: gonzalezvl
Session Name: pha_v1_ncbi
Genome Assembly: hub_2958085_pha_v1_ncbi
Creation Date: 2021-08-02
Views: 1104
1627891200 1104
Author: nkfarah
Session Name: snATAC_cerebellum_E12_14
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-07-27
Views: 1026
1627372800 1026
Description: The gene HBB and HBD are both expressed in red blood cells, but HBB is also expressed in many other tissues, where as HBD is expressed in red cells almost exclusively.
Author: mw1278
Session Name: hg19_hemoglobin
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-08-31
Views: 975
1630396800 975
Description: This session has Times font selected and italic styling applied, available from the Genome Browser menu -> Configure page (or "c f" shortcut).
Author: PublicSessions
Session Name: Drosophila Duplication with font
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2021-07-21
Views: 964
1626854400 964
Author: jmorlan66
Session Name: PFS_session8
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-07-20
Views: 1026
1626768000 1026
Author: Hanson258
Session Name: H3K27me3_myoblast
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-07-16
Views: 1054
1626422400 1054
Description: chıpseq result
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: hazals.
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-06-12
Views: 193
1718179200 193
Author: Jinkil_Jeong
Session Name: Shig_Ad
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-07-07
Views: 1051
1625644800 1051
Author: MatthewMurry
Session Name: danRer11
Genome Assembly: danRer11
Creation Date: 2021-07-07
Views: 1010
1625644800 1010
Author: smorabito
Session Name: AD_snATAC
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-07-07
Views: 1607
1625644800 1607
Description: Human HOX 11 gene mapped on the positive RLFS readings in the bed file.
Author: arazavi1
Session Name: HOX
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-07-07
Views: 1051
1625644800 1051
Description: This variant affecting Type 1 collagen is identified as a genetic basis for classical EDS and vascular EDS from this source: This session displays SNV clinically oriented annotation tracks at this locus. A paper describing these tracks and the feature that launches them, "Variant Interpretation: UCSC Genome Browser Recommended Track Sets" is in press (pre-print here:
Author: Kate
Session Name: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome COL5A1 variant locus (c.934C>T)
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-07-08
Views: 1119
1625731200 1119
Author: Albert Cheng
Session Name: hg38_JACKIE
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-07-01
Views: 1029
1625126400 1029
Author: Albert Cheng
Session Name: mm10_JACKIE
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-07-01
Views: 1066
1625126400 1066
Description: A picture of an assembly hub for Zebu cattle where the current DNA in the region has been sent to the External Tool RSAT Metazoa which discovered a motif, aaacttatagata, within the region. The motif was then highlighted with the Short Match track. The session shows how building assembly hubs enables interoperability with tools beyond the UCSC Genome Browser. To access the External Tools pop-up menu, when browsing a genome hover over the "View" menu and then select External Tools.
Author: PublicSessions
Session Name: ExternalTools
Genome Assembly: hub_2100979_GCF_000247795.1
Creation Date: 2021-07-23
Views: 1193
1627027200 1193
Author: ashleywilkins
Session Name: hg19 RHO
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-09-06
Views: 1013
1630915200 1013
Author: Schne2lk
Session Name: hg38 RHO
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-09-06
Views: 988
1630915200 988
Author: artman1967
Session Name: hg19_IBR finale 061521
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-06-15
Views: 1051
1623744000 1051
Author: Shevelyov
Session Name: LaminDamID in SpG and SpCs
Genome Assembly: dm3
Creation Date: 2021-06-12
Views: 1129
1623484800 1129
Author: PolinaKananykina
Session Name: polina_kananykina
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-06-09
Views: 1018
1623225600 1018
Author: labashmanov
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-06-09
Views: 1099
1623225600 1099
Author: PolinaKananykina
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-06-09
Views: 1015
1623225600 1015
Author: art591
Session Name: hse21_H3K27ac_MCF-7_human
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-06-09
Views: 1009
1623225600 1009
Description: THRB
Author: Ruffi2ec
Session Name: Ruffing_ Lab 4-10 THRB
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-04-10
Views: 207
1712736000 207
Description: PDE6A
Author: Ruffi2ec
Session Name: Ruffing_ Lab 4-10 PDE6A
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-04-10
Views: 229
1712736000 229
Description: RHO edit
Author: Ruffi2ec
Session Name: Ruffing_ Lab 4-10 RHO
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-04-10
Views: 217
1712736000 217
Author: xiaolinwei123
Session Name: hg38_gata6
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-05-26
Views: 971
1622016000 971
Author: Xenia
Session Name: DNA methilarion 14chr
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-05-24
Views: 1047
1621843200 1047
Author: gemtang
Session Name: histone
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-06-04
Views: 1013
1622793600 1013
Author: Maksimov_Denis
Session Name: RNA_seq
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-05-24
Views: 1086
1621843200 1086
Description: Regions on GRCh37 where discordant exome variant calls are enriched when mapped on GRCh38.
Author: mdawood
Session Name: DISCREPS_GRCh37
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-05-17
Views: 1319
1621238400 1319
Description: Regions on GRCh38 where discordant exome variant calls are enriched when mapped on GRCh37.
Author: mdawood
Session Name: DISCREPs_GRCh38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-05-17
Views: 1236
1621238400 1236
Author: jojobajo
Session Name: SarkisyanA
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-05-17
Views: 1072
1621238400 1072
Author: manu90
Session Name: paciente2_trasloca
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-05-12
Views: 1068
1620806400 1068
Author: manu90
Session Name: ZMIZ
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-05-12
Views: 1326
1620806400 1326
Author: Maksimov_Denis
Session Name: chromatine states
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-05-11
Views: 1071
1620720000 1071
Description: tRNA2
Author: ck-j
Session Name: tRNA2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-12-27
Views: 589
1672128000 589
Author: eva re
Session Name: mm10_er
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-05-10
Views: 1030
1620633600 1030
Author: eva re
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-05-10
Views: 1022
1620633600 1022
Author: jdpachec
Session Name: Pacheco-PS2-ACE2-session
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-05-01
Views: 1050
1619856000 1050
Author: amatsiev
Session Name: Matsiev-PS2-ACE2-session
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-04-30
Views: 1069
1619769600 1069
Author: kailasdhond
Session Name: BME 110 PS 2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-04-30
Views: 1388
1619769600 1388
Author: mbule
Session Name: Bule-PS2-ACE2-session
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-04-30
Views: 1089
1619769600 1089
Author: mai.baker
Session Name: hg38_SAT1_bed
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-04-28
Views: 1064
1619596800 1064
Author: beoungle
Session Name: hg19 enhancer and infos
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-04-26
Views: 1779
1619424000 1779
Author: ramace
Session Name: Mace--PS2-ACE2-session
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-04-25
Views: 1010
1619337600 1010
Author: Maksimov_Denis
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-05-11
Views: 1034
1620720000 1034
Author: abenet
Session Name: HumanMutationFig2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-05-19
Views: 1103
1621411200 1103
Author: abenet
Session Name: HumanMutationFig4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-05-19
Views: 1077
1621411200 1077
Author: jojshelt
Session Name: ACE 2 04/17/21
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-04-17
Views: 1049
1618646400 1049
Author: jojshelt
Session Name: SARS CoV 2 04/15/21
Genome Assembly: wuhCor1
Creation Date: 2021-04-15
Views: 3249
1618473600 3249
Author: gatupovmikhail
Session Name: mm10_hw1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-04-14
Views: 2792
1618387200 2792
Author: Maksimov_Denis
Session Name: bisulfite sequencing
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-04-14
Views: 1052
1618387200 1052
Description: Public session with the basic tracks to identify putative endothelial enhancers, as described in the published method chapter: Neal A, Rodriguez-Caro H, De Val S. Finding and Verifying Enhancers for Endothelial-Expressed Genes. Methods Mol Biol. 2022;2441:351-368. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2059-5_28. PMID: 35099751. If used, please cite the publication. Author: Helena Rodriguez-Caro
Author: HRC
Session Name: AngiogenesisProtocol_2021_DeVal
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-04-09
Views: 1101
1617955200 1101
Author: qscmki
Session Name: WT-RNA-ribo-seq
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-04-08
Views: 1168
1617868800 1168
Author: gbenegas
Session Name: tabulamuris
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-04-06
Views: 1216
1617696000 1216
Author: gbenegas
Session Name: primarymotorcortex
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-04-06
Views: 1195
1617696000 1195
Author: JFormosa
Session Name: Hwk6Pt3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-22
Views: 742
1645516800 742
Description: This session shows a heat map display using bigBed tracks. A new bigHeat python program helps build a heat-map style display of tracks in various colors. It takes an input BED file and an expression-matrix and generates one bigBed file per column, colored by the values in the matrix. For SARS-2 there are assays where peptides are spotted onto a microarray and antibodies extracted from blood are run over the array and the bigHeat tool was created to aid in visualizing this microarray type data into a collection of stacked tracks in the Browser seen in this session.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: HeatMap
Genome Assembly: wuhCor1
Creation Date: 2021-04-06
Views: 1066
1617696000 1066
Author: ldebiasio
Session Name: DeBiaso-PS2-ACE2-session
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-04-27
Views: 1035
1619510400 1035
Author: marijazzz
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-03-28
Views: 1133
1616918400 1133
Author: asalisbury1
Session Name: mm9999
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2021-03-25
Views: 1122
1616659200 1122
Author: vrlopez
Session Name: Spring 22 Yeast test VL
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2022-01-28
Views: 762
1643356800 762
Author: Cornelia
Session Name: danRer10_pEGFP-N1_RNA
Genome Assembly: danRer10
Creation Date: 2021-03-04
Views: 1113
1614844800 1113
Author: butlertj3
Session Name: sars_cov2_g4_stem-loops
Genome Assembly: wuhCor1
Creation Date: 2020-11-26
Views: 1342
1606377600 1342
Description: This session shows ChIP-on-ChEP-seq data from Macaca fascicularis testis for H3K27Ac, REC8, RAD21L, SMC1B, STAG3, CTCF, and BORIS/CTCFL. Data in this session are from the PNAS paper: A. Boukaba, J. Liu, C. Ward, Q. Wu1, A. Arnaoutov, J. Liang1, E. M. Pugacheva, M. Dasso, V. Lobanenkov, M. Esteban, and A. V. Strunnikov (2022) Ectopic expression of meiotic cohesin generates chromosome instability in cancer cell line. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Oct 4;119(40):e2204071119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2204071119.
Author: Strunnik
Session Name: cohesins_CTCF_BORIS_K27Ac_macFas5_pub
Genome Assembly: macFas5
Creation Date: 2021-02-28
Views: 810
1614499200 810
Author: jhj981111
Session Name: Pde4b
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-03-02
Views: 1096
1614672000 1096
Author: Mohamed Hisham
Session Name: hg19-HBB
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-03-02
Views: 1075
1614672000 1075
Author: veronicaburns
Session Name: mm10_210225
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-02-25
Views: 1239
1614240000 1239
Author: abenet
Session Name: HumanMutationFig3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-05-19
Views: 1052
1621411200 1052
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0124
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-24
Views: 1219
1614153600 1219
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv1057
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-24
Views: 1307
1614153600 1307
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv1051
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-24
Views: 1295
1614153600 1295
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0830
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-24
Views: 1058
1614153600 1058
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0403
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-24
Views: 1224
1614153600 1224
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0397
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-24
Views: 1117
1614153600 1117
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0395
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-24
Views: 1058
1614153600 1058
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0393
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-24
Views: 1050
1614153600 1050
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0390
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-24
Views: 1110
1614153600 1110
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: hsinv0389
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-24
Views: 1047
1614153600 1047
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0370
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-23
Views: 1097
1614067200 1097
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv1124
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-23
Views: 1114
1614067200 1114
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0290
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-23
Views: 1065
1614067200 1065
Author: arthurcheng
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-02-20
Views: 1072
1613808000 1072
Description: Genome-wide profiling of histone H1 variants and H3K9me3 in T47D-MTVL cells upon multiple H1 depletion.
Author: NSP
Session Name: GSE156036_GSE166645
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-09-08
Views: 1392
1599552000 1392
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0786
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-18
Views: 1101
1613635200 1101
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0344
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-18
Views: 1055
1613635200 1055
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0340
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-23
Views: 1092
1614067200 1092
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0228
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-23
Views: 1058
1614067200 1058
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0396
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-17
Views: 1079
1613548800 1079
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: hsinv0097
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-17
Views: 1091
1613548800 1091
Description: Posterior Column Ataxia with Retinitis Pigmentosa (PCARP) is a genetic disorder caused by mutations in the FLVCR1 gene that codes for Feline Leukemia Virus Subgroup C Cellular Receptor 1. Mutations in this heme transport protein, can lead to heme toxicity which affects vision and the nervous system. Symptoms begin in childhood and can include Tunnel-like visual loss, night blindness, and photophobia. Through adulthood sensory function decreases, and symptoms of atrophy, loss of touch, and scoliosis, are common. There are four variants of the FLVCR1 gene that cause PCARP. Puffenburger et. al identified a novel variant at position 361 of the FLCR1 gene, an Asparagine-to-Aspartic Acid, missense mutation which is highlighted blue. The Puffenburger variant (blue) is the current focus of the track, if you zoom to see the whole FLVCR gene you will see there are three other variants designated by the OMIM Alleles Track. Two additional variants are also located in exon 1, and a third in exon 8. At position 574 there is a variant resulting in a cysteine-to-arginine missense mutation which is highlighted green, and at position 721, an alanine-to-threonine missense mutation which is highlighted yellow. In Exon 8 at position 1477 there is a variant resulting in a glycine-to-arginine missense mutation. The Clinvar Variants track classifies all four as pathogenic missense mutations. Pathogenic and Likely Pathogenic variants are colored red, benign variants are colored green, and variants of uncertain significance are colored gray. The Conservation track shows that the regions where all four variants are highly conserved across several species. There is no amino acid variation between chimps, dogs, cattle, cattle, mice, fowl, and zebrafish. Conservation across all of these species indicates these regions are important to vertebrates, and explains why these missense mutations are damaging.
Author: jrhemm
Session Name: Juniata Bioinformatics JHNH
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-11
Views: 1107
1613030400 1107
Description: This session shows bosTau9 for a gene also found in Human_PIK3CG which was described in a PAG 2020 meeting.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: bosTau9_Human_PIK3CG
Genome Assembly: bosTau9
Creation Date: 2021-02-12
Views: 1062
1613116800 1062
Author: soniagoozee
Session Name: bushbaby
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-02-11
Views: 998
1613030400 998
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: inversions
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-11
Views: 1059
1613030400 1059
Author: raceschaeffer
Session Name: mm10_task2_int
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-02-10
Views: 1085
1612944000 1085
Author: raceschaeffer
Session Name: mm10_task1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-02-10
Views: 1460
1612944000 1460
Author: joel_mundkl
Session Name: Alg 13 w/ tracks
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-02-10
Views: 1136
1612944000 1136
Author: joel_mundkl
Session Name: All 3 tracks session
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-02-10
Views: 1065
1612944000 1065
Author: joel_mundkl
Session Name: Gli3 and HH tracks
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-02-10
Views: 1287
1612944000 1287
Author: joel_mundkl
Session Name: Gli3 limb binding mm10 (ptch1)
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-02-10
Views: 1066
1612944000 1066
Author: qhernand
Session Name: Hernandez-PS2-ACE2-session
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-04-30
Views: 1283
1619769600 1283
Author: alecmilazzo
Session Name: mm10_1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-02-09
Views: 1496
1612857600 1496
Author: as3838
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-08
Views: 1125
1612771200 1125
Author: PaoloM1990
Session Name: ACTB_qPCR primers
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-02
Views: 1502
1612252800 1502
Author: mdrcetin
Session Name: hg38_encode_bcell_cd34myeloidprogenitor_naturalkiller
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-11-16
Views: 783
1637049600 783
Author: mdrcetin
Session Name: hg38_encode_ucsf4_hyyees64_h1_h9
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-11-16
Views: 1295
1637049600 1295
Author: mdrcetin
Session Name: hg38_k562_encode_minus_strand_only
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-11-16
Views: 793
1637049600 793
Author: molcov
Session Name: Human Duplication
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-01-31
Views: 1148
1612080000 1148
Description: coronavirus spike protein region with some relevant tracks turned on, including variants of concern (VoC).
Author: Example
Session Name: wuhCor1_spike
Genome Assembly: wuhCor1
Creation Date: 2021-01-25
Views: 3427
1611561600 3427
Author: Dongyao_Liu
Session Name: mm9_BAML1_and_CLOCK
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2021-04-13
Views: 1045
1618300800 1045
Description: The hub shows association of copy number changes of VNTRs (Variable Number Tander Repeat) with local gene expression and CpG methylation in two discovery cohorts ane one replication cohort for which PCR-free Illumina WGS data were available.<br> Read more here:
Author: brianlee
Session Name: VNTR
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-01-22
Views: 1109
1611302400 1109
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: Hsinv0209
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-23
Views: 1085
1614067200 1085
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0030
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-23
Views: 1072
1614067200 1072
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-01-12
Views: 1556
1610438400 1556
Author: ashleywilkins
Session Name: hg19 RHO 2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-09-06
Views: 1001
1630915200 1001
Description: CAG repeats found in the RUNX2 gene. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: anom_fig9
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-08-19
Views: 668
1660896000 668
Description: Zoom in on CAG repeats found in the gene MED12. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: anom_fig7
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-08-19
Views: 684
1660896000 684
Description: Two different areas of CAG repeats found in the MED12 gene. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: anom_fig6
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-08-19
Views: 754
1660896000 754
Author: as3838
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-08
Views: 1149
1612771200 1149
Author: AnnaClaireR1
Session Name: mm10_3tracks
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-02-01
Views: 1352
1612166400 1352
Author: AnnaClaireR1
Session Name: mm10_testupload
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-02-01
Views: 1153
1612166400 1153
Author: PaoloM1990
Session Name: GAPDH_qPCR primers
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-02
Views: 1126
1612252800 1126
Author: PaoloM1990
Session Name: ATP6V0E1_qPCR primers
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-02
Views: 1081
1612252800 1081
Author: PaoloM1990
Session Name: GBA_qPCR primers
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-02
Views: 1169
1612252800 1169
Author: PaoloM1990
Session Name: CTSD_qPCR primers
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-02
Views: 1066
1612252800 1066
Author: PaoloM1990
Session Name: CTSB_qPCR primers
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-02
Views: 1193
1612252800 1193
Author: PaoloM1990
Session Name: CTSL_qPCR primers
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-02
Views: 1099
1612252800 1099
Author: PaoloM1990
Session Name: MCOLN1_qPCR primers
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-02
Views: 1232
1612252800 1232
Author: AnnaClaireR1
Session Name: mm10_smoc
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-02-02
Views: 1383
1612252800 1383
Description: This session helps demonstrate the Simple Tandem Repeats by TRF track. It includes a Short Match track that is simply highlighting the sequence <b>ctctcgct</b> within the window and this reflects how a programmatic approach can annotate the genome, where the Tandem Repeats Finder (TRF) program helps discover and annotate possibly imperfect repeats as well as exact matches. Users who are interested in STRs may want to look at a resource called STRBase which was founded in 2001 and includes a Variant Allele Reports page for those searching for allele or frequency count information.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg38_STR
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-01-07
Views: 1416
1610006400 1416
Description: This session shows an assembly hub on mink that can be loaded with this quick link:<br> The link can also be searched with the position= term: <br> It can also have custom data displayed on it, in this case an interact file that can be loaded under My Data and Custom Tracks.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: Mink_hub_interact
Genome Assembly: hub_2637617_GCA_900108605.1
Creation Date: 2021-01-07
Views: 1368
1610006400 1368
Author: sarahjc
Session Name: FM GR ChIP Miseq
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-01-02
Views: 1278
1609574400 1278
Session Name: GRCh37_CNV_SNV_2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-12-21
Views: 1269
1608537600 1269
Author: Libby3121
Session Name: mm39 FoxA2 sites
Genome Assembly: mm39
Creation Date: 2020-12-20
Views: 1237
1608451200 1237
Session Name: GRCh37_CNV_SNV
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-12-19
Views: 1733
1608364800 1733
Author: solbru
Session Name: hg19_TANGO6
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-12-18
Views: 1361
1608278400 1361
Author: molcov
Session Name: Drosophila Duplication
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2021-01-30
Views: 1165
1611993600 1165
Author: joliemb
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2021-02-04
Views: 1129
1612425600 1129
Author: mongerc
Session Name: mm10BMI1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-12-16
Views: 1310
1608105600 1310
Author: rpe13002
Session Name: hg38_CT83_iso3
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-12-13
Views: 1440
1607846400 1440
Author: rpe13002
Session Name: hg38_TMPRSS4_iso4
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-12-12
Views: 1279
1607760000 1279
Author: rpe13002
Session Name: hg38_CT83
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-12-12
Views: 1263
1607760000 1263
Author: rpe13002
Session Name: hg38_ADAM9_iso27
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-12-12
Views: 1283
1607760000 1283
Author: rpe13002
Session Name: hg38_ITGA6_iso20
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-12-12
Views: 1294
1607760000 1294
Author: mongerc
Session Name: Brien2020AllTracks
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-12-07
Views: 1330
1607328000 1330
Author: mongerc
Session Name: Brien2020ChIP-RX
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-12-07
Views: 1267
1607328000 1267
Author: JZhaoARUP
Session Name: hg19_ARUP_CMA_multi_gene
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-11-14
Views: 1890
1605340800 1890
Author: JZhaoARUP
Session Name: hg19_ARUP_CMA_single_gene
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-11-14
Views: 1646
1605340800 1646
Author: sarahjc
Session Name: Nextseq Dedup ESF BAC SS 113020
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-11-30
Views: 1283
1606723200 1283
Author: ustiugova_al
Session Name: au
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-11-27
Views: 1285
1606464000 1285
Author: ck-j
Session Name: RNAseq-WT/KO-chr12:113,418,558-113,422,730
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-11-21
Views: 813
1605945600 813
Author: ck-j
Session Name: PCPB1-chr12:113,418,558-113,422,730
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-11-17
Views: 838
1605600000 838
Description: KJ8Vehicle = 0d +TGFB KJ15eEMT = 2d +TGFB KJ12pEMT = 4d +TGFB KJ14Trans = 4d +TGFB followed by 4d TGFB withdrawal KJ11fMET2 = 4d +TGFB followed by 10d TGFB withdrawal KJ9fEMT = 10d +TGFB KJ13pMET = 10d +TGFB followed by 4d TGFB withdrawal KJ10fMET1 = 10d +TGFB followed by 10d TGFB withdrawal
Author: kelsey_johnson1
Session Name: Reversible EMT ATAC-seq peaks
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-11-20
Views: 1169
1605859200 1169
Description: NRA-Anterograde Regulation of Nuclear-encoded Mitochondrial Genes and FGF21 Signaling by Hepatic Histone Demethylase LSD1
Author: qiushi
Session Name: RNAseq
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-11-12
Views: 1341
1605168000 1341
Description: NRA-Anterograde Regulation of Nuclear-encoded Mitochondrial Genes and FGF21 Signaling by Hepatic Histone Demethylase LSD1
Author: qiushi
Session Name: ChIPseq
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-11-12
Views: 1323
1605168000 1323
Author: kkaczor
Session Name: cirm_ucla_2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-11-11
Views: 1351
1605081600 1351
Author: jranish
Session Name: Castrillo LXR ChIP
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-10-27
Views: 1038
1603785600 1038
Author: zgtman
Session Name: Genescan_3_hg38_SRY
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-01-12
Views: 1501
1610438400 1501
Author: manu90
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-11-15
Views: 1025
1605427200 1025
Author: evechen97
Session Name: EC-39545454-MEDG580-UBC-2020
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-10
Views: 987
1633852800 987
Author: aurbanow
Session Name: tammer
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-11-25
Views: 1327
1606291200 1327
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: BAC_FOSMID
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2020-10-16
Views: 1540
1602835200 1540
Author: psharma
Session Name: 6. PS-75227116-MEDG580-UBC-2020
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-10-06
Views: 1246
1601971200 1246
Author: williamhconrad
Session Name: TSS-evaluation-lite-2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-10-07
Views: 864
1633593600 864
Author: williamhconrad
Session Name: TSS-evaluation-lite
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-10-07
Views: 933
1633593600 933
Author: fushenchu
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-09-28
Views: 1358
1601280000 1358
Author: federikr
Session Name: CRX
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-09-28
Views: 1349
1601280000 1349
Description: ClinGen tracks show dosage sensitivity (deletion or gains will cause disease or not) of described copy number region (ISCA) and single genes in the region and curation of association of diseases to the genes in these region.
Author: abenet
Session Name: clinical-ClinGenCuration
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-09-25
Views: 1364
1601020800 1364
Author: zahra jafari
Session Name: homwork
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-12-03
Views: 768
1638518400 768
Description: This session shows a portion of the ALDH2 gene, one of the two genes associated with alcohol intolerance in East Asian populations, in its entirety. The "ClinVar" track is enabled and shows common nucleotide variants in the region. Clicking into a rsID provides more information regarding the phenotypic, and possibly pathogenic, consequences of a variant. Highlighted is rs671, which is the variant that causes “alcohol flush syndrome”; This condition is seen in approximately 30% to 50% of East Asian individuals. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_ALDH2clinvar
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-07-21
Views: 677
1658390400 677
Author: williamhconrad
Session Name: TSS-evaluation
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-09-21
Views: 1914
1600675200 1914
Author: kianayaghoobian
Session Name: TAS2R38 UniProt
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-09-20
Views: 1334
1600588800 1334
Author: kianayaghoobian
Session Name: TAS2R38 group1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-09-20
Views: 1715
1600588800 1715
Author: jzhicks07
Session Name: TAS2R38 JMH_1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-09-14
Views: 1405
1600070400 1405
Author: manu90
Session Name: TAD!!
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-06-03
Views: 1025
1622707200 1025
Author: jzhicks07
Session Name: TAS2R38 JMH
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-09-12
Views: 1394
1599897600 1394
Author: zgtman
Session Name: OTOA
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-10-11
Views: 965
1633939200 965
Author: rstarks23
Session Name: e9.5Placenta_HistoneModification
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-09-09
Views: 1327
1599638400 1327
Author: AMOza
Session Name: LMM_Conservation
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-09-09
Views: 1417
1599638400 1417
Author: maddieevans9
Session Name: TAS2R38 group(ME,BZ,CB)
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-09-09
Views: 2061
1599638400 2061
Author: gage2ea
Session Name: Fall20 Worm test group 3
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2020-09-08
Views: 1405
1599552000 1405
Author: sconyejekwe
Session Name: Fall20 Mouse test group#5
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2020-09-08
Views: 1126
1599552000 1126
Author: calvinc98
Session Name: Fall20 Mouse test group 6
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2020-09-08
Views: 1342
1599552000 1342
Author: occamslaser
Session Name: Fall20 Worm test group# 4
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2020-09-08
Views: 1136
1599552000 1136
Author: hrbaylous
Session Name: Fall20 yeast test group 1
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-09-08
Views: 1476
1599552000 1476
Author: Haley Yandrasitz
Session Name: Fall20 Mouse Test group#5
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2020-09-08
Views: 1268
1599552000 1268
Author: jzhicks07
Session Name: CGEMS yeast JMH test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-09-07
Views: 1343
1599465600 1343
Author: biologyassignment
Session Name: Fall19 Yeast test (ACG)
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-09-07
Views: 1415
1599465600 1415
Author: ArcherS
Session Name: Fall19 Yeast test A.S.
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-09-07
Views: 1315
1599465600 1315
Author: federikr
Session Name: Fall20 TAS2R38 group#3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-09-07
Views: 1189
1599465600 1189
Author: perryts
Session Name: Fall20 Yeast Test (TSP)
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-09-07
Views: 1338
1599465600 1338
Author: maddieevans9
Session Name: Fall20 Yeast test (ME)
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-09-07
Views: 1399
1599465600 1399
Author: lauren_soleo
Session Name: TAS2R38 group 1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-09-07
Views: 1362
1599465600 1362
Author: brockse
Session Name: TAS2R38 group 1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-09-07
Views: 1349
1599465600 1349
Author: Chadtb220
Session Name: Fall19 Yeast test CTB
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-09-07
Views: 1383
1599465600 1383
Author: AMOza
Session Name: LMM_Conservation_hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-09-09
Views: 7958
1599638400 7958
Author: kianayaghoobian
Session Name: Fall19 Yeast test KY
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-09-07
Views: 1557
1599465600 1557
Author: KeelynCrossin
Session Name: Fall20 yeast test KGC
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-09-06
Views: 1307
1599379200 1307
Author: JFormosa
Session Name: Hwk6Pt2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-22
Views: 710
1645516800 710
Author: embdukes
Session Name: Fall20 Yeast test (EDB)
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-09-06
Views: 1387
1599379200 1387
Author: napace
Session Name: Fall19 Yeast test NAP
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-09-06
Views: 1513
1599379200 1513
Author: federikr
Session Name: Fall20 Yeast Test KF
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-09-06
Views: 1375
1599379200 1375
Author: JRozick147
Session Name: wuhCor1-1
Genome Assembly: wuhCor1
Creation Date: 2020-09-05
Views: 1739
1599292800 1739
Author: lauren_soleo
Session Name: Fall20 Yeast test LS
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-09-04
Views: 1343
1599206400 1343
Description: This session is of the new ALFA (Allele Frequency Aggregator) variants and allele frequency hub. Results from the Allele Frequency Aggregator (ALFA) project will help users interpret the biological impact of common and rare sequence variants. ALFA's initial release includes analysis of genotype data from ~100K unrestricted dbGaP subjects and provides high-quality allele frequency data now displayed on relevant dbSNP records. Eventually ALFA will analyze more than 1M subjects. The current version is for hg38/GRCh38 with work to include hg19/GRCh37 data. Read more about the ALFA project page here:
Author: brianlee
Session Name: ALFA_Trio
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-09-03
Views: 1868
1599120000 1868
Author: brockse
Session Name: Fall20 Yeast Test SB
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-08-31
Views: 1502
1598860800 1502
Author: Yuanyuan Zhang
Session Name: Mechanism of 5mC controlled Arabidopsis clock pace
Genome Assembly: hub_329263_araTha1
Creation Date: 2021-01-11
Views: 3536
1610352000 3536
Author: mongerc
Session Name: mm10Suz12
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-08-28
Views: 1375
1598601600 1375
Description: A stop codon (marked in red) found at the end of the METTL3 gene, indicating the end of translation, which proceeds right to left for this gene. Below, we can observe how conservation decreases dramatically after the Stop codon in the “PhyloP” data track. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: mettl3_stop
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-01-19
Views: 778
1642579200 778
Author: alfordml
Session Name: Spring22 Yeast test MA
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2022-01-25
Views: 795
1643097600 795
Author: gera912
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-08-11
Views: 1372
1597132800 1372
Author: feng xue
Session Name: kdm4c
Genome Assembly: hg17
Creation Date: 2020-08-10
Views: 1650
1597046400 1650
Author: shuynhs
Session Name: SH-61951083-MEDG580-UBC-2020
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-10-05
Views: 1362
1601884800 1362
Description: Session of ASHG 2020 Figure 2. Displays Hi-C track format with custom display options (score normalization, display color, arc display).
Author: Lou
Session Name: ASHG2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-10-05
Views: 1404
1601884800 1404
Description: Session of ASHG 2020 Figure 1. Displays Hi-C track format with default settings. Additional tracks include UCSC Genes, ChIP-seq signal track from ENCODE, and GeneHancer clustered interactions.
Author: Lou
Session Name: ASHG1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-10-05
Views: 1373
1601884800 1373
Author: boothc
Session Name: Fish n Chips detailed
Genome Assembly: danRer10
Creation Date: 2020-08-04
Views: 1425
1596528000 1425
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0573
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-18
Views: 1088
1613635200 1088
Author: jzhicks07
Session Name: CRX 9.28 JMH
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-09-28
Views: 1352
1601280000 1352
Author: simonwang612
Session Name: Ying_ATAC_GSDMD
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-07-23
Views: 1749
1595491200 1749
Author: simonwang612
Session Name: Ying_ATACseq_peaks
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-07-23
Views: 1804
1595491200 1804
Author: simonwang612
Session Name: atac_Ying
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-07-23
Views: 1515
1595491200 1515
Author: simonwang612
Session Name: mm10_atac_Ying
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-07-23
Views: 1359
1595491200 1359
Author: Lachlan Coin
Session Name: dRNA
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-07-22
Views: 1444
1595404800 1444
Description: Tracks associated with: Buzzi et al. 2022 Sox8 remodels the cranial ectoderm to generate the ear
Author: alexthiery
Session Name: Sox8_otic_reprogramming
Genome Assembly: galGal6
Creation Date: 2021-03-02
Views: 553
1614672000 553
Author: Marie-José
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-07-28
Views: 1659
1595923200 1659
Author: shaghayegh dastjerdi
Session Name: hg19/smad3 new promoters
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-07-27
Views: 1452
1595836800 1452
Author: Schne2lk
Session Name: hg38 RHO multiomics
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-11-16
Views: 846
1637049600 846
Author: ashleywilkins
Session Name: hg38 retinal multiomics
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-11-16
Views: 786
1637049600 786
Author: chalie102
Session Name: HDA_ChIP_H3K18ac
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2021-02-15
Views: 1556
1613376000 1556
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: hg38_NTRK2_blat_probes
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-10-12
Views: 1542
1602489600 1542
Author: LalehEbr
Session Name: hg19 UCSC workshop assignment
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-07-19
Views: 1773
1595145600 1773
Author: fatemeh sadat
Session Name: F
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-07-19
Views: 1793
1595145600 1793
Author: shaghayegh dastjerdi
Session Name: hg19/dastjerdi
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-07-17
Views: 1886
1594972800 1886
Author: fatemeh sadat
Session Name: FASc
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-07-19
Views: 2020
1595145600 2020
Author: shaghayegh dastjerdi
Session Name: hg19/Smad3 promoter
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-07-17
Views: 1471
1594972800 1471
Description: Transcript structures for LncExpDB and LncBook databases
Author: lizhao
Session Name: lncexpdb_UCSC
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-09-07
Views: 124410
1694073600 124410
Description: MetamORF: A repository of unique small Open Reading Frames identified by both experimental and computational approaches for gene-level and meta analyses
Author: schoteau
Session Name: MetamORF (hg38)
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-07-14
Views: 1458
1594713600 1458
Author: mongerc
Session Name: Brien2020ChipRX
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-07-09
Views: 1416
1594281600 1416
Author: mongerc
Session Name: Brien2020RNASeq
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-07-09
Views: 1479
1594281600 1479
Author: mongerc
Session Name: Brien2020ATAC
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-07-09
Views: 1426
1594281600 1426
Author: Marie-José
Session Name: hg19_TAD
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-07-09
Views: 1830
1594281600 1830
Author: Stephanie
Session Name: hg19-OXTR
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-07-08
Views: 1446
1594195200 1446
Description: RCRN
Author: Ruffi2ec
Session Name: Ruffing_ Lab 4-10 RCRN
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2024-04-10
Views: 190
1712736000 190
Author: Stephanie
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-07-08
Views: 1427
1594195200 1427
Author: Chen Chunpeng
Session Name: GBM_STAT
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-07-14
Views: 1381
1594713600 1381
Author: Stephanie
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-07-08
Views: 1581
1594195200 1581
Author: ranjan99
Session Name: RCas9_HSA_IM
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-06-28
Views: 1804
1593331200 1804
Author: ustiugova_al
Session Name: cd27
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-06-26
Views: 1439
1593158400 1439
Author: ccpowell
Session Name: solLy4
Genome Assembly: hub_2266061_solLy4
Creation Date: 2020-06-15
Views: 2197
1592208000 2197
Author: Dbakalar
Session Name: Rapgef2 mRNA, promotors, H3K9me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-06-18
Views: 1641
1592467200 1641
Author: Dbakalar
Session Name: Rapgef2 mRNA, promotors, H3K27me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-06-18
Views: 1414
1592467200 1414
Author: Dbakalar
Session Name: Rapgef2 mRNA, promotors, H3K36me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-06-18
Views: 1381
1592467200 1381
Author: Dbakalar
Session Name: Rapgef2 mRNA, promotors, H3K9ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-06-18
Views: 1320
1592467200 1320
Author: Dbakalar
Session Name: Rapgef2 mRNA, promotors, H3K27ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-06-18
Views: 1473
1592467200 1473
Author: Dbakalar
Session Name: Rapgef2 mRNA, promotors, K4me2
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-06-18
Views: 1356
1592467200 1356
Author: Dbakalar
Session Name: Rapgef2 mRNA, promotors, H3Kme1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-06-18
Views: 1312
1592467200 1312
Author: Dbakalar
Session Name: Rapgef2 mRNA, promotors, H4me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-06-18
Views: 1402
1592467200 1402
Author: jeramiahsmith
Session Name: RNAseq_regen_compil
Genome Assembly: hub_1106737_Amex_PQ.v4
Creation Date: 2020-06-17
Views: 1629
1592380800 1629
Author: williamhconrad
Session Name: hg19 HCT116 DMR Methylation
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-06-09
Views: 1616
1591689600 1616
Author: nickeener
Session Name: SARS-CoV-2 Selection
Genome Assembly: wuhCor1
Creation Date: 2020-06-03
Views: 1464
1591171200 1464
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: ce10_OP_CNV
Genome Assembly: ce10
Creation Date: 2020-06-01
Views: 1559
1590998400 1559
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Author: dianegirard
Session Name: H3K27ac_ChIPseq_EPI_hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-06-01
Views: 1598
1590998400 1598
Screenshot not available
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Author: dianegirard
Session Name: H3K27ac_ChIPseq_EPICARD_hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-05-30
Views: 1709
1590825600 1709
Screenshot not available
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Author: dianegirard
Session Name: H3K27ac_ChIPseq_CARD
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-05-30
Views: 1450
1590825600 1450
Description: Zoomed in on the first exon of the METTL3 gene. If we look at the direction of translation/arrows on the introns, we can see that translation for this gene is going from right to left. Zooming in here, the methionine start codon, colored in green, is observable. Notice how the sequence upstream from the start codon (to the right) is an untranslated region, depicted as a half-height box at the UTR region of the 5’ end. Offscreen to the right is more non-coding RNA (indicated by double white arrows). Only after the start codon does translation actually begin in the right-to-left direction. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: mettl3_exon1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-01-19
Views: 791
1642579200 791
Description: ChIPmera
Author: CGRoque
Session Name: GouveiaRoque_ChIPmera
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-04-22
Views: 614
1619078400 614
Author: ccpowell
Session Name: solLyc1
Genome Assembly: hub_2224691_solLyc1
Creation Date: 2020-05-25
Views: 1540
1590393600 1540
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: ce10_CNV_10kb_FINAL
Genome Assembly: ce10
Creation Date: 2020-05-17
Views: 1555
1589702400 1555
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: ce10_CNV_FINAL
Genome Assembly: ce10
Creation Date: 2020-05-17
Views: 1509
1589702400 1509
Author: m1kss
Session Name: mouse chr16 methylation embryonic
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-05-13
Views: 1534
1589356800 1534
Author: yael porat
Session Name: myc
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-05-10
Views: 1482
1589097600 1482
Description: RNA plus-sense secondary structure prediction by Rangan et al are displayed. Both MEA secondary structured and MSA conserved sequences are formatted as separate tracks. All instances of "CUAAAC" motifs are annotated (plus-sense purple, negative-sense teal, complement GUUUAG) Yellow highlights represent hypothesized negative or complement interactions. Orange highlights represent non-canonical template switching overlapping with regions with high confidence secondary structure predictions. Blue highlights represent canonical TRS-L TRS-B template switching.
Author: jssim
Session Name: wuhCor
Genome Assembly: wuhCor1
Creation Date: 2020-04-23
Views: 1634
1587628800 1634
Author: apacis
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-05-06
Views: 1992
1588752000 1992
Author: Annaneed
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-07-06
Views: 1431
1594022400 1431
Author: tsvid
Session Name: hg19_hemoglobin
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-09-27
Views: 945
1632729600 945
Author: aoludipe
Session Name: hg19_kishimoto 1998
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-09-27
Views: 1269
1632729600 1269
Description: All patient isolates in PRJNA613958, with exception of MinION sequenced, were individually aligned against the NC_045512.2 reference with SNPs called for each isolate using 'ngskit4b kalign'. A matrix of all individual isolate SNP site loci (rows) and isolate base calls at that loci (cols) created with 'ngskit4b snpmarkers' and this matrix then processed with 'ngskit4b snps2pgsnps' to output the pgSNPs tracks. Tracks show, for each SNP loci, the number of isolates containing the displayed allele base. Difference in tracks results from strictness of parameterisations (Allelic PValue, read coverage) used when calling SNPs.
Author: biodiscovery
Session Name: wuhCor1 PRJNA613958 allele union
Genome Assembly: wuhCor1
Creation Date: 2020-04-26
Views: 1647
1587888000 1647
Author: tmitchell1
Session Name: SNCG with EXON2 CT and CHB and SK-N-MC
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-04-15
Views: 1464
1586937600 1464
Author: tmitchell1
Session Name: SNCB CT with CHB and SK-N-MC
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-04-15
Views: 1845
1586937600 1845
Author: tmitchell1
Session Name: SNCG CT with CHB and SK-N-MC
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-04-15
Views: 1588
1586937600 1588
Author: ssdhar
Session Name: hg19 new H3k27 ac Her3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-08-16
Views: 1099
1629100800 1099
Author: kianayaghoobian
Session Name: CRISPR
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-09-28
Views: 1325
1601280000 1325
Author: tmitchell
Session Name: WT and mutant on CFTR
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2020-04-03
Views: 1591
1585900800 1591
Author: tmitchell
Session Name: WT and Mutant on Guca1b
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2020-04-03
Views: 1426
1585900800 1426
Author: tmitchell
Session Name: WT and mutant on Guca1a
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2020-04-03
Views: 1599
1585900800 1599
Author: tmitchell
Session Name: WT and Mutant CRX
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2020-04-03
Views: 1469
1585900800 1469
Author: tmitchell
Session Name: MAPT mutation custom track
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-04-03
Views: 1466
1585900800 1466
Author: tmitchell
Session Name: Exonic seq Custom Track
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-04-03
Views: 1502
1585900800 1502
Author: liaohy
Session Name: RNAseq_Xia.L_Control_Cex
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-04-01
Views: 1537
1585728000 1537
Author: liaohy
Session Name: RNAseq_Lin.XT_AM20191204
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-04-01
Views: 1555
1585728000 1555
Author: Genomedx
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-04-09
Views: 1901
1586419200 1901
Author: tmitchell
Session Name: WT and Mutant Arr3
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2020-04-03
Views: 1460
1585900800 1460
Author: andre2tj
Session Name: 3/31_Lab_Assignment_1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-03-31
Views: 1686
1585641600 1686
Author: liaohy
Session Name: RNAseq_Lian.JB_AM20200311-01
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-03-30
Views: 1522
1585555200 1522
Author: sajjeev
Session Name: ICR_CMYC_optimization_03262020
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-03-26
Views: 1688
1585209600 1688
Description: Hippo-YAP signaling controls lineage differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells through modulating the formation of super-enhancers
Author: ZJRen
Session Name: Yap_RNAseq_part1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-03-25
Views: 678
1585123200 678
Description: Hippo-YAP signaling controls lineage differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells through modulating the formation of super-enhancers
Author: ZJRen
Session Name: Yap_ChIPseq_part2
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-03-25
Views: 698
1585123200 698
Description: Hippo-YAP signaling controls lineage differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells through modulating the formation of super-enhancers
Author: ZJRen
Session Name: Yap_ChIPseq_part1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-03-25
Views: 712
1585123200 712
Author: ChPreuss
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-03-24
Views: 1637
1585036800 1637
Description: ReMap 2020: An atlas of regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of Human and Arabidopsis thaliana DNA-binding sequencing experiments. Go to <a href="">ReMap</a> for more info.
Author: Benoit Ballester
Session Name: US_ReMap2020_hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-08-28
Views: 4376
1566979200 4376
Description: METTL3 gene on human assembly hg38, showing a gene transcribed from the negative, or lower strand. You can see the exon numbering if you mouse over the exons on either end of the gene. The 5-end of the gene is on the right. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg38_revStrandGene
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-05-31
Views: 742
1653984000 742
Author: fengtao-cau
Session Name: susScr11
Genome Assembly: susScr11
Creation Date: 2020-03-10
Views: 1643
1583827200 1643
Author: apodgorny
Session Name: RNA_Seq
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2021-08-04
Views: 1075
1628064000 1075
Description: “Spliced ESTs” data track set to pack showing varying gene arrangements for the FGFR2 gene. Each EST is labeled with the corresponding tag to the left of its sequence. CN402795 sequence read is missing exon 6 for the FGFR2 gene (yellow highlight). In the orange highlighted region, we can see two more splice variants BE706533 and BE147547 missing exon 7. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: fgfr2_highlights
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-28
Views: 719
1646035200 719
Author: jeramiahsmith
Session Name: JS_structure_02262020
Genome Assembly: hub_1106737_Amex_PQ.v4
Creation Date: 2020-02-26
Views: 1372
1582704000 1372
Author: celiagonzalez98
Session Name: Team Work 2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-24
Views: 1607
1582531200 1607
Author: celiagonzalez98
Session Name: Team Work
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-24
Views: 1514
1582531200 1514
Author: Fu Haifeng
Session Name: Primed VS Naive
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-02-21
Views: 1508
1582272000 1508
Author: chend8
Session Name: ATAC_150_intergenic_5
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2020-02-19
Views: 1837
1582099200 1837
Author: vinayswamy
Session Name: DNTX
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-17
Views: 1637
1581926400 1637
Author: Tamira
Session Name: Mouse ECR
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-17
Views: 1698
1581926400 1698
Author: gaguil17
Session Name: Intersection.
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-02-16
Views: 1522
1581840000 1522
Author: celiagonzalez98
Session Name: class 4 part 2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-13
Views: 1758
1581580800 1758
Author: celiagonzalez98
Session Name: class 4 part 1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-13
Views: 1767
1581580800 1767
Author: UxueHuarte
Session Name: my sesion
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-13
Views: 1494
1581580800 1494
Author: dmr2928
Session Name: Daniel Robertson
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-02-12
Views: 1567
1581494400 1567
Author: AdrianFer
Session Name: Intersected_Updated
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-02-12
Views: 1584
1581494400 1584
Author: gaguil17
Session Name: Fgf17
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-02-12
Views: 1892
1581494400 1892
Author: ManteoAndrade
Session Name: bejeranofoxp2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-12
Views: 1510
1581494400 1510
Author: celiagonzalez98
Session Name: class 3 part 2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-12
Views: 1515
1581494400 1515
Author: celiagonzalez98
Session Name: class 2 enviar
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-11
Views: 1752
1581408000 1752
Author: mecay.1
Session Name: Session 2 final
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-11
Views: 1582
1581408000 1582
Author: JonMatas
Session Name: GenoPractice 2 Public
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-11
Views: 1729
1581408000 1729
Description: Juniata Bioinformatics Infantile Parkinsonism – dystonia is the second most popular neurodegenerative disorder. It is followed by Alzheimer. This disease is present in infancy and prevent those affected to live past their teenage year. This disease is fatal and has a second name known as Transporter deficiency Syndrome (DTDS). Those individuals that are affected may have many problem; limb dyskinesia, dystonia, and chorea, (OMIM,1). Currently we do not have an effective treatment to treat Infantile Parkinsonism-dystonia. This genetic mutation shows an increase between HVA and 5-HIAA in the cerebrospinal fluid. This leads to an increase in dopamine to serotonin metabolites, (OMIN,1).
Author: mmendez
Session Name: Juniata Bioinformatics; MM & NP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-10
Views: 1233
1581321600 1233
Description: Set of publicly available tracks to define enhance regions used in the human left ventricle. Accompanies Gacita et al, 2020.
Author: agacita
Session Name: Gacita_et_al_LV_Enhancer_Tracks
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-10
Views: 2191
1581321600 2191
Author: Andy20UNAV
Session Name: SESION2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-11
Views: 1809
1581408000 1809
Author: irish
Session Name: Example_Diana_gtfassemblyW1_w2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-10
Views: 2436
1581321600 2436
Description: Juniata Bioinformatics BMKJ The original encoded protein functions as a transcriptional coactivator that increases c-Myc activity and inhibits transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) and nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-kB) signaling. The encoded protein also regulates the stability of cyclin D1 mRNA and may play a role in cell proliferation and cancer progression. There is only one novel variant of this gene, and it is GLU366GLY. In the Puffenberger paper, they used a tool called PolyPhen-2, which can be found on Harvard's website, said the substitution was "probably damaging" with a score of 0.99. Some common characteristics expressed from the mutation are psychomotor delay, intractable seizures/epilepsy, bulbous nose, wide mouth and tongue, broad jaw, short hands, short tapered fingers, and broad thumbs. The first track pictured below shows a graph that serves as a basis for the predicted alternative splicing transcripts shown in the SIB Genes track. The blocks represent exons and the lines indicate introns. Also, there is a vertex for each splice, start, and end. The graph under the previous track shows the relationship between genetic variation and gene expression in multiple human tissues.
Author: bmiller913
Session Name: SNIP1 BMKJ
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-09
Views: 1538
1581235200 1538
Description: Children with Usher’s syndrome show no problems during infancy but begin to lose their ability to hear and see during childhood. Patients also present with mild lower body abnormalities. Charles Bonnet syndrome may also occur after affected children contract an infectious illness. Charles Bonnet syndrome is characterized by “decreased visual acuity and vivid visual hallucinations.” Usher’s syndrome is caused by a missense mutation on the 454 position of the Histidyl-tRNA synthetase (HARS) gene in which a tyrosine is replaced with an serine. The normal function of HARS is to charge tRNA with a histidine amino acid. Evidence suggests that the mutation that causes Usher’s syndrome may change the recognition of tRNA codons and/or catalytic activity. The Conservation track shows that this region is conserved across several species, and has amino acid variation in two of these species: Zebrafish (M instead of Y) and Lamprey (V instead of Y). Conservation across a number of species suggests that this region is essential to many vertebrates, and is perhaps why a mutation of this region is so detrimental. The CRISPR targets track shows DNA sequences that are targetable by CRISPR RNA guides. This track is able to show an estimate of how efficient the cleavage would be at the site (Green is the highest) as well as how specific the 20-mer primer is to a specific site in the genome (Black is least specific to just that site). This could be helpful when exploring options for gene therapy or modifications to the gene. The ClinVar Variants track shows the positions of variants in the ClinVar database. This track comes with two subtracks: one for long variants (100 bp or more, most of which are copy number variants) and one for short variants (less than 100 bp). The short variant track color codes variants according to their pathogenicity. Pathogenic variants are colored red, benign variants are colored green, and variants of uncertain significance are colored gray. The long variant track color code variants according to whether the variant is a copy number gain or loss. A user can click on a variant to find more information about the variant including a report that contains an interpretation of the variant and peer reviewed citations.
Author: behreka20
Session Name: Juniata Bioinformatics KB, LL, CM
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-09
Views: 1560
1581235200 1560
Description: The tracks in the Synonymous Constraint Public Hub represent regions of protein-coding sequences in which the rate of synonymous substitutions during mammalian evolution has been significantly lower or higher than in the rest of that gene. There are two tracks: Synonymous Constraint Elements (SCEs) have had lower than normal synonymous substitution rates while Synonymous Acceleration Elements (SAEs) have had higher than normal rates. Thanks to Maxim Wolf, Irwin Jungreis and others at MIT for the hub.
Author: PublicSessions
Session Name: SynonymousConstraintHub
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-07
Views: 1802
1581062400 1802
Description: Various mutations of the gene TUBGCP6 lead to alterations in the amino acid sequence of the subsequent protein, which leads to potential loss-of-function of the protein. This presents pathologically with ubiquitous marked microcephaly, a receding forehead, diminutive anterior fontanelle, and sutural ridging, in addition to other varied symptoms such as cognitive impairment, reduced cranial circumference, and epilepsy.
Author: cadeemlet
Session Name: Juniata Bioinformatics CE & SA
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-07
Views: 1306
1581062400 1306
Description: Juniata Bioinformatics SA and CE. Various mutations in gene TUBGCP6 result in microcephaly and chorioretinopathy. This gene codes for a protein that is part of the gamma tubulin complex, which is required for microtubule nucleation at the centrosome, and thus mitosis beginning with interphase. Mutations affecting this protein can lead to symptoms of a receding forehead, diminutive anterior fontanelle, sutural ridging, cognitive delay, visual impairment, diffuse pachygyria, and a hypoplastic cerebellar vermis. SA track: ENCODE Proteogenomics- this track is used to show functional elements of the human genome by using mass spectrometry to determine if translation is occurring by measuring protein produced by transcripts via proteogenomic mapping. This track identifies one exon within the TUBGCP6 gene. It is near the end of the mapped gene and its name is LGAGQTPGELLNPLVLNSVLSK. CE track: GTEx RNA-seq- Displayed also is track for GTEx Gene, which displays the relative gene expression through total mRNA counts of TUBGCP6 in 53 tissue sites distributed throughout the body. What can be derived primarily through this track is that the tissues which exhibit the greatest effects of TUBGCP6 gene mutations also exhibit the highest levels of genetic expression of the gene in healthy individuals, indicating a more prominent role in affected regions.
Author: slca1991
Session Name: Juniata Bioinformatics SA and CE
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-07
Views: 1528
1581062400 1528
Author: prfreire
Session Name: MOLM13 MEIS1 pull down
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-09-11
Views: 975
1568188800 975
Author: ignaciogoyache
Session Name: dia5
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-14
Views: 1791
1581667200 1791
Author: Joseph
Session Name: ICH_rat
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-03
Views: 1505
1580716800 1505
Author: philip.tatman
Session Name: sacCer3RepTimingForReview
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-01-31
Views: 1541
1580457600 1541
Author: philip.tatman
Session Name: sacCer3CDKByPassForReview
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-01-31
Views: 1491
1580457600 1491
Author: dramirez
Session Name: NomLeu3PROseq1st
Genome Assembly: nomLeu3
Creation Date: 2020-04-22
Views: 1621
1587542400 1621
Description: The nucleosome sequencing data of mouse brain NAC cells from NCBI GEO archive accession GSE54263. The sequence alignment (mm9) coverage profiles (bigWig) of control, stress-susceptible and stress-resilient mice and the nucleosome occupancy change and shift events (BED) are shown.
Author: Erinija
Session Name: mouse NAC nucleosome events (mm9)
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2020-01-27
Views: 1864
1580112000 1864
Author: philip.tatman
Session Name: hg38NocReleaseForReview
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-01-31
Views: 1458
1580457600 1458
Description: The disease of interest is Infantile Parkinsonism found on the SLC6A3 gene as the variant IVS9+1G>T. Infantile Parkinsonism is described as is an extremely rare inherited neurological syndrome that presents in early infancy with hypo-kinetic Parkinsonism and dystonia that can lead to fatality. Parkinsonism is a condition that causes movement abnormalities seen in Parkinson's disease such as tremors, slow movement, and impaired speech or muscle stiffness due to he loss of dopamine-containing neurons. Dystonia is a movement disorder in which a person's muscles contract uncontrollably. The SCL6A3 gene provides instruction for making proteins, specifically a dopamine transporter. This protein is found in neurons and is responsible for the transport of dopamine into the cells. Dopamine is a chemical messenger that signals for motivation, behavior, and control movement. The variant changes the first nucleotide of the ninth intron from a G to a T. This mutation would result in a change of the splicing pattern of the DNA. The track that Nicci explored was the CRISPR Targets track which shows the DNA sequences targetable by CRISPR RNA guides using the enzyme Cas9 over the whole human genome. CRISPR technology is a simple yet powerful tool for editing genomes. It allows researchers to easily alter DNA sequences and modify gene function. The track shows all potential -NGG target sites across the genome. Gray or black regions indicate impossible or hard to target areas. The colors blue, red, yellow, and green indicate the predicted chance of cleavage from unable to calculate to high predicted cleavage respectively. Mel explored the Vega Genes track which shows gene annotations from the Vertebrate Genome Annotation (Vega) database. Annotations are divided into two sub tracks from the Vega Human Genome Annotation project. The Two sub tracks include Vega protein coding and noncoding gene annotations as well as Vega annotated pseudogenes and immunoglobulin segments. This track follows the display conventions for gene prediction tracks. Transcript type may be found by clicking on the transcript identifier which forms the outside link to the Vega link detail page. School: Juniata College
Author: NMP94876
Session Name: Homewrok 3 Nicole Piccioni and Mell ended Juanita College Bioinformatics
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-29
Views: 1472
1582963200 1472
Author: keconne
Session Name: TAS2R38 group#5
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-01-21
Views: 1341
1579593600 1341
Author: nguye5vx
Session Name: Spring 2020 TAS Test VN
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-01-21
Views: 1432
1579593600 1432
Author: dschmelt
Session Name: Han_Chinese_LCT_Gene
Genome Assembly: hub_1969921_GCA_002180035.3_HG00514_prelim_3.0
Creation Date: 2020-01-20
Views: 1756
1579507200 1756
Author: keough
Session Name: monkey_guides
Genome Assembly: chlSab2
Creation Date: 2020-06-30
Views: 1038
1593504000 1038
Author: Maksimov_Denis
Session Name: ChromHMM_clusters
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-05-11
Views: 959
1620720000 959
Author: swttalyan
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-02-20
Views: 1511
1582185600 1511
Author: ilasa.5
Session Name: Day 3 group 5
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-12
Views: 1592
1581494400 1592
Author: ManteoAndrade
Session Name: foxp2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-12
Views: 1480
1581494400 1480
Author: keconne
Session Name: CGEMS yeast KEC test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-01-15
Views: 1509
1579075200 1509
Author: tmitchell
Session Name: Spring 2020 yeast test TM
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-01-15
Views: 1474
1579075200 1474
Author: marti4sm
Session Name: Fall19 Yeast test SM
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-01-15
Views: 1876
1579075200 1876
Description: This was an example of a CyVerse hosted assembly hub at the PAG 2020 workshop. The data at CyVerse is hosted at this directory that you can click and see the files: <a href=""></a>. In that directory you can click and read the text file named <a href="">hub.txt</a> and see how an assembly hub is a few stanzas that define the names of a genome and where to find binary-indexed raw data to display on the browser. The data is defined by the <code>twoBitPath araTha1.2bit</code> line in the genome stanza and in the <code>bigDataUrl cytoBandIdeo.bigBed</code> and <code>bigDataUrl</code> lines in the track stanzas. There is also an index file on the genes track <code>searchTrix ensGene.araTha1.ix</code> that allows to search the genes by both their names, such as <b> abcc2 </b>and their accessions, such as <b>AT3G50470.1</b>.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: CyVerse_Assembly_Hub
Genome Assembly: hub_1979095_araTha1
Creation Date: 2020-01-13
Views: 1470
1578902400 1470
Description: This session reflects a PAG 2020 Sunday Session, Genomics of Non-Classical Model Animals, and a speaker Bridgett vonHoldt from Princeton University. The title of Dr. vonHoldt's talk was <b>Everyone Is Your Friend! the Molecular Architecture of Hypersocial Canines</b>. Dr. vonHoldt analyzed wolf and dog populations and discovered a 5-Mb genomic region on chromosome 6 in dogs previously found to be under positive selection in domestic dog breeding. They gathered data on friendliness between a captive wolf and pet dog populations and then examined variants. The region affected by structural variants associated with the exuberant sociability of domestic dogs related to a gene WBSCR17 on chr7 in humans linked to Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS), a multisystem congenital disorder characterized by hypersocial behavior. Humans with this mutation have a lack of stranger danger and are overly cheerful. This session shows the WBSCR17 gene in human.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: Human_WBSCR17
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-01-13
Views: 1537
1578902400 1537
Description: This session reflects a PAG 2020 Sunday Session, Genomics of Non-Classical Model Animals, and a speaker Claudio V. Mello from Oregon Health and Science University. Dr. Mello's talk was titled <b>What Comparative Studies of Parrot Genomes Can Teach Us about Longevity, Large Brains and Cognition</b>. Dr. Mello identified genomic features under selection in parrots and other long-lived birds that included telomerase activity (TERT), DNA damage repair, control of cell proliferation, cancer, immunity, and anti-oxidative mechanisms. His group also identified many brain-expressed, parrot-specific paralogs with known functions in neural development or vocal-learning brain circuits seen in humans (AUS2). This session shows similar alignment information in the conservation track around human AUTS2 as in one of Dr. Mello’s supplemental slides.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: Human_AUTS2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-01-13
Views: 1730
1578902400 1730
Description: This session reflects a PAG 2020 Poster by Hao Meng et al. from Peking-Tsinghua Center for Life Sciences, Peking University. The title of the poster was <b>Morphology and Genetics of Kinked Tails of Domestic Cats (Felis catus) in East and Southeast Asia</b>. Hao Meng and colleagues investigated the morphology and genetics of kinked tails in cats. Mutations in coding sequences (CDS) of T and HES7 were identified correlated to the short tails in Manx and Japanese bobtail breeds as well as some feral cats in Asia, However, about one third of short-tailed cats in China do not carry either variant. The poster described a new 1.6 Mb region with non-synonymous mutations were seen, suggesting changes in regulatory regions, the poster concluded. An example of viewing this region on the UCSC Browser with the regulatory Gene Interactions track turned on. In humans the interactions track seem to suggest this region has many long distant interactions spanning across it from distant enhancers.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: Human_HES7
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-01-13
Views: 1552
1578902400 1552
Description: This session reflects a PAG 2020 Saturday Session, Cattle/Sheep/Goat 1, and the speaker George E. Liu from the Animal Genomics and Improvement Laboratory, USDA-ARS. The session title was <b>Comparative Epigenomics and Genotype-Phenotype Association Analyses Revealed Conserved Genetic Architecture underlying Complex Traits between Cattle and Human</b>. Dr. Liu’s lab examined comparative genomics around the histone marks and found that they could transfer cell-type-specific information from the human data to infer similar issues about genes related to certain diseases. A specific example was PIK3CG, a gene high specifically expressed in mononuclear cells was significantly associated with both age-at-menopause in human and daugter-still-birth in cattle. This session shows PIK3CG in human.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: Human_PIK3CG
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-01-13
Views: 1610
1578902400 1610
Author: ManteoAndrade
Session Name: mi ventana
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-11
Views: 1862
1581408000 1862
Author: nguye5vx
Session Name: Fall19 Yeast Test VN
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2020-01-19
Views: 1630
1579420800 1630
Author: agacita
Session Name: enhancer_dominic
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-01-03
Views: 1554
1578038400 1554
Author: saadiak2
Session Name: MS
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2019-12-19
Views: 1598
1576742400 1598
Author: celiagonzalez98
Session Name: class 2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-11
Views: 1787
1581408000 1787
Author: mecay.1
Session Name: session 2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-11
Views: 1776
1581408000 1776
Description: ATAC-seq of exocrine epithelial stem cells
Author: woaichixiangcai
Session Name: Exocrine_ATAC
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2024-06-29
Views: 165
1719648000 165
Author: katerynamarku
Session Name: TAS2R38
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-01
Views: 687
1643702400 687
Author: JonMatas
Session Name: Geno3 G4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-12
Views: 1870
1581494400 1870
Author: egrossi
Session Name: Hi-C BAF47
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2019-11-29
Views: 1746
1575014400 1746
Description: In this specific session of 3 bases with scores missing, at the very end of chrM of mm10, you can see data is lacking from all the related sources (yellow highlight): This explains how there can be a discrepancy between the number of positions covered by the phastCons file and the length of a chromosome. It is likely caused by gaps in the multiple alignment process. Gaps often result from gaps in the reference assembly or variable regions that do not align well between species. Anywhere the multiple alignment is lacking data, phastCons cannot be used to calculated conservation scores.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: mm10_chrM
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-11-22
Views: 2000
1574409600 2000
Description: Juniata Bioinformatics KH JL Lethal neonatal rigidity and multifocal seizure syndrome is characterized by underdeveloped brains and seizures that begin in-utero. Seizures continue after birth and result in death which occurs usually by the age of 4 months. The disease is caused by an insertion of an A in the BRAT1 gene. The normal BRAT1 gene function is to be a master controller of cell cycled checkpoint signaling pathways that are required for cellular responses to DNA damage.
Author: herrkx18
Session Name: Amish Lethal Neonatal rigidity and Seizure syndrome
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-10
Views: 1440
1581321600 1440
Author: tacazares
Session Name: maxATAC ATAC-seq Data
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-04-11
Views: 678
1649664000 678
Author: Erinija
Session Name: NA12878 WES Benchmark
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-11-28
Views: 2472
1574928000 2472
Author: mia_21
Session Name: mitochonrial cyb mutation
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-10-31
Views: 1561
1572508800 1561
Author: Brigitte
Session Name: snp hla vph
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-10-24
Views: 1522
1571904000 1522
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_genes24336
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-10-23
Views: 2171
1571817600 2171
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg19_LINC00299
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-10-25
Views: 1589
1571990400 1589
Author: sguc
Session Name: miR-122_KO_genotyping_primers
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-10-17
Views: 1635
1571299200 1635
Author: ani_davis
Session Name: TAS2R38 group6
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-02-01
Views: 683
1643702400 683
Author: zhangh357
Session Name: hg19_m6A_site
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-10-14
Views: 1740
1571040000 1740
Author: cocopow
Session Name: dm6_transcripts
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2019-10-09
Views: 1584
1570608000 1584
Author: ykumar84
Session Name: mm10_CRE
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-10-07
Views: 1644
1570435200 1644
Author: ykumar84
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-10-04
Views: 1846
1570176000 1846
Author: mecay.1
Session Name: session 1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-10
Views: 1728
1581321600 1728
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_ENCreg
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-10-03
Views: 1585
1570089600 1585
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_hg19lo_24241C
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-10-02
Views: 1934
1570003200 1934
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_hg19lo_24241B
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-10-02
Views: 1769
1570003200 1769
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_hg19lo_24241A
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-10-02
Views: 1684
1570003200 1684
Author: sallen
Session Name: DSP-hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-11
Views: 1528
1581408000 1528
Author: rgmilian
Session Name: hg19_BamHIsite
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-09-25
Views: 789
1569398400 789
Author: rgmilian
Session Name: hg19_20p13_exon_view_flaggedSNPs+exons
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-09-24
Views: 651
1569312000 651
Author: barloweml
Session Name: YeastPracticeMLB
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2019-09-24
Views: 1637
1569312000 1637
Author: ykumar84
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-09-18
Views: 2005
1568793600 2005
Author: IsaacGelman
Session Name: mm10_h3k4me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-11-01
Views: 1528
1572595200 1528
Author: nheyer
Session Name: New_wiggles
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-11-12
Views: 1502
1573545600 1502
Description: CircRNA annotation as identified in the publication "Evolutionarily young transposable elements drive circular RNA repertoires" by Gruhl et al. (in preparation). The browser view include an additional track with the repeat dimers surrounding the respective circRNA.
Author: Frenzchen
Session Name: hg38 circRNA annotation
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-02-10
Views: 1385
1549785600 1385
Description: CircRNA and parental gene annotation as identified in the publication "Evolutionarily young transposable elements drive circular RNA repertoires" by Gruhl et al. (in preparation). The browser view include an additional track with the repeat dimers surrounding the respective circRNA.
Author: Frenzchen
Session Name: rn5 circRNA annotation
Genome Assembly: rn5
Creation Date: 2016-09-23
Views: 1455
1474617600 1455
Description: CircRNA and parental gene annotation as identified in the publication "Evolutionarily young transposable elements drive circular RNA repertoires" by Gruhl et al. (in preparation). The browser view include an additional track with the repeat dimers surrounding the respective circRNA.
Author: Frenzchen
Session Name: mm10 circRNA annotation
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2016-09-23
Views: 1376
1474617600 1376
Description: CircRNA and parental gene annotation as identified in the publication "Evolutionarily young transposable elements drive circular RNA repertoires" by Gruhl et al. (in preparation). The browser view include an additional track with the repeat dimers surrounding the respective circRNA.
Author: Frenzchen
Session Name: monDom5 circRNA annotation
Genome Assembly: monDom5
Creation Date: 2016-09-23
Views: 1458
1474617600 1458
Author: MarcoDS
Session Name: B_to_PSC_reprogramming
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-09-16
Views: 1544
1568620800 1544
Author: bethpay
Session Name: mm10_il7r_findenhancerpromoter
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-09-09
Views: 1698
1568016000 1698
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-09-09
Views: 1412
1568016000 1412
Screenshot not available
Click Here to view
Author: tolvayha
Session Name: Fall18 Worm test HT
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1711
1535616000 1711
Screenshot not available
Click Here to view
Author: tolvayha
Session Name: RHO - Photoreceptor
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-13
Views: 1657
1542096000 1657
Author: swarnaseetha
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-10-23
Views: 1524
1571817600 1524
Description: ReMap 2018: An atlas of regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of Human DNA-binding sequencing experiments. Go to <a href="">ReMap</a> for more info. <a href="">ReMap 2018 paper</a>.
Author: Benoit Ballester
Session Name: US_hg38_ReMap2018
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-08-11
Views: 3271
1502438400 3271
Author: rasou2ba
Session Name: hg19 - rs12357257 - Rasoul
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-10-31
Views: 1880
1509436800 1880
Author: pesinojv
Session Name: TAS2R38 group#4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-01-22
Views: 1728
1516608000 1728
Author: oshgo
Session Name: 14q32Methyl450-GO8
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2015-10-19
Views: 2017
1445241600 2017
Description: GH01J209814 is an enhancer associated with the gene IRF6 (Interferon Regulatory Factor 6). Coding mutations in IRF6 are known to be pathogenic, causing diseases related to cleft lip and cleft palate, such as Van Der Woude Syndrome 1 (VWS1). GH01J209814, an enhancer of IRF6 located ~10kb upstream from the gene, harbors regulatory non-coding variants strongly associated with VWS1.
Author: simonf
Session Name: IRF6 cleft lip enhancer
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-28
Views: 1742
1543392000 1742
Author: australia2018
Session Name: hg18_EP_bamSnps_custom
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2018-11-07
Views: 1719
1541577600 1719
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: BAC and FOSMID
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-03-27
Views: 1688
1553673600 1688
Author: jazmynperez
Session Name: APP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-07
Views: 2366
1541577600 2366
Author: huijing
Session Name: check_pacbio
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2018-11-06
Views: 913
1541491200 913
Author: cehnouz
Session Name: test1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-08-25
Views: 1852
1503648000 1852
Author: jtm
Session Name: shiny_app_hg38_v2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-05
Views: 2905
1541404800 2905
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 18_chr17
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1831
1541059200 1831
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 20_chr1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1739
1541059200 1739
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 14_chr2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1935
1541059200 1935
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 17_chr3
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1759
1541059200 1759
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 19_chr10
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1690
1541059200 1690
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 16_chr5
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1695
1541059200 1695
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 6_chr11
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1695
1541059200 1695
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 8_chr2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 2023
1541059200 2023
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 11_chr10
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1682
1541059200 1682
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 12_chr3
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1979
1541059200 1979
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 13_chr3
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1717
1541059200 1717
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 15_chr19
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1643
1541059200 1643
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 7_chr11
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1995
1541059200 1995
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 9_chr20
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1670
1541059200 1670
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 5_chr16
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1785
1541059200 1785
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 4_chr3
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1684
1541059200 1684
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 10_chr17
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1684
1541059200 1684
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 3_chr14
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1671
1541059200 1671
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 2_chr8
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1810
1541059200 1810
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 1_chr15
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-01
Views: 1630
1541059200 1630
Description: This session highlights data from the DASHR v2.0 Hub, created by the Wang lab at the University of Pennsylvania. DASHR is a comprehensive database of expression and processing information to date on all major classes of human small non-coding RNA (sncRNA) genes and mature sncNA annotations, expression levels, sequence and RNA processing information across 185 human tissues, cell types, and cell lines. The region being visualized shows mir-132. A sncRNA linked to post-transcriptional regulation of neuronal cells. More info on DASHR V2.0:
Author: Lou
Session Name: DASHRV2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-12-11
Views: 1962
1544515200 1962
Author: sharma.896
Session Name: TP53
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-30
Views: 1934
1540886400 1934
Description: human p53 ChIP-seq coverage depth (tracks) & SISSRs peak calls with associated differential gene expression from published data as of May 2015
Author: cocapo
Session Name: human p53 Binding And Expression Resource (BAER) hub
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-30
Views: 2021
1540886400 2021
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg19_rn6_geneHancer
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-18
Views: 1855
1547798400 1855
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_GeneHancer
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-01-28
Views: 1728
1548662400 1728
Author: apacis
Session Name: Wu_ARMC5_ChIP_C3G
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-10-08
Views: 1083
1602144000 1083
Description: This sessionView is a collection of tracks centered around large genetic variants (CNVs). The session is organized with gene annotations at the top, followed by the <a href="" target="_blank">DGV Struct Var track</a>, which displays variants observed in healthy individuals. The rest of the tracks include different databases that visualize large variants linked to disease phenotypes. The region displayed is a 2Mbp region on chr4 with many pathological variants present.
Author: view
Session Name: VariationCNVs
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-16
Views: 1838
1539676800 1838
Description: This sessionView is a collection of tracks centered around genetic variation. The collection of tracks primarily displays small variants from multiple databases. The session is organized with tracks having fewer variants with more annotations near the top, and large tracks with fewer annotations near the bottom. The region displayed is the <a href="" target="_blank">SOD1 gene</a> which is well annotated and provides an exemplar for this track collection.
Author: view
Session Name: Variation
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-10
Views: 1731
1539158400 1731
Description: This sessionView is a collection of tracks centered around comparative genomics. It primarily consists of multiz alignments and conserved elements/conservation scores identified by <a href="" target="_blank">phastCons</a>. 18 organisms were chosen for comparison from 100 available vertebrates, sampling clades evenly. The region displayed is an ultra-conserved region in the PCBP2 gene where little divergence is seen throughout all mammals. A similar session is available, <a href="" target="_blank">ConservationDiv</a>, which looks at a highly divergent region of the genome.
Author: view
Session Name: ConservationCons
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-10
Views: 2667
1539158400 2667
Description: This sessionView is a collection of tracks centered around comparative genomics. It primarily consists of multiz alignments and conserved elements/conservation scores identified by <a href="" target="_blank">phastCons</a>. 18 organisms were chosen for comparison from 100 available vertebrates, sampling clades evenly. The region displayed is a <a href="" target="_blank">human accelerated region (HAR)</a>. HARs are among the most divergent regions in the genome displaying high divergence even among primates. An alternate region of this session is also available, <a href="" target="_blank">ConservationCons</a>, which looks at a highly conserved region of the genome.
Author: view
Session Name: ConservationDiv
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-10
Views: 2623
1539158400 2623
Description: This sessionView is a collection of tracks centered around clinical significance. The track composition is similar to the <a href="" target="_blank">Clinical</a> public session, however, the number of tracks has been reduced to increase clarity. Featured tracks include gene annotations, SNVs, CNVs, SVs, and our publications track built by mining sequences and SNPs in publications. The displayed region is focused around the HTT gene, responsible for Huntington's disease and Lopes-Maciel-Rodan syndrome. The large region, which also includes part of the adjacent GRK4 gene, showcases the more concise view of this track in contrast to the <a href="" target="_blank">Clinical</a> session. A similar session is also available which shows the bp resolution CAG repeat linked to Huntington's disease, <a href="" target="_blank">ClinicalZoom</a>.
Author: view
Session Name: ClinicalLite
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-10
Views: 2979
1539158400 2979
Description: This sessionView is a collection of tracks centered around gene support. The region displayed includes the <a href=" /3198" target="_blank"> HOXA1</a> gene and its upstream neighbor <a href="" target="_blank"> HOTAIRM1</a>. The view is organized with different gene annotation approaches at the top, followed by mRNA evidence, and TSS data at the bottom.
Author: view
Session Name: GeneSupport
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-05
Views: 2993
1538726400 2993
Author: xingjie
Session Name: FMR1-AFF2-iPSC screening
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-10-05
Views: 1888
1538726400 1888
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: VanesaGarcia_AS
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-08-14
Views: 1987
1534233600 1987
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: SandraHernandez_UPF
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-12-10
Views: 1604
1544428800 1604
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: NuriaSala_ICO_AS
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-06-18
Views: 1686
1529308800 1686
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: NRCC_HospTxagorritxo_Guiomar
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-08-01
Views: 1716
1533110400 1716
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: Meme_ROIs_AmpliSeq
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-12-18
Views: 1629
1545120000 1629
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: MarcSorigue
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-08-24
Views: 2097
1535097600 2097
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: LifeSequencing_JuanMartinez
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-05-18
Views: 1679
1526630400 1679
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: LauraMuinelo_CHUS_AS
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-05-31
Views: 1866
1527753600 1866
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: HURyC_Gloria_Francisco_25bp_padding
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-24
Views: 2312
1553414400 2312
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: HURyC_Gloria_Francisco_10bp_padding
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-24
Views: 1563
1553414400 1563
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: HDR_LuciaPerezCarbonero_HospBurgos_NMs
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-06
Views: 1648
1536220800 1648
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: HDR_LuciaPerezCarbonero_HospBurgos
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-08-24
Views: 1625
1535097600 1625
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: Genycell_FJD_Tcell
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-05-28
Views: 1520
1559030400 1520
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: Genycell_FJD_Bcell
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-05-28
Views: 1513
1559030400 1513
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: BarbaraTazon_AS_Myeloid
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-04-09
Views: 1727
1523260800 1727
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: Arnau_DrViladell_AmpliSeq
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-05-08
Views: 1470
1557302400 1470
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: AnaSebio_HospStPau
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-05-01
Views: 1861
1525161600 1861
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: AnaOsorio_AS_CNIO
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-05-24
Views: 1732
1527148800 1732
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: AmpliSeq_Meme_Concierge2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-02-11
Views: 1593
1549872000 1593
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: AmpliSeq_Meme_Concierge
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-31
Views: 1680
1548921600 1680
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: AmpliSeq Focus
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-08-20
Views: 1636
1534752000 1636
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: AmpliSeq Cancer HotSpots v2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-06-06
Views: 1614
1528272000 1614
Author: EsterCastillo
Session Name: 12Oct_todos37g_DLW
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-20
Views: 1989
1547971200 1989
Author: tzaro
Session Name: mm9
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2018-10-08
Views: 1953
1538985600 1953
Author: zheyangshan
Session Name: hg19 GRO-seq EGFR shjun
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-16
Views: 1523
1547625600 1523
Author: sajjeev
Session Name: sj39_40
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-17
Views: 2230
1547712000 2230
Author: cocopow
Session Name: mm10_limbs
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-01-15
Views: 1815
1547539200 1815
Author: emmawentworth
Session Name: Adult-Mouse-Adipose
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-04-29
Views: 1638
1556524800 1638
Author: Heywhoyou22
Session Name: AMD SNP C9 2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-02
Views: 1687
1538467200 1687
Author: brittatj
Session Name: Fall19 Yeast test(TB)
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2019-08-27
Views: 1450
1566892800 1450
Author: Matteo
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-10-02
Views: 1624
1538467200 1624
Author: cocapo
Session Name: dense2pack
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-09-26
Views: 1781
1537948800 1781
Author: akhoke
Session Name: KMT2E/SRPK2_2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-25
Views: 1811
1537862400 1811
Author: mazawm
Session Name: hg19#19SingleNucleotideResolution
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-25
Views: 1444
1537862400 1444
Author: benbeijs
Session Name: AMD SNP (JSB), CFH Exercise 2 (SNPs)
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-25
Views: 1751
1537862400 1751
Author: anglemem
Session Name: AMD SNP 2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-25
Views: 1793
1537862400 1793
Author: akhoke
Session Name: KMT2E/SRPK2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-25
Views: 1741
1537862400 1741
Author: benbeijs
Session Name: AMD SNP (JSB), CFH Exercise 1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-25
Views: 1769
1537862400 1769
Author: mazawm
Session Name: hg19#19GenomicContext
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-25
Views: 1510
1537862400 1510
Author: Heywhoyou22
Session Name: AMD SNP C9 zoom
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-25
Views: 1588
1537862400 1588
Author: Heywhoyou22
Session Name: AMD SNP C9
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-25
Views: 1645
1537862400 1645
Author: Heywhoyou22
Session Name: HGD
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-25
Views: 1661
1537862400 1661
Author: mazawm
Session Name: hg19HGDmazawm2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-19
Views: 1645
1537344000 1645
Author: akhoke
Session Name: HGD2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-18
Views: 1647
1537257600 1647
Author: benbeijs
Session Name: UCSC/ApE (JSB) Exercise, Exon 10
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-18
Views: 1636
1537257600 1636
Author: white4cj
Session Name: Fall 19 Yeast Test (JW, PA, MG)
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2019-08-27
Views: 1511
1566892800 1511
Author: akhoke
Session Name: HGD
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-18
Views: 1645
1537257600 1645
Author: mazawm
Session Name: hg19HGDmazawm
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-18
Views: 1692
1537257600 1692
Author: anglemem
Session Name: HGD Gene (EMA)
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-18
Views: 1713
1537257600 1713
Author: benbeijs
Session Name: UCSC/ApE (JSB) Exercise
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-18
Views: 1610
1537257600 1610
Author: yangyangyh
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-09-16
Views: 1648
1537084800 1648
Description: The LCT gene, responsible for digesting lactose, and the nearby MCM6 gene, which harbors variants that affect the expression of LCT. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_LCTandMCM6
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-06-22
Views: 664
1655884800 664
Author: dcaetan2
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-12-05
Views: 1968
1512460800 1968
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg19_chrM
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-08-13
Views: 2241
1565683200 2241
Author: ruifang
Session Name: TAC3
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-08-11
Views: 1518
1565510400 1518
Author: cocopow
Session Name: panTro6_refSeq
Genome Assembly: panTro6
Creation Date: 2019-08-20
Views: 1517
1566288000 1517
Author: Alexandra Despang
Session Name: PWD_SNPS_mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2016-01-15
Views: 1490
1452844800 1490
Author: mziegler
Session Name: encode_Accessibility _4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-06
Views: 1785
1536220800 1785
Author: mziegler
Session Name: encode_Accessibility _3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-06
Views: 1785
1536220800 1785
Author: mziegler
Session Name: encode_Accessibility _2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-06
Views: 1770
1536220800 1770
Author: mazawm
Session Name: hg19withDSPandMYBPC1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-04
Views: 1667
1536048000 1667
Author: akhoke
Session Name: hg19_9/4/18
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-04
Views: 1672
1536048000 1672
Author: Heywhoyou22
Session Name: DSP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-04
Views: 1756
1536048000 1756
Author: Heywhoyou22
Session Name: MYBPC1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-04
Views: 1657
1536048000 1657
Author: zheyangshan
Session Name: hg19 BCL2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-04
Views: 1569
1536048000 1569
Author: abby.stapleton
Session Name: Spring17 Mouse Test
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2019-07-29
Views: 1656
1564387200 1656
Author: abby.stapleton
Session Name: Spring17 Human Test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-07-29
Views: 1456
1564387200 1456
Author: abby.stapleton
Session Name: Spring17 Worm Test
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2019-07-29
Views: 1446
1564387200 1446
Author: abby.stapleton
Session Name: Spring17 Yeast Test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2019-07-29
Views: 1475
1564387200 1475
Author: jwjiao
Session Name: PRDM16KO1_E15WT1.anno
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-08-05
Views: 1433
1564992000 1433
Author: xgwZRyfWLidWxULv
Session Name: RPE_public
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-15
Views: 1529
1547539200 1529
Author: elencampoy
Session Name: HsInv0379
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-02-25
Views: 959
1614240000 959
Author: bondurlc
Session Name: TAS2R38 group 3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-03
Views: 1665
1535961600 1665
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_118Chr22_nmt4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-14
Views: 1625
1547452800 1625
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_100Chr19_nmt3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-14
Views: 1588
1547452800 1588
Author: mazawm
Session Name: mazawm/hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-08-31
Views: 1648
1535702400 1648
Author: erhuoyi
Session Name: suva
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-08-31
Views: 1714
1535702400 1714
Author: benbeijs
Session Name: MYBPC1 (JSB) Assignment
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 2075
1535616000 2075
Author: akhoke
Session Name: Human Genome DSP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1641
1535616000 1641
Author: anglemem
Session Name: EmilyAnglemyer 8/30 In class browser assignment
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1656
1535616000 1656
Author: Morgan_T
Session Name: Aug30 Asignment MT
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1657
1535616000 1657
Author: stjacqrm
Session Name: Spring18_DSP_RMSJ
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1766
1535616000 1766
Author: benbeijs
Session Name: CGEMS Worm (JSB) Test
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1731
1535616000 1731
Author: sschuma
Session Name: Fall18 DSP (SS)
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1627
1535616000 1627
Author: akhoke
Session Name: Yeast AKH
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1882
1535616000 1882
Author: erick.gabriel
Session Name: ICD-1 gene (by Erick)
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1739
1535616000 1739
Author: mazawm
Session Name: mazawm8/30
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1789
1535616000 1789
Author: akhoke
Session Name: CGEMS yeast AKH test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1687
1535616000 1687
Author: Morgan_T
Session Name: Fall18 Yeast test M.T.
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1649
1535616000 1649
Author: foxaa
Session Name: Fall18 Worm test AF
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 2200
1535616000 2200
Author: Heywhoyou22
Session Name: Spring18 Worm test MRK
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1648
1535616000 1648
Author: stjacqrm
Session Name: Spring18_Yeast_test_RMSJ
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1851
1535616000 1851
Author: hammer
Session Name: piranha-eclip_sclip2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1748
1535616000 1748
Author: sschuma
Session Name: Fall18 Yeast Test (SS)
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1636
1535616000 1636
Author: Heywhoyou22
Session Name: forenke2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-29
Views: 1709
1543478400 1709
Author: Heywhoyou22
Session Name: forenke
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-29
Views: 1633
1543478400 1633
Author: Boonede
Session Name: TAS2R38#6
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-14
Views: 1510
1547452800 1510
Description: RYiu-90010430-MEDG580-UBC-2020
Author: cpddoraemon
Session Name: RYiu-90010430-MEDG580-UBC-2020
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2022-10-09
Views: 528
1665302400 528
Author: anzelm
Session Name: hg19-hrc3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-03-19
Views: 1919
1521446400 1919
Author: anzelm
Session Name: hg19-180-10-3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-03-19
Views: 1692
1521446400 1692
Author: anglemem
Session Name: MYBPC1 Anglemyer
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-04
Views: 1642
1536048000 1642
Author: anglemem
Session Name: DSP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-05
Views: 1961
1536134400 1961
Author: anglemem
Session Name: 10/2 custom track assignment
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-02
Views: 1867
1538467200 1867
Author: allisontaggart
Session Name: hg19_BPs
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-01-18
Views: 2104
1484726400 2104
Author: alexc
Session Name: CytoSettings
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-03-13
Views: 1957
1520928000 1957
Author: alexaabdelaziz
Session Name: colored_clusters_Alexa_AA
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-02-24
Views: 1950
1487923200 1950
Author: akhoke
Session Name: MYBPC1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-04
Views: 1676
1536048000 1676
Author: akhoke
Session Name: DSP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-04
Views: 1693
1536048000 1693
Author: akhoke
Session Name: CRLs3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-13
Views: 1657
1542096000 1657
Author: akhoke
Session Name: CRLs2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-13
Views: 1632
1542096000 1632
Author: akhoke
Session Name: CRLs
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-13
Views: 1630
1542096000 1630
Author: akhoke
Session Name: AMD SNP Custom Track
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-03
Views: 1680
1538553600 1680
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: Ventana buena + Hubs
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-02-06
Views: 1625
1517904000 1625
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: Regulatory elements; epigentic marks
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 2128
1519632000 2128
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: Oregano
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 1799
1519632000 1799
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: NHLF
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 1780
1519632000 1780
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: NHEK
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 1755
1519632000 1755
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: K562
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 1856
1519632000 1856
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: HUVEC
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 2104
1519632000 2104
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: HSMM
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 1890
1519632000 1890
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: H1-hESC
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 2011
1519632000 2011
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: Genes and gene expression
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 1801
1519632000 1801
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: GM12878
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 1789
1519632000 1789
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: Evolution
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 1928
1519632000 1928
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: Ensembl segment
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 1768
1519632000 1768
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: Ensembl activity
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 1794
1519632000 1794
Author: airibarren.1
Session Name: ChIp
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 1792
1519632000 1792
Author: agacita
Session Name: Regulatory_Variants_Heart_333
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-05-11
Views: 1840
1526025600 1840
Author: agacita
Session Name: Regulatory_Var_89912022_labels
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-05-10
Views: 2191
1525939200 2191
Author: agacita
Session Name: Regulatory_Var_89912022_Final
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-05-11
Views: 1833
1526025600 1833
Author: agacita
Session Name: Regulatory_Var_89912022
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-05-10
Views: 1630
1525939200 1630
Author: afanas
Session Name: hg19-H3K27Ac
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-11-27
Views: 2129
1511769600 2129
Author: gerbermm
Session Name: TAS2R38 Grp6 MG
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-14
Views: 1908
1547452800 1908
Author: hammer
Session Name: piranha-eclip_sclip
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-08-27
Views: 1703
1535356800 1703
Author: hkao
Session Name: SMARCC1 4-3
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-07-09
Views: 1490
1562659200 1490
Author: hammer
Session Name: ablife
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-08-27
Views: 1780
1535356800 1780
Description: RNA-seq in cell lines were carried out as follows: after MGC803 cells were transfected with siRNA against circMRPS35 or corresponding control in triplicate, total RNA were extracted and cDNA libraries were constructed for rRNA-depleted sample using the NEBNext® Ultra™ Directional RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and were sequenced on Illumina HiSeq Xten. RPKM method was used to determine the gene expression. The raw data were analyzed according to the DESeq2 method. Pathway analysis was used to find out the significant pathway of the differential genes according to KEGG database. For gene ontology (GO) analysis, we downloaded the GO annotations from NCBI, UniProt and the Gene Ontology. Fisher’s exact test was applied to identify the significant GO categories and FDR was used to correct the p-values.
Author: jieMM
Session Name: hg38_FINAL
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-11-05
Views: 1771
1572940800 1771
Author: leonic
Session Name: bing li et al. m6A RIP
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-08-21
Views: 1758
1534838400 1758
Author: zxtzhangqian
Session Name: 3a-140-IDH
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2018-08-20
Views: 1904
1534752000 1904
Author: davis2018
Session Name: hg19_example_asl
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-08-20
Views: 1647
1534752000 1647
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_29ChrX_nmt23
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1733
1543219200 1733
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_13Chr3_nmt23
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1576
1543219200 1576
Description: This session shows how the multi-region tool allows you to swap in alternate sequences into the main sequence, when desired. For example, if you click the "mutli-region" button under the Browser image (or go to the top "View" menu and then select it), you can paste chr5_KI270794v1_alt in the "Show one alternate haplotype, placed on its chromosome, using ID:" box and then also click the " Highlight alternating regions in multi-region view" box and the result is this session.<br> <br> This issue came up when a user was doing PCR and found two results, one on chr5 and one on chr5_KI270794v1_alt and wanted to understand the meaning of the chr5_..._alt PCR hit. On our gateway page for hg38 ( you will find an Assembly Details section, which will explain how the Genome Reference Consortium (GRC) in building a reference assembly observed several human chromosomal regions exhibit sufficient variability to prevent adequate representation by a single sequence and to address this issue, the GRCh38/hg38 assembly provides alternate sequence for selected variant regions through the inclusion of alternate loci scaffolds (or alt loci). The assembly contains 261 alt loci, where this chr5_KI270794v1_alt is one of the regions that just happens to be right around the specific gene of interest. This GRC Assembly Terminology page is useful in learning the definition of alternate sequences: The answer to the user was that in some ways one can interpret this additional chr5_KI270794v1_alt PCR result as a representation where the GRC determined an additional sequence provides an alternate representation of the same locus. And this session helps to visualize that alternate sequence in place around the rest of the chromosome. <img src="" alt="PCR results">
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg38_ chr5_KI270794v1_alt
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-08-10
Views: 1687
1533888000 1687
Author: chubukovp
Session Name: hg19_SMC_upload
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-10-14
Views: 2038
1476432000 2038
Author: anglemem
Session Name: CGEMS Worm EA Test
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2018-08-30
Views: 1613
1535616000 1613
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_170Chr1_nmt4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-14
Views: 1560
1547452800 1560
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_173Chr2_nmt4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-14
Views: 1569
1547452800 1569
Description: RNA-seq data from Lee HC et al. Open Biol. 2020 Feb. Molecular anatomy of the pre-primitive-streak chick embryo.
Author: stern_lab
Session Name: Lee HC et al. chick pre-primitive streak
Genome Assembly: galGal5
Creation Date: 2020-06-25
Views: 1478
1593072000 1478
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_bw_GSM1131536
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-03-07
Views: 1536
1551945600 1536
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_HGMDvsCurated
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-03-06
Views: 1771
1551859200 1771
Author: cocopow
Session Name: danRer11_bw_GSM1131536
Genome Assembly: danRer11
Creation Date: 2019-03-07
Views: 1451
1551945600 1451
Author: cocopow
Session Name: mm10_bejTB
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-08-01
Views: 1418
1564646400 1418
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chrX
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-25
Views: 1666
1532505600 1666
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr22
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-25
Views: 1674
1532505600 1674
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr17
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-25
Views: 1737
1532505600 1737
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr16
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-25
Views: 1634
1532505600 1634
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr14
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-25
Views: 1630
1532505600 1630
Author: Gabriel
Session Name: LDTF-Kras
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-03-26
Views: 1399
1585209600 1399
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr18
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-25
Views: 1554
1532505600 1554
Author: dorothyzhao
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-08-13
Views: 1428
1565683200 1428
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-25
Views: 1613
1532505600 1613
Description: ReMap 2020: An atlas of regulatory regions from an integrative analysis Arabidopsis thaliana DNA-binding sequencing experiments. Go to <a href="">ReMap</a> for more info.
Author: Benoit Ballester
Session Name: US_ReMap2020_Thaliana
Genome Assembly: hub_1936559_araTha1
Creation Date: 2019-08-29
Views: 8830
1567065600 8830
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr15
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-25
Views: 1703
1532505600 1703
Author: dantaki
Session Name: sv2_merge_debug
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-08
Views: 1660
1541664000 1660
Author: dantaki
Session Name: ccr_hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-12-12
Views: 1688
1544601600 1688
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr6
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-25
Views: 1820
1532505600 1820
Author: danrlu
Session Name: Fuller_paper
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2019-10-25
Views: 1920
1571990400 1920
Author: mersedehr
Session Name: NSUN4_v2_rs66575205
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-06-15
Views: 1636
1529049600 1636
Description: This sessionView is a collection of tracks centered around epigenomics. The profiles displayed primarily belong to the H1 cell line, however different origin samples may be chosen in the track configurations. The display is organized with gene annotations and mRNA abundance first, followed by regulatory profiles in the form of <a href="" target="_blank">chromatin states (ChromHMM)</a>. These data are followed by ChIP-seq tracks exploring various transcription factors and regulatory regions/promoter tracks looking at DNase/CpG/methylation. The final tracks are the <a href="" target="_blank">GTEx combined eQTL</a>, which identifies genetic variants likely affecting proximal gene expression, and the GTEx Gene Expression, which shows median gene expression levels in 51 tissues and 2 cell lines. The region visualized is a ~12,000bp window surrounding the <a href="" target="_blank">BRCA1 gene</a> transcription start site. <a href="" target="_blank">BRCA1</a> is a tumor suppressor and housekeeping gene linked to increased susceptibility to breast cancer when <a href="" target="_blank">certain epigenomic markers are present</a>.
Author: view
Session Name: Epigenomics
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-10
Views: 1750
1539158400 1750
Description: This sessionView is a collection of tracks centered around clinical significance. Featured tracks include gene annotations, SNVs, CNVs, SVs, and our publications track built by mining sequences and SNPs in publications. The displayed region is a 294bp window looking at the CAG repeat linked to Huntington’s disease in the HTT gene. Two similar sessions are also available: <a href="" target="_blank">ClinicalLite</a> which has a reduced number of tracks for increased clarity, and <a href="" target="_blank">Clinical</a> which is the most informative clinical view.
Author: view
Session Name: ClinicalZoom
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-10
Views: 13043
1539158400 13043
Description: This sessionView is a collection of tracks centered around clinical significance. Featured tracks include gene annotations, SNVs, CNVs, SVs, a cancer mutation database and our publications track built by mining sequences and SNPs in publications. The displayed region is focused around the HTT gene, responsible for Huntington's disease and Lopes-Maciel-Rodan syndrome. Two similar sessions are also available: <a href="" target="_blank">ClinicalZoom</a> which shows the bp resolution CAG repeat linked to Huntington's disease, as well as <a href="" target="_blank">ClinicalLite</a> which has a reduced number of tracks for increased clarity.
Author: view
Session Name: Clinical
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-10
Views: 3436
1539158400 3436
Description: This sessionView is a collection of tracks centered around assembly support. The region displayed includes a reported GRC incident on hg19 which was then patched. It also showcases a gap which can lead to inconsistent or missing data on existing tracks; as seen by the Mappability and 1000 Genomes Project Accessible Regions tracks.
Author: view
Session Name: AssemblySupport
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-05
Views: 1702
1538726400 1702
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr13
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-25
Views: 1859
1532505600 1859
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr12
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-25
Views: 1694
1532505600 1694
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr10
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-24
Views: 2085
1532419200 2085
Author: csitans
Session Name: Mouse ncRNA HSCs
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-06-19
Views: 1698
1497859200 1698
Author: cschee
Session Name: RNA_HEMa
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-06-14
Views: 2039
1465891200 2039
Author: cschee
Session Name: RNA_A375
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-06-14
Views: 1900
1465891200 1900
Author: cschee
Session Name: A375_K27me3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-06-14
Views: 1892
1465891200 1892
Author: cschee
Session Name: A375_K27Ac
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-06-15
Views: 1908
1465977600 1908
Author: cschee
Session Name: A375_Input_21092016
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-09-21
Views: 2033
1474444800 2033
Author: cschee
Session Name: A375_Input
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-06-15
Views: 1846
1465977600 1846
Author: cosmid88
Session Name: SRY-SOX9-ChIP-Chip
Genome Assembly: mm8
Creation Date: 2013-06-29
Views: 2419
1372492800 2419
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr9
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-24
Views: 1599
1532419200 1599
Author: cyoung
Session Name: Young, Fall17, Uba1 example
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-09-10
Views: 1657
1505030400 1657
Author: cyoung
Session Name: Fall17 Bio630 CY test
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-09-13
Views: 1660
1505289600 1660
Author: cyoung
Session Name: Bio630 CRX variants Young
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-09-26
Views: 1703
1506412800 1703
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr8
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-25
Views: 1638
1532505600 1638
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr7
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-24
Views: 1599
1532419200 1599
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr5
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-24
Views: 1920
1532419200 1920
Author: ddunican
Session Name: MBD3 WT v KO medip-seq ion_torrent mm9
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-09-26
Views: 2089
1474876800 2089
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-24
Views: 1784
1532419200 1784
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-24
Views: 1676
1532419200 1676
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-24
Views: 2102
1532419200 2102
Author: Welekie
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-05-20
Views: 1321
1589961600 1321
Author: simonwang612
Session Name: worm_ChIP_seq_L4_0716
Genome Assembly: ce10
Creation Date: 2018-07-16
Views: 1689
1531728000 1689
Author: olena
Session Name: OTC-regulatory
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-13
Views: 1858
1531468800 1858
Author: jtm
Session Name: shiny_app_mm10_v1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-07-11
Views: 2787
1531296000 2787
Author: jtm
Session Name: shiny_app_hg38_v1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-07-11
Views: 4907
1531296000 4907
Author: Kyle@Arkell_Lab
Session Name: hg38_ZIC2_3'UTR_RNA_Annotation
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-07-10
Views: 1845
1531209600 1845
Author: tonyzeng
Session Name: apa
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-06
Views: 1916
1530864000 1916
Author: speese
Session Name: dm6 FlyVar track
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2018-07-05
Views: 1441
1530777600 1441
Author: Mouro_81
Session Name: B6J vs 129S1 SNPs at Lrrfip2/Mlh1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-05-15
Views: 1890
1494835200 1890
Author: MeganDurham
Session Name: BRAF
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-04-24
Views: 1846
1524556800 1846
Author: Leif.Benner
Session Name: Leif_session
Genome Assembly: dm3
Creation Date: 2015-04-11
Views: 1847
1428739200 1847
Author: Lab252
Session Name: Roche_et_al_NAR_44_19_9315_2016
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-07-04
Views: 1982
1467619200 1982
Author: Kurotaki
Session Name: mm10 tachibana
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2016-05-12
Views: 1991
1463040000 1991
Author: Ketty
Session Name: hg38_ChiPseq CRISPR clones
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-06-20
Views: 1537
1561017600 1537
Author: KateLawrensonCSHS
Session Name: OCAC_CIMBA_Oncoarray
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-05-03
Views: 2490
1462262400 2490
Author: Vizoso1
Session Name: UBP10
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2017-07-25
Views: 1941
1500969600 1941
Author: Vizoso1
Session Name: RSA4
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2017-07-25
Views: 2020
1500969600 2020
Author: Vizoso1
Session Name: NMD3
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2017-07-25
Views: 1819
1500969600 1819
Author: Vizoso1
Session Name: ENP1
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2017-07-25
Views: 1881
1500969600 1881
Author: Tung
Session Name: ndst1_10snp
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-04-13
Views: 1981
1523606400 1981
Screenshot not available
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Author: Toma Matveeva
Session Name: CGEMS #1
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1945
1469088000 1945
Screenshot not available
Click Here to view
Author: Tao Zhang
Session Name: chicken lncRNA
Genome Assembly: hub_30425_galGal4
Creation Date: 2016-11-28
Views: 2193
1480320000 2193
Author: Robin
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-10-04
Views: 1932
1475568000 1932
Author: Robin
Session Name: CHPv3 versus Sanger/CHPv2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-07-11
Views: 1846
1468224000 1846
Session Name: CART38A
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-10-30
Views: 1762
1540886400 1762
Session Name: CART37A
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-30
Views: 1789
1540886400 1789
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_23676
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-06-20
Views: 1439
1561017600 1439
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg19_superDuperTrack
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-16
Views: 1737
1555401600 1737
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg19_DMR_chr2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1492
1554105600 1492
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg19_DMR_1chr1_P180_P21_exm_3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-21
Views: 1487
1553155200 1487
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg19_ChIA
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-21
Views: 1511
1553155200 1511
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg19_BedGraph
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-29
Views: 1611
1553846400 1611
Author: cocopow
Session Name: danRer7_bw_GSM1131536
Genome Assembly: danRer7
Creation Date: 2019-03-07
Views: 1522
1551945600 1522
Author: britnyblu
Session Name: rena_atac_data
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-08-15
Views: 1449
1565856000 1449
Author: megallegos
Session Name: Biol 310: Module 2 TSS-seq
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-04
Views: 5045
1536048000 5045
Author: mjulialamberti
Session Name: cxcl12
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-08-08
Views: 1451
1565251200 1451
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: mm10 Linnarsson Celltype autoscale
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-02-18
Views: 812
1550476800 812
Author: masuping
Session Name: chr_lncRNA-seq_CPM
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-10-14
Views: 1412
1571040000 1412
Description: Sept 10, 2024
Author: rchelsea
Session Name: hg38 CRX
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-11
Views: 104
1726041600 104
Author: sajjeev
Session Name: foxa1_07222019
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-07-22
Views: 1457
1563782400 1457
Screenshot not available
Click Here to view
Author: sajjeev
Session Name: ICR_cmyc_07222019
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-07-22
Views: 1479
1563782400 1479
Screenshot not available
Click Here to view
Author: sajjeev
Session Name: 07222019
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-07-22
Views: 1410
1563782400 1410
Author: mauriege
Session Name: Fall21 Yeast test (GEM)
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2021-09-04
Views: 857
1630742400 857
Author: celiagonzalez98
Session Name: Class 1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-02-10
Views: 1331
1581321600 1331
Author: batra.anjali
Session Name: Spring19 Yeast test AB
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2019-01-11
Views: 1536
1547193600 1536
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1025_chr5_nmtf14
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1424
1554105600 1424
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_830_chr6_nmtf15
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1462
1554105600 1462
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_750_chr19_nmtf15
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1446
1554105600 1446
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_199_chr8_nmtf16
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1458
1554105600 1458
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1405_chr16_nmtf16
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1732
1554105600 1732
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_212_chr17_nmtf16
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1549
1554105600 1549
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_131_chr2_nmtf17
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1463
1554105600 1463
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1163_chr1_nmtf18
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1516
1554105600 1516
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_414_Chr8_nmtf19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1500
1554105600 1500
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1617_chr1_nmtf20
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1494
1554105600 1494
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_795_chr19_nmtf23
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1476
1554105600 1476
Description: Tandemly repeated DNA sequences are widespread throughout the human genome and show sufficient variability among individuals in a population that they have become important in several fields including genetic mapping, linkage analysis, and human identity testing. These tandemly repeated regions of DNA are typically classified into several groups depending on the size of the repeat region. Minisatellites (variable number of tandem repeats, VNTRs) have core repeats with 9-80 bp, while microsatellites (short tandem repeats, STRs) contain 2-5 bp repeats. The forensic DNA community has moved primarily towards tetranucleotide repeats, which may be amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with greater fidelity than dinucleotide repeats. The variety of alleles present in a population is such that a high degree of discrimination among individuals in the population may be obtained when multiple STR loci are examined.
Author: Hiram
Session Name: hg38.codis
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-05-10
Views: 1712
1525939200 1712
Author: Boody09
Session Name: Boudreau Lab_human cardiac Ago2 HITS-CLIP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-05-08
Views: 1904
1525766400 1904
Author: ntinamu001
Session Name: NCOMMS-19-03087;HCT116_vs_DKO1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-08-22
Views: 1416
1566460800 1416
Author: ntinamu001
Session Name: NCOMMS-19-03087;Mouse_OE
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2019-08-22
Views: 1256
1566460800 1256
Author: ntinamu001
Session Name: NCOMMS-19-03087;SH-SY5Y
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-08-22
Views: 1316
1566460800 1316
Author: AlicePsyche
Session Name: zebrafish_enhancers
Genome Assembly: danRer7
Creation Date: 2018-04-04
Views: 1608
1522828800 1608
Author: tschauer
Session Name: Harpprecht_NAR
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2019-03-27
Views: 1533
1553673600 1533
Author: Boonede
Session Name: Spring19 Yeast Test DB
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2019-01-11
Views: 1590
1547193600 1590
Author: frongemg
Session Name: Spring19 Yeast test MGF
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2019-01-11
Views: 1520
1547193600 1520
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_172Chr3_nmt8
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-14
Views: 1673
1547452800 1673
Author: ruckerhr
Session Name: Spring19 Yeast HR
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2019-01-09
Views: 1564
1547020800 1564
Author: ruckerhr
Session Name: TAS2R8group4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-14
Views: 1667
1547452800 1667
Author: Artem Babaian
Session Name: LIONS_ENCODE_supplement
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-09
Views: 1607
1547020800 1607
Author: gerbermm
Session Name: Spring19 Yeast test MG
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2019-01-08
Views: 1634
1546934400 1634
Author: descentj
Session Name: Spring19YeastTestTD
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2019-01-08
Views: 1654
1546934400 1654
Author: shashipujar
Session Name: Multiz_conservation_SP
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-06-18
Views: 1779
1529308800 1779
Author: agacita
Session Name: DYB_Promoter
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-22
Views: 1566
1548144000 1566
Author: lbenner
Session Name: fs(1)K741
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2017-09-11
Views: 1773
1505116800 1773
Author: mersedehr
Session Name: NSUN4_v1_rs72886903
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-06-14
Views: 1570
1528963200 1570
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: DGRP2snp
Genome Assembly: dm3
Creation Date: 2018-06-14
Views: 1551
1528963200 1551
Author: Annaneed
Session Name: Anna_GEL
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2018-06-08
Views: 1283
1528444800 1283
Screenshot not available
Click Here to view
Author: view
Session Name: 11
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-12-21
Views: 1598
1545379200 1598
Author: GDJ_Duke
Session Name: Layden_liver_ATACseq
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-12-16
Views: 1527
1544947200 1527
Author: nedbrewer66
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-12-18
Views: 1728
1545120000 1728
Author: mfarkas03
Session Name: 1299To p53 mutants
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-06-07
Views: 1203
1528358400 1203
Author: arem
Session Name: hg19-cc
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-02-08
Views: 1886
1549612800 1886
Author: arem
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-02-08
Views: 2016
1549612800 2016
Author: Mikhailova_li
Session Name: KB-1471A8.1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-06-04
Views: 1840
1528099200 1840
Author: Mikhailova_li
Session Name: session 3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-06-03
Views: 1615
1528012800 1615
Author: Mikhailova_li
Session Name: session 1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-06-03
Views: 1626
1528012800 1626
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg38_chrM
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-06-01
Views: 1685
1527840000 1685
Description: Our LOVD Variants track has variants from many LSDBs; our OMIM Alleles, GWAS Catalog, ClinVar Variants and other tracks in the Phenotypes & Literature group may provide clues to when a SNP is Clinical (LSDB,OMIM,TPA,Diagnostic)" per the Flagged SNPs track based on whether dbSNP's true-or-false "clinically-assoc" flag is set from NCBI's documentation.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg19_variants
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-06-01
Views: 1824
1527840000 1824
Author: nehoralevi
Session Name: CTCF- macs2 control2
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-06-10
Views: 1450
1560153600 1450
Description: Epigenome map of human fetal and iPSC-derived retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)
Author: s041629
Session Name: iPSCORE_RPE_session_hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-05-31
Views: 2077
1527753600 2077
Description: This session highlights data from the Brain Epigenome Hub, created by Peter Hickey, Lindsay Rizzardi, and Kaspar Hansen and others at Johns Hopkins University. The hub shows methylation, ATAC-seq, and RNAseq across different brain regions.
Author: chmalee
Session Name: hg19_brainEpigenome
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-05-30
Views: 2795
1527667200 2795
Author: rezo
Session Name: ReCappable-seq
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-08-11
Views: 7595
1565510400 7595
Description: 6 CLEAR-CLIP tracks from mouse keratinocytes in total. 3 showing CLEAR-CLIP reads from all miRNAs and 3 showing only miR-200 family specific reads. For each set of three there are Controls, miR-200 DKO and miR-200 inducible libraries.
Author: Bjerkega
Session Name: Bjerkega CLEAR-CLIP
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-10-04
Views: 1602
1570176000 1602
Author: ltoker
Session Name: Marzi
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-01-05
Views: 1316
1609833600 1316
Author: carlchancc
Session Name: 20191017_MC_Forelimb_Hindlimb_hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-10-17
Views: 1541
1571299200 1541
Author: hkao
Session Name: RHOA 2-2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-07-09
Views: 1406
1562659200 1406
Author: hkao
Session Name: NEFM 1-3
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-07-09
Views: 1439
1562659200 1439
Author: ejlopezsoto
Session Name: Cacna1b e35-e41
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-07-11
Views: 1604
1562832000 1604
Description: All patient isolates in PRJNA613958, with exception of MinION sequenced, were individually aligned against the NC_045512.2 reference with SNPs called for each isolate using 'ngskit4b kalign'. A matrix of all individual isolate SNP site loci (rows) and isolate base calls at that loci (cols) created with 'ngskit4b snpmarkers' and this matrix then processed with 'ngskit4b snps2pgsnps' to output the pgSNPs tracks. Tracks show, for each SNP loci, the number of isolates containing the displayed allele base. Tracks provided for age, sex and sample month.
Author: biodiscovery
Session Name: wuhCor1 PRJNA613958 allele components
Genome Assembly: wuhCor1
Creation Date: 2020-04-29
Views: 1505
1588147200 1505
Author: eldadshulman
Session Name: Homer_newaproch
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-06-30
Views: 1387
1561881600 1387
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_162Chr19_nmt4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-14
Views: 1496
1547452800 1496
Author: 704855238
Session Name: chip-seq_LiuZX_seh1
Genome Assembly: rn6
Creation Date: 2018-05-24
Views: 1725
1527148800 1725
Author: zhangr100
Session Name: AHBEC_VitD
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-04
Views: 1538
1554364800 1538
Author: liqing9102
Session Name: mm9
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2018-05-16
Views: 1689
1526457600 1689
Author: avlasova
Session Name: tADseq.short-library.all_frames
Genome Assembly: hub_271523_TFbb_list180_linear
Creation Date: 2018-05-14
Views: 1788
1526284800 1788
Description: Juniata Bioinformatics KH JL Lethal neonatal rigidity and multifocal seizure syndrome is characterized by underdeveloped brains and seizures that begin in-utero. Seizures continue after birth and result in death which occurs usually by the age of 4 months. The disease is caused by an insertion of an A in the BRAT1 gene. The normal BRAT1 gene function is to be a master controller of cell cycled checkpoint signaling pathways that are required for cellular responses to DNA damage.
Author: herrkx18
Session Name: Amish Lethal Neonatal rigidity and Seizure syndrome 2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-27
Views: 1286
1582790400 1286
Author: Vaa2001
Session Name: hg19_ASXL1Gen
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-10-24
Views: 1362
1571904000 1362
Description: one fly one genome: H3 hybrid fly, hybrid genome sequencing and assembly
Author: msadams
Session Name: H3-2_dm6
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2019-10-24
Views: 510
1571904000 510
Screenshot not available
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Author: eldadshulman
Session Name: endVsStart_chr1_heart
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-05-03
Views: 1418
1525334400 1418
Screenshot not available
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Author: eldadshulman
Session Name: apa_heart
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-05-03
Views: 1344
1525334400 1344
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_148Chr2_nmt3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-14
Views: 1441
1547452800 1441
Author: che7oz
Session Name: hg19-IRF8-DCCC
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-03
Views: 1673
1538553600 1673
Author: estercastillo
Session Name: Reprogenetics_PGD
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-04-27
Views: 1617
1524816000 1617
Author: lob5149
Session Name: TSC2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-04-26
Views: 1856
1524729600 1856
Author: lob5149
Session Name: AKT1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-04-26
Views: 1651
1524729600 1651
Author: lob5149
Session Name: MTOR
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-04-26
Views: 1598
1524729600 1598
Author: estercastillo
Session Name: JuanMartinez_LifeSeq_AS
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-04-22
Views: 1812
1524384000 1812
Author: prutten
Session Name: rs6702619_3C-Seq_2replicates
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2015-03-17
Views: 1714
1426579200 1714
Author: estercastillo
Session Name: Lara_AS_LaPaz
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-04-19
Views: 1752
1524124800 1752
Author: roseaux12
Session Name: jinliying_nk
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-08-22
Views: 1687
1534924800 1687
Author: celiagonzalez98
Session Name: class 3 part 1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-02-12
Views: 1277
1581494400 1277
Author: arthurcheng
Session Name: hg38 ATAC-seq
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-01-23
Views: 931
1548230400 931
Author: riguang zhao
Session Name: hg19_hemoglobin
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-12
Views: 1480
1552377600 1480
Author: Xavier Rambout
Session Name: mm9 2019-03-11
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2019-03-11
Views: 1325
1552291200 1325
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_128Chr19+167Chr19_nmt11+11
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-14
Views: 1497
1547452800 1497
Author: Camila
Session Name: Enhancers-BreastCancersCells
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-04-21
Views: 1597
1524297600 1597
Author: micca
Session Name: mm9_Buecker2014
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2018-04-03
Views: 1604
1522742400 1604
Description: This session shows the ALDH2 gene, one of the two genes associated with alcohol intolerance in East Asian populations, in its entirety. Only the "UCSC Genes" track is enabled, showing two of the gene's potential isoforms. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: hg19_ALDH2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-07-21
Views: 617
1658390400 617
Author: Jcotney
Session Name: Mouse_chromhmm_15_18_state
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-10-20
Views: 689
1540022400 689
Author: arem
Session Name: colon meth
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-06
Views: 1407
1551859200 1407
Author: jtm
Session Name: shiny_app_hg38_v0
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-03-28
Views: 4166
1522224000 4166
Author: Hanson258
Session Name: DNA Damage ChIP-seq
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-07-17
Views: 2271
1531814400 2271
Author: ldistefano
Session Name: dm6_DiStefanoData
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2019-03-12
Views: 1380
1552377600 1380
Screenshot not available
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Author: jtm
Session Name: shiny_app_mm10_v0
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-04-04
Views: 2138
1522828800 2138
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_nucs
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-04-23
Views: 1412
1556006400 1412
Description: The genes HBB and HBD are both expressed in red blood cells, but HBB is also expressed in many other tissues, whereas HBD is expressed in red cells almost exclusively.
Author: videoDemo1
Session Name: hg19_hemoglobin
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-03-13
Views: 1694
1520928000 1694
Author: nehoralevi
Session Name: mm10-CTCF
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-06-03
Views: 2138
1559548800 2138
Description: The GeneHancer database links human regulatory elements (enhancers and promoters) as arcs to their inferred target genes. Over 1 million regulatory elements obtained from seven genome-wide databases by GeneHancer are visualizable on the human hg19 and hg38 assemblies as color-coded curves ending on their respective targets. Read more about GeneHancer data on the track description page and this article <a href="">GeneHancer: genome-wide integration of enhancers and target genes in GeneCards.</a>
Author: PublicSessions
Session Name: GeneHancer
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-05-31
Views: 1745
1559289600 1745
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: extended BACs and FOSMIDs
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-03-27
Views: 1683
1553673600 1683
Author: AnaïsTest
Session Name: test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-06-06
Views: 1858
1559808000 1858
Author: brianlee
Session Name: test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-06-06
Views: 1702
1559808000 1702
Author: emmawentworth
Session Name: hg19-PWS
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-06-05
Views: 1792
1559721600 1792
Author: cocopow
Session Name: mm10_altStrains
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-06-05
Views: 1430
1559721600 1430
Author: evan_pepper
Session Name: extra_tRNAs_Analysis
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-03-08
Views: 1722
1520496000 1722
Author: hchen17
Session Name: 20180307_1300_RESULTS_6pelvicFinStickleOut
Genome Assembly: hub_207981_oryLat03
Creation Date: 2018-03-07
Views: 1569
1520409600 1569
Author: lboteva
Session Name: mm10_rif1_HP_
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-05-30
Views: 1657
1559203200 1657
Author: lbennett
Session Name: impdh1retina
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-03-06
Views: 1675
1520323200 1675
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 12_ruh
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-13
Views: 1501
1542096000 1501
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_2_chr8
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1529
1543219200 1529
Author: yezheng
Session Name: HiC_ChIP-seq_short
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-03-04
Views: 1725
1520150400 1725
Author: holdenl
Session Name: danRer11 zebrafish CNV across strains
Genome Assembly: danRer11
Creation Date: 2018-03-03
Views: 2217
1520064000 2217
Author: estercastillo
Session Name: MartaRodriguez_Reus
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-28
Views: 1846
1519804800 1846
Author: BenjaminMartin02
Session Name: Stefanska_data
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-14
Views: 2031
1518595200 2031
Author: labrozam
Session Name: CGEMS Yeast AL
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2016-11-05
Views: 1948
1478332800 1948
Author: labrozam
Session Name: CGEMS Worm AL test
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2016-11-20
Views: 1801
1479628800 1801
Author: labrozam
Session Name: CGEMS Mouse AL test
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-11-29
Views: 2475
1480406400 2475
Author: labrozam
Session Name: CGEMS Human AL test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-11-21
Views: 1801
1479715200 1801
Author: labrozam
Session Name: Anna-rs72802342
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-10-31
Views: 2062
1509436800 2062
Author: jwjiao
Session Name: H2ZKO_E16_WT_E16
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-02-26
Views: 1685
1519632000 1685
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: MMR_branchpoints-230218
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-22
Views: 1634
1519286400 1634
Author: yierjin_2008
Session Name: KMS12BM
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-22
Views: 1746
1519286400 1746
Description: This session is an example of using the Short Match track to search a sequence in the current view with the IUPAC codes. The input of WACMKGTW catches two matches. The session also using a feature of the Base Position track. You can highlight specific nucleotides with that track and AAC are selected to be highlighted (note, there is also a step taken to check the box to show reverse complements of motifs). This region you will see AACATGTT and another reverse strand AACCTGTA, which appears to work with the IUPAC codes: The Base Track and the Short Match track allow you to investigate the sequence in the current view when zoomed in with these highlight and search features.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg38.WACMKGTW
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-02-21
Views: 890
1519200000 890
Author: simonwang612
Session Name: worm-chip-L4
Genome Assembly: ce10
Creation Date: 2018-02-20
Views: 1668
1519113600 1668
Author: simonwang612
Session Name: worm-chip
Genome Assembly: ce10
Creation Date: 2018-02-19
Views: 1814
1519027200 1814
Author: estercastillo
Session Name: JudithArmstrong_predisposicio
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-18
Views: 1635
1518940800 1635
Author: Mannu Walia
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-12-13
Views: 1656
1544688000 1656
Author: AnUnroyalKing
Session Name: Gene_File_King
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-15
Views: 1603
1518681600 1603
Author: cmhct7
Session Name: Mouse Quad Data
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2016-09-12
Views: 1864
1473667200 1864
Author: clauhag
Session Name: ContactSites_mixedpopulations
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-12-18
Views: 2037
1482048000 2037
Author: clauhag
Session Name: ContactSites_clones
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-12-18
Views: 1954
1482048000 1954
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr11
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-25
Views: 1776
1532505600 1776
Author: zunpengliu66
Session Name: WT and DGCR8_dex2 H3K9me3 ChIP-seq
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-04-11
Views: 1577
1523433600 1577
Author: samross
Session Name: danRer7_48hpf_6dpfbrain_RRBS
Genome Assembly: danRer7
Creation Date: 2018-02-14
Views: 1610
1518595200 1610
Author: Lorena8a
Session Name: trabajo genomics HSC
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-14
Views: 1738
1518595200 1738
Author: oac7
Session Name: oac7_hg19_all_snvs
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-13
Views: 1767
1518508800 1767
Author: AnUnroyalKing
Session Name: Ian_King_Settings
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-13
Views: 1848
1518508800 1848
Author: marzoldr
Session Name: hg38 MAPT density graphs and such
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-02-13
Views: 1652
1518508800 1652
Author: marzoldr
Session Name: hg38 MAPT alleles
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-02-13
Views: 1645
1518508800 1645
Author: marzoldr
Session Name: hg19 RHO custom 1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-13
Views: 1633
1518508800 1633
Description: This assembly hub for the CG2 clonal zebrafish is part of a much larger collection of assembly hubs. The hub details can be found on the gateway page for this hub <a href="" >found here.</a> The hub is Biosample: SAMN03964926 and has Assembly accession ID: GCA_001483285.1. <br> <br> The hub is is part of this much larger assembly hub collection, with a launching page <a href="" >found here</a> (note these will launch on our test development site as this hub is considered a prototype and hasn't passed quality control). Once connected to the above hub you have access to all of these hubs, the launching page only makes it more easy to directly link to the Track Browsing page. When connected one can also go to the Gateway page (earlier link) and see a <b>Download files for this assembly hub:</b> section with a <code>wget</code> command to access all the files for these assembly hubs.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: CG2zebrafish
Genome Assembly: hub_89563_GCA_001483285.1_CG2v1.0
Creation Date: 2018-07-06
Views: 1646
1530864000 1646
Author: AnUnroyalKing
Session Name: King_setting
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-15
Views: 1907
1518681600 1907
Author: estercastillo
Session Name: pseudogens
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-01-31
Views: 2436
1517385600 2436
Author: marylaws
Session Name: foxm1 chip comparison
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-07
Views: 1617
1517990400 1617
Author: marylaws
Session Name: FOXM 231 and mcf7
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2018-02-07
Views: 1968
1517990400 1968
Description: This session illustrates the meaning of columns in the axt file definition here, You can see that indeed if you subtract to find the differences in the primary organism coordinates (panTro4: 78679-77637 = 1,042) it will be different than the values in the aligning organism coordinates (hg19: 88869-87772 = 1,097), but in the primary assembly sequence line you can see where there isn't a match in more than one place (most notable gct---------------------------------------------------ctt) as seen in this alignment of hg19 to panTro4. See the mailing list question here: <a href="">link</a>.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg19.panTro4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-02-02
Views: 1589
1517558400 1589
Author: marzoldr
Session Name: TAS2R38 (T1)
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-01-23
Views: 1904
1516694400 1904
Author: yezheng
Session Name: ATAC-seq_ALA_mm9
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2018-01-25
Views: 1740
1516867200 1740
Author: Colin Logie
Session Name: forsubmission2bioRxiv_new
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-01-22
Views: 1737
1516608000 1737
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: hg19_chr16:21960001-22400001
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-01-21
Views: 1698
1516521600 1698
Author: chouhj
Session Name: noCHX_2017
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2017-08-14
Views: 1725
1502697600 1725
Author: chouhj
Session Name: 46Del_2016batch
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2017-01-05
Views: 1740
1483603200 1740
Author: chouhj
Session Name: 11Del_2015batch
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2017-01-05
Views: 1945
1483603200 1945
Author: chmalee
Session Name: hg38notableChrYFeatures
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-03-06
Views: 1920
1488787200 1920
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: hg19_chr15:32,020,001-32,420,001
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-01-21
Views: 2234
1516521600 2234
Author: FrankaRang
Session Name: FR180123_mm10_groupmeeting
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-01-23
Views: 1981
1516694400 1981
Author: zheyangshan
Session Name: EGFR BOTH
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-12-14
Views: 1415
1544774400 1415
Author: rnaguru
Session Name: mm9-pY-MEME
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2018-01-18
Views: 1848
1516262400 1848
Description: This assembly hub has a sequence that translates into a fun message when looking at codon translations.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: PAG_FUN
Genome Assembly: hub_211929_yourGenome
Creation Date: 2018-01-16
Views: 1813
1516089600 1813
Author: tommi.andreani
Session Name: Neil.Methylome.Coverage10.WT.Clone5.DKO.clone7
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-01-12
Views: 1618
1515744000 1618
Author: marzoldr
Session Name: Spring18 Yeast Test DMLJ
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2018-01-09
Views: 1624
1515484800 1624
Description: This session shows TRPV3 which researchers believe is involved in our ability to sense and detect warm temperature. Scripps Research Institute scientists have demonstrated that mice lacking the TRPV3 protein have specific deficiencies in their ability to detect temperatures.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: skin_heat_sense
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-01-03
Views: 551
1641196800 551
Author: megas
Session Name: hg19 Chip-Seq Encode vs mm10
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-01-02
Views: 1815
1514880000 1815
Description: test the details .
Author: greece2019
Session Name: hg19_b0b1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-03
Views: 1649
1551600000 1649
Author: jkrakowiak
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-12-18
Views: 2120
1513584000 2120
Author: jwjiao
Session Name: rbm3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-12-17
Views: 1644
1513497600 1644
Description: CircRNA and parental gene annotation as identified in the publication "Evolutionarily young transposable elements drive circular RNA repertoires" by Gruhl et al. (in preparation). The browser view include an additional track with the repeat dimers surrounding the respective circRNA.
Author: Frenzchen
Session Name: rheMac2 circRNA annotation
Genome Assembly: rheMac2
Creation Date: 2016-09-25
Views: 1225
1474790400 1225
Author: mazawm
Session Name: hg#19RHO
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-13
Views: 1424
1542096000 1424
Author: Heywhoyou22
Session Name: Nrl and wt Cbr sites
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-13
Views: 1487
1542096000 1487
Author: nedbrewer66
Session Name: NAT7
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-12-28
Views: 1478
1545984000 1478
Author: caojun
Session Name: Amr-20161031
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-10-31
Views: 1856
1477900800 1856
Author: butlertj3
Session Name: nuc_g4
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-06-05
Views: 1865
1528185600 1865
Author: butlertj3
Session Name: mtDNA_G4_homo_hetero
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-04-10
Views: 1745
1523347200 1745
Author: brianlee
Session Name: sacCer3_spots
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2017-10-31
Views: 1827
1509436800 1827
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg38_interact_example
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-05
Views: 1506
1541404800 1506
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg38_GTEX_SUN
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-04-13
Views: 1701
1523606400 1701
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg38.exampleTracks
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-06-20
Views: 1647
1497945600 1647
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg38.SIRT1.relatedExpression
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-05-23
Views: 2144
1495526400 2144
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg19.pgSnpExample
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-07-19
Views: 1646
1500451200 1646
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg19.longTabix
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-05-24
Views: 1731
1495612800 1731
Description: This session shows a search of primers. A researcher had an issue building PCR primers and Browser staff discovered that a desired reverse primer falls into an area of repeats.  The original primer at 20 bases was near the limit of BLAT's sensitivity. With such short sequences, if BLAT has an over-used tile, a section of the query used to match and trigger an alignment, the algorithm will not be able to seed and extend an original BLAT hit in an area of repeats, which was what was likely happening to the reverse primer sequence in this session. In the session a larger BLAT query will result in a hit. Since primers are typically chosen from unique locations, Browser staff suggested it might be best to avoid a repeat-region, and noted that the nearby chr13:50,593,214-50,593,267 section appears to not have any repeats.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: Primers Blat Search
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2013-07-23
Views: 474
1374566400 474
Description: This FORWARD strand session demonstrates how a user was using UCSC Genome tables to obtain exon sequences and their annotation and encountered a number of perceived discrepancies between the sequence data and the annotation, specifically asking "Why is the start position in the annotation consistently 1 nucleotide position before the start position for the sequence?" The response is that exon range provided with the sequence is 1-based because it is in position format, (chr#:##-##). While getting output as "all fields..." you see BED (chr# ## ##), 0-based format. This session shows how using the "all fields" output, we see this region full exon has exonStarts: 175629079, (but cdsEnd 175629122) with corresponding exonEnds:175629181. This is a reverse strand gene, so the last exon coordinates are really the beginning of the gene's first exon. So the applicable exonFrame items are the last two items "...,1,0,". But the last 0 here applies to the beginning of coding, cdsEnd coordinates (actually coding start since this is reverse strand). The second to last exonFrame, 1, refers to the exonStarts coordinates, 175629079, for an alanine, indicating exon2 picks up one nucleotide from the end of exon1.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: Example Session exonStarts exonEnds FORWARD
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2013-08-01
Views: 369
1375344000 369
Description: This REVERSE strand session demonstrates how a user was using UCSC Genome tables to obtain exon sequences and their annotation and encountered a number of perceived discrepancies between the sequence data and the annotation, specifically asking "Why is the start position in the annotation consistently 1 nucleotide position before the start position for the sequence?" The response is that exon range provided with the sequence is 1-based because it is in position format, (chr#:##-##). While getting output as "all fields..." you see BED (chr# ## ##), 0-based format. This session shows how using the "all fields" output, we see this region full exon has exonStarts: 175629079, (but cdsEnd 175629122) with corresponding exonEnds:175629181. This is a reverse strand gene, so the last exon coordinates are really the beginning of the gene's first exon. So the applicable exonFrame items are the last two items "...,1,0,". But the last 0 here applies to the beginning of coding, cdsEnd coordinates (actually coding start since this is reverse strand). The second to last exonFrame, 1, refers to the exonStarts coordinates, 175629079, for an alanine, indicating exon2 picks up one nucleotide from the end of exon1.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: Example Session exonStarts exonEnds
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2013-07-31
Views: 321
1375257600 321
Author: bisrat
Session Name: mm9
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-12-14
Views: 1675
1513238400 1675
Author: bisrat
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-09-18
Views: 1933
1537257600 1933
Author: benbeijs
Session Name: MYBPC1 (JSB) CM Data
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-04
Views: 1575
1536048000 1575
Author: benbeijs
Session Name: ENCODE Exercise, 3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-13
Views: 1519
1542096000 1519
Author: benbeijs
Session Name: ENCODE Exercise, 2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-13
Views: 1538
1542096000 1538
Author: benbeijs
Session Name: ENCODE Exercise
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-13
Views: 1506
1542096000 1506
Author: benbeijs
Session Name: DSP (JSB) CM Data
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-05
Views: 1590
1536134400 1590
Author: benbeijs
Session Name: AMD SNP (JSB), Exercise 3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-02
Views: 1505
1538467200 1505
Author: tommi.andreani
Session Name: Neil.Methylome.Coverage.Higher.10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-12-12
Views: 1676
1513065600 1676
Author: nicklewis
Session Name: AMD SNP Second Try
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-11-02
Views: 1607
1509609600 1607
Author: nicklewis
Session Name: AMD SNP Custom Tracks
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-10-31
Views: 1628
1509436800 1628
Author: cocapo
Session Name: hg38_multiWig_noOverlay
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-12-13
Views: 1475
1544688000 1475
Author: roseaux12
Session Name: 3_subset_nk
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-12-13
Views: 1507
1544688000 1507
Author: abner_lim
Session Name: OVcar
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-12-09
Views: 1524
1544342400 1524
Author: GenePeeks
Session Name: .2017.12 60bp Multi-Seq-Alg
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-12-10
Views: 1533
1512892800 1533
Author: rnkeith
Session Name: dm6_first_ribo-seq
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2019-05-02
Views: 1353
1556784000 1353
Author: cath
Session Name: v440hgw0Test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-10-25
Views: 1710
1477382400 1710
Author: cath
Session Name: MLQ19469
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-05-24
Views: 2055
1495612800 2055
Description: These are the 12 UCSC Browser tracks for the RNA-seq experiment in which humanized and WT yeast were subjected to 1 hour of splicing inhibitors. There are six libraries in duplicate. humanized hsh155 with DMSO carrier humanized hsh155 with 5 uM pladienolide-b humanized hsh155 with 0.5 uM pladienolide-b humanized hsh155 with 5 uM thailanstatin-a WT Hsh155 with DMSO carrier WT Hsh155 with 5 uM pladienolide-b
Author: ohunter
Session Name: Hunter_et_al_sacCer3_Yeast_Splicing_Inhibition
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2023-07-25
Views: 437
1690272000 437
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg18_44way
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2019-07-24
Views: 1490
1563955200 1490
Author: kinerettaler
Session Name: danRer11
Genome Assembly: danRer11
Creation Date: 2018-12-30
Views: 1491
1546156800 1491
Description: The GeneHancer track relates enhancer and promoters to their interactions with nearby genes. The interactions track in the pack setting allows for a pack view of the data with the direction and name of individual endpoints clearly displayed. A highlighted GH01J209814 enhancer is associated with the gene IRF6 (Interferon Regulatory Factor 6) located about 10kb upstream from the gene and harbors regulatory non-coding variants strongly associated to Van Der Woude Syndrome 1 (VWS1), a disease involving cleft lip and cleft palate.
Author: view
Session Name: GeneHancerPack
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-29
Views: 1350
1553846400 1350
Description: The JASPAR 2018 TFB Public Hub represents genome-wide predicted binding sites for TF (transcription factor) binding profiles in the JASPAR CORE vertebrates collection. Please click into the Track Description pages to see more details and credits and contacts for the hub's data.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg38.JASPARhub
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-09-29
Views: 2339
1506672000 2339
Description: With this session loaded navigate to the Variant Annotation Integrator (VAI) tool (under the top blue bar Tools menu). Then scroll down and click the "Get results" button to experience how the VAI tool can now output HGVS terms. This session is loaded with an artificial input of variants on the human hg38 assembly with NCBI RefSeq Genes track (curated NM_*, NR_*, and YP_* subset) filtered for coding exons and splice site roles and on DNase regulatory elements with output in HTML Variant Effect Predictor format where the "Extra" column will include HGVS notation. Please note that a semi-colon ";" will separate results in that field (HGVSG=NC_000010.11:g.27005592_27005594delAGA; HGVSCN=NM_014915.2:c.5129_5131delTCT; EXON=34/34).
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg38.exampleVAI
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-09-25
Views: 4338
1506326400 4338
Author: rasou2ba
Session Name: Bio 630 CRX variants Rasoul
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-09-27
Views: 1573
1506499200 1573
Author: lianeslaughter
Session Name: mm9-Locus3_primerDesign
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-09-26
Views: 1659
1506412800 1659
Author: Cong Guo
Session Name: IDEAS Blank
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-09-26
Views: 1549
1506412800 1549
Author: Lou
Session Name: pisOchAsseblyHub
Genome Assembly: hub_1100339_12Jun2017_28pcJ
Creation Date: 2019-04-22
Views: 1658
1555920000 1658
Author: peytonse
Session Name: Bio 630 CRX variants Peyton
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-09-20
Views: 1651
1505894400 1651
Author: nickcochran
Session Name: BE2C_MAPT_9-18-17
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-09-18
Views: 1918
1505721600 1918
Author: morotz
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-09-14
Views: 1725
1505376000 1725
Author: EvansLab
Session Name: EY_ATAC_Ileum
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-09-12
Views: 1635
1505203200 1635
Author: mcgaughey
Session Name: mm10_retina_epigenetics
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-08-11
Views: 1878
1502438400 1878
Author: yezheng
Session Name: HiC_ChIP-seq
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-03-02
Views: 1622
1519977600 1622
Author: leggeteg
Session Name: Leggett, BIO480Uba1 example
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-09-06
Views: 1633
1504684800 1633
Author: ofery1984
Session Name: FINAL Meth + RNA
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-09-06
Views: 1041
1504684800 1041
Author: mccarthyti
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-08-30
Views: 1684
1504080000 1684
Author: jcarlevaro
Session Name: TE_paper_hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-08-28
Views: 1598
1503907200 1598
Description: We are pleased to add the UniBind Hub to our list of publicly available track hubs. UniBind is a comprehensive map of direct transcription factor - DNA interactions in the human genome. UniBind expands on the previous data and is now available on GRCh38/hg38. Below is a session highlighting UniBind transcription factor-DNA binding interactions in the SPR gene. More info on UniBind: We would like to thank the Mathelier Lab at the University of Oslo for creating this hub!
Author: dschmelt
Session Name: UniBindSRF
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-04-17
Views: 2348
1555488000 2348
Author: oac7
Session Name: oac7_Problem_Set_2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-03-01
Views: 1603
1519891200 1603
Description: This data includes Bcl11b ChIP-seq result.
Author: liuxiaoqin
Session Name: bcl11b-liuxiaoqin
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2022-08-17
Views: 496
1660723200 496
Author: aniclem
Session Name: Clem, BIO480 Uba 1 example
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-09-03
Views: 1646
1504425600 1646
Author: EvansLab
Session Name: Eiji-ATACseq2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-07-10
Views: 1820
1499673600 1820
Author: EvansLab
Session Name: EY_ATAC_Intes_Organoids
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-07-26
Views: 1951
1501056000 1951
Description: Visualization in UCSC Genome Browser of genome coverages of all generated next-generation sequencing data included in the manuscript ('A novel approach for DNA footprinting using short double-stranded cell-free DNA from plasma').
Author: jnmllr
Session Name: Short_cfDNA_seq_manuscript
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2024-02-13
Views: 192
1707811200 192
Author: svadlamudi
Session Name: KSR2_7-24-17
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-07-24
Views: 1800
1500883200 1800
Author: jwjiao
Session Name: H2AZ-ChIP-E13-Cortex
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-07-13
Views: 1805
1499932800 1805
Description: This session is a response to question for research on Myc binding sites on the IDH1 gene promoter, with a desire to analyze the conservation of Myc binding sites between human and mouse. In the session Transcription Factor ChIP-seq (161 factors) from ENCODE track is displayed and three MYC binding spots represented. This clustered transcription factor binding track can be sorted to display only certain factors like MYC. Below the MYC binding spots (wgEncodeRegTfbsClusteredV3 track) the conservation data from 100 assembly alignments are displayed (cons100way track), with the specific data from mouse selected. Further below that the Chain/Net data (placentalChainNet track) specific for mouse are also displayed. To see this question on our Mailing List click this link:
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg19.mycBinding2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-07-13
Views: 1712
1499932800 1712
Author: cocopow
Session Name: rn6_23676
Genome Assembly: rn6
Creation Date: 2019-06-20
Views: 1591
1561017600 1591
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg19_hubs
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-06-18
Views: 1376
1560844800 1376
Author: Adhil
Session Name: sacCer3_supercoiling
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2019-06-17
Views: 1430
1560758400 1430
Author: Joey Riepsaame
Session Name: mm9 DNAseI digital Me1 Me3 Ac27 Pol2
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2015-07-14
Views: 1095
1436860800 1095
Author: janzop
Session Name: hsa_all_cccDNA_HBx_mRNA
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-06-20
Views: 2248
1497945600 2248
Author: phageghost
Session Name: glasslab_microglia_hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-06-19
Views: 1864
1497859200 1864
Author: phageghost
Session Name: glasslab_microglia_mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-06-19
Views: 1639
1497859200 1639
Description: This sessionView is a collection of tracks centered around gene expression. The display is organized with gene annotations first, followed by mRNA and smRNA evidence. Following these data are <a href="" target="_blank">GTEx tracks</a> which display median gene expression and transcripts from 51 tissues and 2 cells lines. The final tracks in this collection provide additional expression support: TSS/Dnase/chromatin state. The region visualized is a ~10,200bp window covering two <a href="" target="_blank">HOX genes</a> which are regulators for embryonic development and continue to be expressed throughout postnatal life.
Author: view
Session Name: Expression
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-10-08
Views: 1609
1538985600 1609
Author: nickcochran
Session Name: BE2C-Candidates-6-9-17
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-06-09
Views: 1727
1496995200 1727
Author: ezra abramms
Session Name: nebulin bam site two
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-06-05
Views: 1870
1496649600 1870
Author: wenzelmk
Session Name: BIO 481 hg38 CHR2 Chimp, Mouse, Chicken, Zebrafish
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-10-10
Views: 1655
1507622400 1655
Author: peijinlim
Session Name: mm9 Nrf2 ChIPseq Mrp2
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-06-01
Views: 1739
1496304000 1739
Author: yang1221720
Session Name: KDM3A_splicing
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-22
Views: 1454
1542873600 1454
Author: ifollon
Session Name: hg19_sangre2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-05-30
Views: 1795
1496131200 1795
Author: jwrows2014
Session Name: EPAS1 search 5272017
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-05-27
Views: 1666
1495872000 1666
Description: This session uses a new format called type=longTabix, here is a mailing list describing this type: This new type uses a custom track that points to a .gz file, and where that is located there is also a .gz.tbi file that provides the index. The tab-separated .gz file has contents like the following: chr19 44116910 44119168 chr21:47876840-47878656,2 31515 . The .tbi file is built using the tabix software from:
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg19.other_regions
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-05-25
Views: 1745
1495699200 1745
Author: Fadak Alali
Session Name: Fall19 Yeast test FA
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2019-08-31
Views: 1327
1567238400 1327
Author: ephong0305
Session Name: GeM MOA HD GWAS.v9
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-10-04
Views: 1408
1570176000 1408
Author: Bowen
Session Name: hg38_HBB_rs334
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-10-24
Views: 1383
1571904000 1383
Author: anneabraham1
Session Name: MAPT mutant alleles Anne Abraham
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-02-12
Views: 1625
1518422400 1625
Author: XiangChen
Session Name: Bio481 Chen AMD SNPs rs67538026
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-10-31
Views: 2239
1509436800 2239
Author: heathhm
Session Name: FALL19 Yeast test HMH
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2019-08-30
Views: 1480
1567152000 1480
Author: farshad
Session Name: BRCA_hg19_H3K27Ac_related_profiles20170517
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-05-17
Views: 1944
1495008000 1944
Author: ekrobins
Session Name: TSS_CAGE
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-05-17
Views: 2272
1495008000 2272
Author: nbosch
Session Name: CRIM1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-05-15
Views: 1722
1494835200 1722
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg38.refSeq.UCSC
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-05-12
Views: 1886
1494576000 1886
Author: Francesco_Ferrari
Session Name: rs7599312_SNP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-10-17
Views: 1608
1508227200 1608
Author: sajjeev
Session Name: progeria_JB
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-05-23
Views: 1832
1558598400 1832
Author: suestring
Session Name: example_DCdiffCA
Genome Assembly: hub_432097_DC
Creation Date: 2019-05-22
Views: 1484
1558512000 1484
Author: suestring
Session Name: hub_432097_ZebraFish
Genome Assembly: hub_432097_ZebraFish
Creation Date: 2019-05-28
Views: 2238
1559030400 2238
Description: Main overview of the ARID1a gene. Find the story in UCSC's education module:
Author: education
Session Name: arid1a_home
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2022-08-19
Views: 608
1660896000 608
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_primates
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-05-09
Views: 1429
1557388800 1429
Author: russiandash
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-05-13
Views: 4028
1557734400 4028
Author: DearDanielxd
Session Name: mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-04-25
Views: 1750
1493107200 1750
Author: yayinano
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-04-21
Views: 1970
1492761600 1970
Author: linzho
Session Name: Zoltan_SA3_chip_data
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-05-15
Views: 1401
1557907200 1401
Author: swarnaseetha
Session Name: TET5hmcTriplicates
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-10-08
Views: 1383
1570521600 1383
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: hg19_GJB2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-05-15
Views: 1416
1557907200 1416
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: hg19_SLC26A4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-05-15
Views: 1399
1557907200 1399
Author: sayloren
Session Name: hg19-chr12-probes
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-04-07
Views: 1870
1491552000 1870
Author: GDJ_Duke
Session Name: SJC_BAC_Lib_GDJ_PER1_BAC
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-09-06
Views: 1608
1536220800 1608
Author: liyq
Session Name: mm10_2016
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-18
Views: 1707
1489824000 1707
Author: PublicSessions
Session Name: N-masked regions on the Y chromosome for hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-03-14
Views: 1898
1489478400 1898
Author: gartnerj928
Session Name: Devi_methyl_IP_tracks
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-13
Views: 2457
1489392000 2457
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_P0_ptm_H3K9me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1793
1489132800 1793
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_P0_ptm_H3K9ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 2106
1489132800 2106
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_P0_ptm_H3K4me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1723
1489132800 1723
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_P0_ptm_H3K4me2
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1683
1489132800 1683
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_P0_ptm_H3K4me1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1739
1489132800 1739
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_P0_ptm_H3K36me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1715
1489132800 1715
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_P0_ptm_H3K27me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1781
1489132800 1781
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_P0_ptm_H3K27ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1743
1489132800 1743
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E16_ptm_H3K9me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1911
1489132800 1911
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E16_ptm_H3K9ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1706
1489132800 1706
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E16_ptm_H3K4me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1704
1489132800 1704
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E16_ptm_H3K4me2
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1650
1489132800 1650
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E16_ptm_H3K4me1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1687
1489132800 1687
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E16_ptm_H3K36me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1711
1489132800 1711
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E16_ptm_H3K27me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1751
1489132800 1751
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E16_ptm_H3K27ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1726
1489132800 1726
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E15_ptm_H3K9me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1667
1489132800 1667
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E15_ptm_H3K9ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1739
1489132800 1739
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E15_ptm_H3K4me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1664
1489132800 1664
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E15_ptm_H3K4me2
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1672
1489132800 1672
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E15_ptm_H3K4me1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1848
1489132800 1848
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E15_ptm_H3K36me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1665
1489132800 1665
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E15_ptm_H3K27me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1705
1489132800 1705
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E15_ptm_H3K27ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1824
1489132800 1824
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E14_ptm_H3K9me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1684
1489132800 1684
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E14_ptm_H3K9ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1854
1489132800 1854
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E14_ptm_H3K4me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1729
1489132800 1729
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E14_ptm_H3K4me2
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1719
1489132800 1719
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E14_ptm_H3K4me1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1652
1489132800 1652
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E14_ptm_H3K36me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1640
1489132800 1640
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E14_ptm_H3K27me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1693
1489132800 1693
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E14_ptm_H3K27ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1690
1489132800 1690
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E14_ptm_CTCF
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1732
1489132800 1732
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_ALL_ptm_H3K9me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1803
1489132800 1803
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_ALL_ptm_H3K9ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1649
1489132800 1649
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_ALL_ptm_H3K4me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1916
1489132800 1916
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_ALL_ptm_H3K4me2
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1837
1489132800 1837
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_ALL_ptm_H3K4me1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1786
1489132800 1786
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_ALL_ptm_H3K36me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1634
1489132800 1634
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_ALL_ptm_H3K27me3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 2090
1489132800 2090
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_ALL_ptm_H3K27ac
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1790
1489132800 1790
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_ALL_ptm_CTCF
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1897
1489132800 1897
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_P0_ptm_ALL
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1731
1489132800 1731
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E16_ptm_ALL
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1683
1489132800 1683
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E15_ptm_ALL
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1694
1489132800 1694
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_E14_ptm_ALL
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 1698
1489132800 1698
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_ALL_ptm_ALL
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 2441
1489132800 2441
Author: ccornwel
Session Name: cfac
Genome Assembly: canFam3
Creation Date: 2016-09-26
Views: 1782
1474876800 1782
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg19-17q12
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-03
Views: 1584
1546502400 1584
Author: rtmag4
Session Name: HCT116_ATAC_SEQ_TBLAB
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-03-03
Views: 1840
1488528000 1840
Author: xulab
Session Name: tps_P0_ptm_CTCF
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-10
Views: 2106
1489132800 2106
Description: Comparison of 7 primate genomes to the 2nd human chromosome.
Author: l.g.altizer
Session Name: 7Primate_Genomes
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 132
1726560000 132
Description: Synteny and Conservation between Chimp and Human
Session Name: Synteny and Conservation
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 106
1726560000 106
Author: adriennelovett
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-02-24
Views: 1759
1487923200 1759
Author: estercastillo
Session Name: AnaBelen_USalamanca_TP53
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-05-02
Views: 1764
1525248000 1764
Author: Francesco_Ferrari
Session Name: AMLiPSC_H3K27Ac_ChIPseq_final_H3K27Ac
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-02-17
Views: 1738
1487318400 1738
Author: jberus
Session Name: Bio2010-JB
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2017-02-16
Views: 1713
1487232000 1713
Author: SB
Session Name: hg38_ALK E20 Cas9
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-02-15
Views: 1855
1487145600 1855
Description: We have recently released a file type called "longTabix" which supports inter & intra-chromosomal interactions by drawing an "arc" among paired regions in the UCSC Genome Browser. Note the first track at the top of the display, you can click on any of the "arcs" or interaction connections to see details such as ID and score. Credit goes to Cath Tyner for the creation of this session. Link to the original question:
Author: PublicSessions
Session Name: Viewing inter- & intra-chromosomal interactions
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-02-13
Views: 1641
1486972800 1641
Author: Francesco_Ferrari
Session Name: AMLiPSC_H3K27Ac_ChIPseq_CORRECTED
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-02-10
Views: 1653
1486713600 1653
Author: Francesco_Ferrari
Session Name: AMLiPSC_H3K27Ac_ChIPseq_CORRECTED_autoscaled
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-02-13
Views: 1686
1486972800 1686
Author: Francesco_Ferrari
Session Name: AMLiPSC_H3K27Ac_ChIPseq_days_5_20_35_40
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-02-01
Views: 1695
1485936000 1695
Author: thomas.sparks
Session Name: 181227-atac1-encode_dnase
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-12-27
Views: 1503
1545897600 1503
Author: xrdong10
Session Name: hg19_fdek
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-01-24
Views: 1781
1485244800 1781
Author: rikrdo89
Session Name: rna-seq cardiac
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-01-24
Views: 1748
1485244800 1748
Author: Francesco_Ferrari
Session Name: AMLiPSC_H3K27Ac_ChIPseq
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-01-23
Views: 1680
1485158400 1680
Author: ryansamuel13
Session Name: TAS2R28 Gene
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-01-23
Views: 1744
1485158400 1744
Author: Shockwing
Session Name: South, Spring17, Uba1 example
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-01-16
Views: 1698
1484553600 1698
Author: ryansamuel13
Session Name: Samuel, Spring17, Uba1 example
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-01-16
Views: 1635
1484553600 1635
Author: anneabraham1
Session Name: Spring18 Yeast test ALA
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2018-01-08
Views: 1612
1515398400 1612
Author: harri5al
Session Name: Spring18 Yeast Test (AH)
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2018-01-08
Views: 1682
1515398400 1682
Author: keitermd
Session Name: Spring17_Correct MOUSE TEST - MDK
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-01-09
Views: 1886
1483948800 1886
Author: khan2sa
Session Name: Spring17 Mouse test (SK)
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-01-09
Views: 1988
1483948800 1988
Author: ryansamuel13
Session Name: Spring17 Worm test (RMS)
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2017-01-09
Views: 1693
1483948800 1693
Author: keitermd
Session Name: Spring17 MOUSE TEST - MDK
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-01-09
Views: 1686
1483948800 1686
Author: lesevimx
Session Name: Spring17 Mouse test (ML)
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-01-09
Views: 1662
1483948800 1662
Author: idror
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-01-03
Views: 1903
1483430400 1903
Author: yuelab
Session Name: mm9_min
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-01-16
Views: 1757
1484553600 1757
Author: warrenac
Session Name: GIT-mQTL-ASM
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-10-04
Views: 2131
1475568000 2131
Author: jkearns94
Session Name: Fall 16 481 Final JK
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-12-12
Views: 1818
1481529600 1818
Author: nightfury
Session Name: mm9-fam60a-de
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-12-11
Views: 1853
1481443200 1853
Description: Since the reference genome assembly is a series of clone sequences from multiple individuals, and all individuals contain rare alleles, some of these rare alleles are included in reference assemblies. In this case, NM_001103170 (TGc), "c" mismatches the reference assemblies "A" because the reference sequence contains a substitution at this location. Please note that this example is on hg18, many (but not all) of these cases have been addressed in newer assemblies. AADACL3, in particular, does not have this substitution in GRCh38/hg38. Credit goes to Christopher Villarreal for creation of this session. Link to original question:
Author: PublicSessions
Session Name: hg18.AADACL3_mRNA_discrepancy_vs_reference
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2016-12-09
Views: 1734
1481270400 1734
Author: yezheng
Session Name: ATAC-seq_mm9_WT-+MU-+
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2019-01-31
Views: 1434
1548921600 1434
Author: labrozam
Session Name: Labrozzi, Fall 17, Uba1 example
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-10-01
Views: 1577
1506844800 1577
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg19_bigBed12
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-21
Views: 1415
1553155200 1415
Author: suestring
Session Name: ???
Genome Assembly: hub_162375_Pleuco
Creation Date: 2019-03-08
Views: 1378
1552032000 1378
Author: suestring
Session Name: NotFusion
Genome Assembly: hub_162375_Pleuco
Creation Date: 2019-03-08
Views: 1455
1552032000 1455
Author: suestring
Session Name: 2
Genome Assembly: hub_162375_Pleuco
Creation Date: 2019-03-08
Views: 1525
1552032000 1525
Author: suestring
Session Name: 1
Genome Assembly: hub_162375_Pleuco
Creation Date: 2019-03-08
Views: 1480
1552032000 1480
Author: arem
Session Name: hg19 fin
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-02-21
Views: 1725
1550736000 1725
Author: sureshpsbio
Session Name: mm10_Chip fam40
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-02-20
Views: 1880
1550649600 1880
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1600_chr1_nmt=20
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-02-20
Views: 1405
1550649600 1405
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_844_chr7_nmt20
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-02-20
Views: 1360
1550649600 1360
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_412Chr8_nmt19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-02-20
Views: 1973
1550649600 1973
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1148_chr1_nmt18
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-02-20
Views: 1440
1550649600 1440
Author: liaohy
Session Name: RNAseq_Liu.DY_AM20181126-13
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-12-31
Views: 1257
1577779200 1257
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_986_chr3_nmtf11
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1531
1554105600 1531
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1305_chr16_nmtf11
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1374
1554105600 1374
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1388_chr1_nmtf11
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1616
1554105600 1616
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1136_chr17_nmtf11
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1400
1554105600 1400
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1373_chr19_nmtf11
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1384
1554105600 1384
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1044_chr2_nmtf11
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1448
1554105600 1448
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_128_chr14_nmtf11
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1381
1554105600 1381
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_511_chr14_nmtf11
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1594
1554105600 1594
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1111_chr9_nmtf11
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1439
1554105600 1439
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_237_chr22_nmtf12
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1662
1554105600 1662
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1327_chr17_nmtf12
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1587
1554105600 1587
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_40_chr22_nmtf12
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1679
1554105600 1679
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_954_chr1_nmtf12
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1430
1554105600 1430
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1129_chr17_nmtf12
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1575
1554105600 1575
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_960_chrX_nmtf13
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1527
1554105600 1527
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_662_chr6_nmtf13
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1355
1554105600 1355
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_876_chr17_nmtf13
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1386
1554105600 1386
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_149_chr1_nmtf13
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1392
1554105600 1392
Author: bashamal
Session Name: basham hg38 assignment 10/10
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-10-09
Views: 1729
1507536000 1729
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: mm10 celltype NTRK2
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-12-04
Views: 808
1543910400 808
Screenshot not available
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Author: Tao Zhang
Session Name: chicken transcriptome
Genome Assembly: hub_30425_galGal4
Creation Date: 2016-11-29
Views: 2365
1480406400 2365
Author: chkcole
Session Name: TN5_Prime_Alignments
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-10-24
Views: 2138
1508832000 2138
Screenshot not available
Click Here to view
Author: maria pia miano
Session Name: hg19s
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-11-16
Views: 1913
1479283200 1913
Author: jtm
Session Name: shiny_app_mm10_v2
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-11-05
Views: 1752
1541404800 1752
Author: headricn
Session Name: Fall16 481 final CH
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-12-11
Views: 1832
1481443200 1832
Screenshot not available
Click Here to view
Author: Courtney Stout
Session Name: AMD hg38 APOE SNP (CS)
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-11-04
Views: 1800
1478246400 1800
Screenshot not available
Click Here to view
Author: Courtney Stout
Session Name: hg38 AMD CNN2 SNP (CS)
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-11-04
Views: 1822
1478246400 1822
Screenshot not available
Click Here to view
Author: Courtney Stout
Session Name: hg38 AMD APOE SNP(CS)
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-11-04
Views: 1899
1478246400 1899
Screenshot not available
Click Here to view
Author: Courtney Stout
Session Name: hg38 AMD SNPs
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-10-27
Views: 1838
1477555200 1838
Description: This session highlights the differences in microRNA expression between endothelial cells and other primary cells types. The data in this session comes from the "Towards the human cellular microRNAome" public hub, created by Marc Halushka and Arun Patil at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institute.
Author: chmalee
Session Name: hg38_microRNA_cell_expression
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-09-11
Views: 2944
1505116800 2944
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: MMR-branchpoints-260318
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-03-26
Views: 1674
1522051200 1674
Author: rmaus
Session Name: nha_PE
Genome Assembly: mm8
Creation Date: 2016-10-18
Views: 1852
1476777600 1852
Author: Sega666
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-10-19
Views: 1724
1476864000 1724
Author: cath
Session Name: v339publicSessionTest
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-10-04
Views: 2168
1475568000 2168
Screenshot not available
Click Here to view
Author: Isilver1
Session Name: PCBP2_CLIP-seq_Reps1-3
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-03-28
Views: 1917
1490688000 1917
Author: Sega666
Session Name: 02.11
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-11-02
Views: 1803
1478073600 1803
Author: artman1967
Session Name: hg19_ATAC_2019
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-28
Views: 1500
1553760000 1500
Author: mirigitik
Session Name: bahcc1
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-05-16
Views: 2207
1463385600 2207
Author: sergi.villatoro
Session Name: Pangaea Biotech
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-09-14
Views: 1859
1473840000 1859
Author: zxtzhangqian
Session Name: 3a-tet2
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-09-14
Views: 1799
1473840000 1799
Author: vivekgopalanmedgenome
Session Name: hg19_panel_design_JRK
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-09-11
Views: 1841
1473580800 1841
Author: sergi.villatoro
Session Name: Pangaea Biotech GenneReader
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-09-16
Views: 1784
1474012800 1784
Author: sushivision
Session Name: TKNK31-090116
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-09-02
Views: 1723
1472803200 1723
Screenshot not available
Click Here to view
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: C2H2_type_1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-09-01
Views: 1797
1472716800 1797
Author: sambuca_shot
Session Name: mouse_reprog
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2016-03-23
Views: 1856
1458720000 1856
Description: GTEx Allele Specific Expression hub from the Lappalainen Lab at the New York Genome Center. This session shows a region along chromosome 17 of high skin-specific allelic imbalance in a large number of Keratin genes.
Author: chmalee
Session Name: hg19KeratinAse
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-08-30
Views: 2823
1472544000 2823
Author: pfiziev
Session Name: t_cell_development.H3K4me2 DECSTEP
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-08-26
Views: 2121
1472198400 2121
Author: ps
Session Name: hg19.newTargets
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-08-26
Views: 1881
1472198400 1881
Description: We sequenced the hermaphroditic freshwater snail, Biomphalaria glabrata (strain BB02), the host for the medically important trematode parasite, Schistosoma mansoni, using 1X coverage from plasmids and 0.1X BAC end sequencing on the ABI3730xl and 10X coverage sequenced on the Roche 454 Sequencer (including 2 paired end read runs) was initially assembled with Newbler. The Newbler assembly was screened for contamination then merged with a Soap assembly of Illumina reads followed by use of an in-house program for collapsing of redundant heterozygous contigs. Next, we applied our program, GapCloser, which closes gaps in the assembly by making iterative joins using Illumina reads. Finally we removed contigs less than 200 bases and incorporated reads into the assembly that had been assembled in a prior version of the Newbler assembly but were not assembled in this round. The resulting assembly, going by the name of assembly version 4.3, is 898.9Mb bases with an N50 contig length of 6.9kb and N50 scaffold length of 42kb. For creation of the linkage group AGP files, we identified all scaffolds that were uniquely placed on a single linkage group. Because of low marker density, only 145Mb was localized to specific linkage groups and scaffolds could not be ordered and oriented within linkage groups. Therefore, the scaffolds were simply placed in the order suggested by the linkage mapping on *_random for each linkage group. Credits: B. glabrata BB02 samples - Omar dos Santos Carvalho, Centro de Pesquisas Rene Rachou-Fiocruz (sample location: Barreiro, Brazil) BAC library - Coen M. Adema et al. (2006) Sequencing and Assembly - The Genome Institute, Washington University School of Medicine Linkage map - Jacob Tennessen and Michael Blouin, Oregon State University White Paper - Matty Knight et al (2003) Others - - Fred Lewis Biomedical Research Institute of the American Foundation of Biomedical Research - Eric Loker University of New Mexico Biology - Nithya Raghavan Biomedical Research Institute of the American Foundation of Biomedical Research
Author: lijing
Session Name: hub_107761_bioGla0
Genome Assembly: hub_107761_bioGla0
Creation Date: 2016-08-24
Views: 1938
1472025600 1938
Author: elinshiao
Session Name: HEK293T_all
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-09-07
Views: 1453
1599465600 1453
Author: mperelis
Session Name: Stein_PDX1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2016-09-30
Views: 1964
1475222400 1964
Author: treparriscos
Session Name: Sara_poised_enhancers_1xnorm_mm10_2
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2016-06-03
Views: 1361
1464940800 1361
Author: sappingtonae
Session Name: test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-08-15
Views: 2001
1471248000 2001
Author: yezheng
Session Name: ATAC-seq_mm9
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2018-01-22
Views: 2113
1516608000 2113
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: Lidral, hg19, CL/P GWAS intervals
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2014-09-18
Views: 1641
1411027200 1641
Author: shiguoming
Session Name: mm9_160812
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-08-11
Views: 1379
1470902400 1379
Author: ykumar84
Session Name: mm10_Oct4
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-07-22
Views: 1608
1563782400 1608
Description: This is an assembly hub for the AgamP4 assembly of Anopheles gambiae PEST strain. It includes the assembly; the coding genes and pseudogenes from vectorbase version 4.3; predicted stop codon readthrough regions; PhyloCSF tracks showing evolutionary protein-coding potential; splice-prediction tracks using the maximum-entropy splice-prediction algorithm; and novel coding and pseudogene predictions using PhyloCSF, excluding regions already annotated in vectorbase version 4.3.
Author: iljungr
Session Name: AgamP4
Genome Assembly: hub_102577_AgamP4
Creation Date: 2016-08-09
Views: 2387
1470729600 2387
Author: brianlee
Session Name: mm9.RP23.470O14
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-08-03
Views: 1610
1470211200 1610
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hub_1567195_araTha1_remap
Genome Assembly: hub_1567195_araTha1
Creation Date: 2019-09-04
Views: 1718
1567584000 1718
Author: QAtester3
Session Name: ce11_ENCODE_hub
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2018-02-08
Views: 1525
1518076800 1525
Author: QAtester3
Session Name: !@!$(GSDFG
Genome Assembly: galGal6
Creation Date: 2019-01-22
Views: 1532
1548144000 1532
Description: This session of gene prediction tracks for "heart genes" uses the interact and bigGenePred formats to create decorations and the image of a heart. Read more about the interact format and bigGenePred formats from links on the Data File Formats help page under the Help menu and FAQs:
Author: PublicSessions
Session Name: heart
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-02-11
Views: 4175
1549872000 4175
Author: PublicSessions
Session Name: Tabula_muris
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-04-05
Views: 1529
1554451200 1529
Author: cook2wj
Session Name: Alpha Syn Chip Data
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2016-07-22
Views: 1784
1469174400 1784
Session Name: MTAP_melanoma
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-07-25
Views: 1887
1469433600 1887
Author: lesevimx
Session Name: Alpha Syn Chip Data
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1829
1469088000 1829
Author: jpate2
Session Name: CGEMS Yeast TRJP primers test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 2081
1469088000 2081
Author: hadani81
Session Name: CGEMS Mouse HD/MC/JD Test
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1711
1469088000 1711
Author: Nithesh
Session Name: CGEMS Yeast NPC test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1791
1469088000 1791
Author: monroejd
Session Name: CGEMS Yeast JM
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1740
1469088000 1740
Author: jpate2
Session Name: CGEMS Yeast TRJP test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1760
1469088000 1760
Author: kapsakcj
Session Name: CGEMS Mouse CK test
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1709
1469088000 1709
Author: Shockwing
Session Name: CGEMS Yeast (Shockwing) Test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1954
1469088000 1954
Author: herrsp
Session Name: CGEMS Yeast SPH test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1760
1469088000 1760
Author: blossta
Session Name: CGEMS Worm TB test
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1789
1469088000 1789
Author: shufengliu
Session Name: CGEMS Human SL test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 2005
1469088000 2005
Author: klj002
Session Name: CGEMS Worm (KLJ SFB) test
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1751
1469088000 1751
Author: MaxHenderson
Session Name: CGEMS Yeast MEH test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1806
1469088000 1806
Author: cook2wj
Session Name: CGEMS Human WCSK test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1700
1469088000 1700
Author: bravonja
Session Name: CGEMS Human JBSP test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1772
1469088000 1772
Author: stjacqrm
Session Name: CGEMS Yeast RMSJ test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1775
1469088000 1775
Author: s.jurg96
Session Name: CGEMS worm SJ EA CG test
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1727
1469088000 1727
Author: youngbh
Session Name: CGEMS Mouse BHY Custom Tracks Chr6
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1803
1469088000 1803
Author: youngbh
Session Name: CGEMS Mouse BHY test
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1975
1469088000 1975
Author: youngbh
Session Name: CGEMS Human BHY test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1860
1469088000 1860
Author: youngbh
Session Name: CGEMS Worm BHY test
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1737
1469088000 1737
Author: dtautz
Session Name: wildmouse
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2016-07-26
Views: 2674
1469520000 2674
Author: youngbh
Session Name: CGEMS Yeast BHY test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2016-07-20
Views: 1791
1469001600 1791
Author: arem
Session Name: colon methylation
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-06
Views: 1469
1551859200 1469
Screenshot not available
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Author: Courtney Stout
Session Name: CGems Yeast AH test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2016-07-19
Views: 1810
1468915200 1810
Author: MWVermunt
Session Name: H3K27ac Human Brain, Vermunt et al (2014) Cell Reports
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-07-13
Views: 2046
1468396800 2046
Author: pliu
Session Name: PRAM_master_set
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-01-04
Views: 1747
1546588800 1747
Author: sajjeev
Session Name: comic sj15_22
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-04
Views: 1534
1546588800 1534
Author: lijin
Session Name: session7 97L 3 chip
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-06-20
Views: 2045
1466409600 2045
Description: This session displays the locations of significant SNPs from the GWAS for breast cancer DFS with P < 1 x 10-5 and eQTL-SNPs from GTEx portal with P < 1 × 10–10.
Author: Wen-Cheng
Session Name: rs1024176
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-05-25
Views: 1489
1527235200 1489
Description: This session demonstrates the GTEx track on the human assembly hg19. The GTEx track shows data from the NIH Genotype-Tissue Expression project and displays expression data for each gene, based on GENCODE gene models, from 51 tissues collected from 570 individual. This session also demonstrates the gene-only mode of the multi-region feature, which removes intergenic regions from the display.
Author: mspeir
Session Name: hg19_gtexAnnouncement
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-06-17
Views: 1887
1466150400 1887
Description: This session is demonstrating the exon-only mode of the multi-region feature. The exon-only mode uses the GENCODE v22 track to slice up the normal display and remove both intronic and intergenic regions from the display. Only those regions covered by exons, both coding and noncoding, are left in the display. For more on the multi-region display see the user guide:
Author: mspeir
Session Name: hg38_exonOnlyExample
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-06-17
Views: 1783
1466150400 1783
Author: mspeir
Session Name: hg19_CAGrepeat
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-06-17
Views: 1857
1466150400 1857
Description: Public session showcasing the GTEx gene expression track and GTEx RNA-seq signal hub for the <a target=_blank href=''>GTEx Resources in the Browser</a> GB blog article. The session shows a genomic region with 5 genes with different patterns of tissue-specific expression.
Author: kate
Session Name: GTEx demo for blog (long, with error)
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-06-09
Views: 4055
1465459200 4055
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_681_chr15_nmtf13
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1560
1554105600 1560
Description: Session highlights a mouse-specific repeat on chromosome 12. You can see the gap in the 60-way vertebrate alignment surrounding the repeat, which is highlighted in light blue. The repeat is classified as a LINE and is part of the L1 family of repeats. Additionally, on the far right-hand side of the display, you can see the retrotransposed Bf3 gene.
Author: mspeir
Session Name: mm10_MouseSpecificRepeat_plus_RetroposedGene
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2016-05-24
Views: 1667
1464076800 1667
Description: Session displays the promoter region of DARC on human assembly hg19 including UCSC Genes, dbSNP 146 (Common subset) and the Publications track showing sequences and SNPs text-mined from PubMed Central and Elsevier. Adapted from Figure 1 in Meyer, et al. The UCSC Genome Browser database: extensions and updates 2013. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D64-9:
Author: mspeir
Session Name: hg19_NAR_2013_Fig1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-05-24
Views: 1850
1464076800 1850
Description: Session displays the dyskeratosis congenita 1 (DKC1) gene using the exon-only multi-region mode in the human assembly hg38. Alongside the gene structure, tracks displaying dbSNP "flagged" variants, OMIM clinical variants, ENCODE transcription levels from 9 cell lines, a 100-way vertebrate alignment (only a subset of species displayed), and conservation scores calculated using phyloP across this 100-way alignment.
Author: mspeir
Session Name: hg38_DKC1_SNPs_Cons_Transcription
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-05-24
Views: 1790
1464076800 1790
Description: Session displays the promoter region and transcription start of IRF1 on human assembly hg19 showing UCSC Genes, 1000 Genomes Phase 3 Integrated Variant Calls in the haplotype sorting VCF display mode, histone mark H3K27Ac binding in overlays of 7 ENCODE cell lines and PhyloP conservation scores from alignments of 100 vertebrates. Adapted from Figure 2 in Meyer, et al. The UCSC Genome Browser database: extensions and updates 2013. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D64-9:
Author: mspeir
Session Name: hg19_NAR_2013_Fig2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-05-24
Views: 1915
1464076800 1915
Author: as00419
Session Name: hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-05-09
Views: 1461
1557388800 1461
Author: lijin
Session Name: session2 four types
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-04-17
Views: 2482
1460880000 2482
Author: lijin
Session Name: session5 whole genome methy
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-04-29
Views: 1918
1461916800 1918
Author: leipinji
Session Name: hg19-HCT116-liyiming
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-04-12
Views: 1659
1460448000 1659
Author: Julia H-Z
Session Name: Cancer Cell Tracks
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-02-19
Views: 1505
1550563200 1505
Author: Julia H-Z
Session Name: CC Tracks 2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-02-20
Views: 1438
1550649600 1438
Author: jdf228
Session Name: PGC-1 alpha ChIP-seq C2C12
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-03-20
Views: 1926
1489996800 1926
Author: gunasekaran
Session Name: Gunasekaran_Dhandapani_UCSC_mm10
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2019-02-07
Views: 1399
1549526400 1399
Author: ascendgene
Session Name: 60genes panel chr1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-07-25
Views: 1795
1532505600 1795
Author: peijinlim
Session Name: mm9 nrf2chipseq tracks
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-10-19
Views: 1825
1476864000 1825
Author: SCRB20
Session Name: SCRB20_GOOD
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-03-21
Views: 1668
1458547200 1668
Author: msantos.13
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-02-06
Views: 1438
1549440000 1438
Author: janzop
Session Name: mm9_HBx-RFP
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-09-27
Views: 1584
1474963200 1584
Author: lijin
Session Name: session1 Liver 97L exp meth
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-04-17
Views: 1861
1460880000 1861
Author: labrozam
Session Name: mm9
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2016-10-02
Views: 2225
1475395200 2225
Author: wenzelmk
Session Name: BIO 481 hg38 CHR2 Chimp Assignement
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-10-10
Views: 1551
1507622400 1551
Author: kianoush
Session Name: Panels
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-06
Views: 1247
1551859200 1247
Author: arem
Session Name: hg19_chr10_Human
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-08
Views: 1399
1552032000 1399
Author: ephong0305
Session Name: KSG GWAS IA chr1_22 v1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2021-07-30
Views: 898
1627632000 898
Author: dunlapea
Session Name: Dunlap, BIO480 Uba1 example
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-09-04
Views: 1813
1472976000 1813
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg19epigenetics_WASHU_VizHub
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-02-07
Views: 1505
1549526400 1505
Author: harri5al
Session Name: CGEMS yeast (AH) test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2018-01-08
Views: 1803
1515398400 1803
Author: anneabraham1
Session Name: Spring18 Yeast test Abraham
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2018-01-08
Views: 1618
1515398400 1618
Author: nedaronaghi
Session Name: hg19-all_weeks
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-03-07
Views: 1790
1488873600 1790
Author: Natedawg34
Session Name: fall17 bio630 human NM
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-09-13
Views: 1602
1505289600 1602
Author: Natedawg34
Session Name: Fall 2017 Bio 630 NM
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-09-13
Views: 1559
1505289600 1559
Author: stjacqrm
Session Name: Fall17 Bio630 Yeast RMSJ test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2017-09-13
Views: 1580
1505289600 1580
Author: alexc
Session Name: MitoGenome Analysis
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-05-17
Views: 1640
1463472000 1640
Author: Natedawg34
Session Name: Miller, Fall17, Uba1
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-09-12
Views: 1617
1505203200 1617
Author: alexc
Session Name: ARUP_cyto
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 2048
1543219200 2048
Description: chr2
Author: diazacex
Session Name: Chimp
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 100
1726560000 100
Author: leipinji
Session Name: hg19-HCT16-H3K27ac-P53-EP300
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2015-10-22
Views: 1733
1445500800 1733
Author: hfw824
Session Name: Dou_LADs IgHV
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2015-10-20
Views: 1956
1445328000 1956
Author: delphine.rolando10
Session Name: hg19_HI-LNCs_UCSCsession
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-11-01
Views: 1823
1477987200 1823
Screenshot not available
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Author: wentao li
Session Name: 2CPD and 64 NT2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2015-10-06
Views: 1591
1444118400 1591
Author: leipinji
Session Name: hg19-hct116-LYM-RNASeq
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-10-05
Views: 1800
1507190400 1800
Author: lianeslaughter
Session Name: mm9-H4K16acRestored
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-09-26
Views: 2065
1506412800 2065
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: evo mels hg19 TFAP2A in hNCC
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2014-05-29
Views: 1353
1401350400 1353
Author: GenePeeks
Session Name: .2017.10 Haplotype & HGDP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-10-06
Views: 1934
1507276800 1934
Screenshot not available
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Author: jcasper
Session Name: bedtoolsvssamtools
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2014-05-27
Views: 1783
1401177600 1783
Author: jverploegen
Session Name: GHE sequencing steroids
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-10-10
Views: 1768
1507622400 1768
Author: hs523
Session Name: mm10-ZFP57-SentToAnastasia-merged
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2016-01-13
Views: 1879
1452672000 1879
Author: GenePeeks
Session Name: .2017 Zoomed-in View 1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-10-09
Views: 1562
1507536000 1562
Author: taly
Session Name: EnhancerPrediction
Genome Assembly: dm3
Creation Date: 2017-10-10
Views: 1710
1507622400 1710
Author: rhead
Session Name: 450k.EPIC.beadchip
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-11-06
Views: 1884
1478419200 1884
Description: This mailing question allows one to see how you can color the current DNA with data from tracks such as SNP tracks. Load the session, then type "v d" or go to the View menu and then select DNA.<br> Once you are on the "Get DNA for" page do not click "get DNA" rather click the <b>'extended case/color options'</b> button and get Extended DNA Case/Color Output with DNA colored per the SNP tracks (150 in this case) or choose other tracks. <b>Note</b> that the All SNPs are Italic and Blue and the Common SNPs are Bold and Red and when they are both the colors and style combine.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg19.MLQ_20306
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-10-11
Views: 1707
1507708800 1707
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: eliz leslie hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2014-01-17
Views: 1362
1389945600 1362
Description: This is a session with some highlights.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: moreHighlights
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-05-07
Views: 1359
1557216000 1359
Author: josoga2
Session Name: chromHmm
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-06-09
Views: 1277
1591689600 1277
Description: nar
Author: as00419
Session Name: example
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-05-09
Views: 1411
1557388800 1411
Author: ccpowell
Session Name: 50120_solLyc1
Genome Assembly: hub_2224691_solLyc1
Creation Date: 2020-05-07
Views: 1248
1588838400 1248
Author: bashamal
Session Name: hg38 chr2 comparison 10/10 in class
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-10-10
Views: 1603
1507622400 1603
Author: estercastillo
Session Name: VanesaGarcia_ClinicoSanCarlos_hotspots_131686
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-10-19
Views: 1632
1508400000 1632
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg18_44way_bed
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2019-07-24
Views: 1324
1563955200 1324
Author: wenzelmk
Session Name: BIO481 Mouse (Wenzel & Zeher) test
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-10-05
Views: 1492
1507190400 1492
Author: macdonem
Session Name: Bio481 Mouse MacDonald Basham Test
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-10-05
Views: 1563
1507190400 1563
Author: herdaj
Session Name: Bio481 Human Herd Test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-10-05
Views: 1731
1507190400 1731
Author: labrozam
Session Name: Bio481 Human Labrozzi-Grant test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-10-05
Views: 1591
1507190400 1591
Author: XiangChen
Session Name: Bio481 Yeast Chen Test
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2017-10-05
Views: 1593
1507190400 1593
Description: This session shows the Integrative and Discriminative Epigenome Annotation System (IDEAS) Public Hub, which has data for inferred chromatin states in 127 cell types. A color key for each state is shown near a heatmap on the Track Description page, also found in the related journal <a href="">figure 1</a>. This session has some segmentation examples by IDEAS and ChromHMM in HSC and B-cell cell types (9 total) near genes CIITA and CLEC16A. Find more reference information on the Track Description page or at this <a href="">journal article</a>. The IDEAS algorithm is available on GitHub at <a href=""></a>.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg19.IDEAS.hub
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-10-05
Views: 2005
1507190400 2005
Author: estercastillo
Session Name: VanesaGarcia_ClinicoSanCarlos_Pancreas_131774
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-10-22
Views: 1609
1508659200 1609
Author: hujian5241
Session Name: fly_dh1_dm3_bw
Genome Assembly: dm3
Creation Date: 2017-11-13
Views: 1557
1510560000 1557
Author: simonwang612
Session Name: Methylation
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-07-25
Views: 1674
1595664000 1674
Author: anneabraham1
Session Name: Abraham, Spring18, Uba1 example
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2018-01-13
Views: 1769
1515830400 1769
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: Ruchi tracks hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2014-01-27
Views: 1376
1390809600 1376
Author: twx123
Session Name: PTC-mm9-newest
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2015-06-10
Views: 1463
1433923200 1463
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_chr17_KCNJ18
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-03-07
Views: 1608
1551945600 1608
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: mm9 visel enhancers
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2014-01-11
Views: 1436
1389427200 1436
Author: Shirley
Session Name: WT-RNA-ribo-seq
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2018-11-20
Views: 1313
1542700800 1313
Author: QAtester
Session Name: 111hg38
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-12-21
Views: 1824
1545379200 1824
Author: Boonede
Session Name: MAPT_DougBoone
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-03-11
Views: 1441
1552291200 1441
Author: Guillermo6
Session Name: hg19_ashg2014_SNPs
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-11-01
Views: 1725
1509523200 1725
Author: ferhatay
Session Name: hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-08-25
Views: 1746
1472112000 1746
Author: kkarri
Session Name: rn6_transcriptome
Genome Assembly: rn6
Creation Date: 2017-10-27
Views: 1708
1509091200 1708
Author: wangt5
Session Name: HBEC_VitD
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-11-15
Views: 1566
1510732800 1566
Author: bashamal
Session Name: Basham, Fall17, Uba1 example
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-10-02
Views: 1595
1506931200 1595
Author: cocapo
Session Name: ponAbe3_BTN1A1
Genome Assembly: ponAbe3
Creation Date: 2018-11-15
Views: 1696
1542268800 1696
Author: lbenner
Session Name: Sxl
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2016-10-22
Views: 1986
1477123200 1986
Author: macdonem
Session Name: Old AMD SNPs
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-10-31
Views: 1594
1509436800 1594
Author: macdonem
Session Name: New AMD SNPs
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-10-31
Views: 1607
1509436800 1607
Author: falbert
Session Name: FP_sacCer3
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2013-08-07
Views: 1599
1375862400 1599
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_94Chr12_28
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1602
1543219200 1602
Description: EEPD1 ChIP-seq on chromosome 1 hg38
Author: abacolla
Session Name: eepd1_chr1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-05-30
Views: 395
1685433600 395
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_ RepeatMasker
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-01-24
Views: 1538
1548316800 1538
Author: kkaczor
Session Name: cirm_ucla
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-11-12
Views: 1181
1605168000 1181
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_tf _pc
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-06-11
Views: 1364
1560240000 1364
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_tf_pc2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-06-11
Views: 1318
1560240000 1318
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg19_myc+ctcf
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-06-11
Views: 1494
1560240000 1494
Author: cocopow
Session Name: hg38_myc+ctcf
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-06-11
Views: 1498
1560240000 1498
Author: dtautz
Session Name: wildmouse-introgression
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-11-04
Views: 1675
1509782400 1675
Author: lijin
Session Name: session4 plus h3k27ac density andpeaks
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-04-28
Views: 1792
1461830400 1792
Author: lijin
Session Name: session3 plus h3k27ac
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-04-28
Views: 1830
1461830400 1830
Author: XiangChen
Session Name: Bio481 Yeast Chen Custom Track
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2017-10-17
Views: 1698
1508227200 1698
Author: XiangChen
Session Name: Bio481 Chen Gzmm CBRs in Mice Photoreceptors
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-11-17
Views: 1550
1510905600 1550
Description: This session illustrates how a user was having a hard time aligning the cDNA sequence with their Predicted Protein. They were manually using DNA sequence to make a triplet number to figure out codon numbering. The session shows how when zoomed in on the base level, if you right click the top Base Position track and set it to display in "full" you will see predicted proteins for every set of codons across the genome. This particular session at the start of the SIRT1 gene is also displaying the conservation tracks with similar coding information for several species. This information is also available in the table browser, where you can select output as "sequence" for a genomic region when you select a gene's track table as the source.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: exampleProteinGene
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2013-08-23
Views: 278
1377244800 278
Description: HBB on hg38 with single cell Heart and Merged data
Author: ashg2023
Session Name: hg38_HBB_singleCell1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-08-03
Views: 304
1691049600 304
Description: Hemoglobin beta 3 isoforms displayed, snp155 Common turned on.
Author: ashg2023
Session Name: hg38_HBB_snp155
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2023-08-03
Views: 316
1691049600 316
Author: jwjiao
Session Name: E13-forebrain-H3K36me3-ChIP
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2017-11-06
Views: 1775
1509955200 1775
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_45Chr3_nmt10
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-27
Views: 1431
1543305600 1431
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_56Chr19_nmt10
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-27
Views: 1420
1543305600 1420
Author: isilver1
Session Name: PABPC1_CLIP_Public
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2015-07-01
Views: 2364
1435737600 2364
Author: xiaotiao
Session Name: 4CProject
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-03-15
Views: 1360
1552636800 1360
Author: zhangjing12
Session Name: 201901-ATAC seq
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-03-15
Views: 1431
1552636800 1431
Description: human chr.2 synteny to other primates
Author: marte2je
Session Name: hg38 to other primates - chr2
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 89
1726560000 89
Description: 9/17/24
Author: aehodges
Session Name: hg38 chromosome 2/Chimp
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2024-09-17
Views: 87
1726560000 87
Author: hujian5241
Session Name: fly_dh1_dm3
Genome Assembly: dm3
Creation Date: 2017-11-12
Views: 1541
1510473600 1541
Author: salima
Session Name: e32_tailseq_5p_3p
Genome Assembly: ce10
Creation Date: 2015-07-03
Views: 2050
1435910400 2050
Description: This session was used to answer a mailing list question about mm9.retina data. You can see how the signal data was processed to create finalized peaks.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: mm9.retina
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-11-14
Views: 1587
1510646400 1587
Author: keitermd
Session Name: Keiter, Spring 2017, Uba1 example
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-01-15
Views: 1635
1484467200 1635
Author: aurbanow
Session Name: srivatsan
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2020-12-28
Views: 1323
1609142400 1323
Author: nicklewis
Session Name: photoreceptor sesh
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-11-16
Views: 1676
1510819200 1676
Author: nicklewis
Session Name: photorecptor session
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-11-16
Views: 1592
1510819200 1592
Author: nrhong
Session Name: hg38_KIAA1217
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-01-25
Views: 1603
1516867200 1603
Author: labrozam
Session Name: wt/Nrl-
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-11-17
Views: 1597
1510905600 1597
Author: german.n
Session Name: zebrafish_Iso-Seq
Genome Assembly: danRer10
Creation Date: 2018-03-16
Views: 1608
1521187200 1608
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1220_chr3_nmtf13
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-01
Views: 1575
1554105600 1575
Author: Yog77
Session Name: chrMT_rCRS_NC012920
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-05-20
Views: 1213
1589961600 1213
Author: timmnat
Session Name: Figure4-Differences_in_polymorphism_frequency_and_copy number.hub_1106737_Amex_PQ.v4
Genome Assembly: hub_1106737_Amex_PQ.v4
Creation Date: 2020-09-13
Views: 1528
1599984000 1528
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: mm9 Loftus/Pavan Tfap2a
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2014-06-23
Views: 1349
1403510400 1349
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: tfap2a in Ncc, MITF hg18
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2014-09-30
Views: 1434
1412064000 1434
Author: grant2jm
Session Name: Grant, Fall 17, allignment example
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-10-09
Views: 1551
1507536000 1551
Author: katiegal
Session Name: Lhx3-Isl1-p53
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2014-10-01
Views: 1223
1412150400 1223
Author: mattievaz8
Session Name: 062816_Mattie
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2016-06-28
Views: 1829
1467100800 1829
Author: nicklewis
Session Name: Lewis Fall17 Uba1
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-10-03
Views: 1639
1507017600 1639
Author: holtonke
Session Name: CGEMS Worm KEH test
Genome Assembly: ce11
Creation Date: 2016-07-21
Views: 1819
1469088000 1819
Author: alyssa
Session Name: Ayala-Ps2-ACE2-session
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2020-05-07
Views: 1534
1588838400 1534
Author: yierjin_2008
Session Name: MMCL.H3K27ac.SEs
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-11-10
Views: 1758
1510300800 1758
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_72Chr14_nmt14
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1931
1543219200 1931
Author: ShiyiYin
Session Name: mega data with coordinations
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-02-08
Views: 1817
1486540800 1817
Author: ShiyiYin
Session Name: intron6 ehf pcr
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-01-27
Views: 1826
1485504000 1826
Description: This session highlights the "Seq-data on mm9 NS5 cells" public hub, where Juan Mateo et al. assayed crucial transcription factor binding activity forming the basis of the neural stem cell self-renewal regulatory network.
Author: chmalee
Session Name: mm9_NS5_Cell_Expression
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-11-28
Views: 2109
1511856000 2109
Author: grant2jm
Session Name: Grant, Fall17, Uba1 example
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-10-02
Views: 1517
1506931200 1517
Author: isilver1
Session Name: NAD
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2015-03-09
Views: 1895
1425888000 1895
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: 1_50_outliers_hg19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1743
1543219200 1743
Author: zheyangshan
Session Name: hg19 GRO-seq BCL2
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-16
Views: 1342
1547625600 1342
Author: mspeir
Session Name: hg19_wobble
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2016-06-17
Views: 2399
1466150400 2399
Author: [email protected]
Session Name: example1
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2017-11-13
Views: 1884
1510560000 1884
Author: puertoRico2019
Session Name: DQP
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-04-12
Views: 1304
1555056000 1304
Author: mziegler
Session Name: encode_Accessibility+TAD
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-11
Views: 1475
1536652800 1475
Author: cath
Session Name: v338test
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2016-09-13
Views: 1742
1473753600 1742
Author: josoga2
Session Name: joseph_omix_hw
Genome Assembly: mm10
Creation Date: 2020-05-19
Views: 1222
1589875200 1222
Author: macdonem
Session Name: Bio481 Mouse MacDonald Basham Custom Track
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2017-10-17
Views: 1575
1508227200 1575
Author: nicklewis
Session Name: CGEMS Yeast Test - Custom Track
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2017-10-17
Views: 1589
1508227200 1589
Author: herdaj
Session Name: Bio481 Human Custom Herd
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2017-10-17
Views: 1857
1508227200 1857
Author: erick.gabriel
Session Name: MYBPC1 alleles
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-09-07
Views: 1517
1536307200 1517
Description: This example session shows some selected cell lines displayed with DNaseI tracks available for the mm9 mouse assembly from the ENCODE project. You can click the grey bars at the far left to go to the track descriptions, and select even more cell types. This session is the result of a user requesting where to find known areas/regions of chromatin in the mouse genome, especially condensed regions of DNA. By entering the user's coordinates of interest the researcher could investigate data indicating hypersensitive DNase regions.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: DNase in mm9 Example
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2013-07-30
Views: 291
1375171200 291
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_209Chr7_nmt4
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-14
Views: 1440
1547452800 1440
Author: marzoldr
Session Name: Marzolf, Spring18, Uba1 example
Genome Assembly: mm9
Creation Date: 2018-01-17
Views: 1509
1516176000 1509
Description: The GeneHancer track relates enhancer and promoters to their interactions with nearby genes. In this display, a highlighted GH01J209814 enhancer is associated with the gene IRF6 (Interferon Regulatory Factor 6) located about 10kb upstream from the gene and harbors regulatory non-coding variants strongly associated to Van Der Woude Syndrome 1 (VWS1), a disease involving cleft lip and cleft palate.
Author: view
Session Name: GeneHancer
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-29
Views: 1337
1553846400 1337
Author: ferrerjm
Session Name: Ferrer, FALL17, yeast custom track
Genome Assembly: sacCer3
Creation Date: 2017-10-17
Views: 2153
1508227200 2153
Description: This session displays a region of the LHX6 gene that highlights a selection of the new tracks added in the previous year for the hg38/GRCh38 human assembly. The tracks shown in this display (from top to bottom) include GENCODE Genes V22, transcription levels assayed across 9 ENCODE cell lines, DNase hypersensitive regions based on data from 95 ENCODE cell lines, genome-wide conservation scores calculated using phastCons, a multiple genome alignment created using Lastz and Multiz, and pathogenic CNVs from the ClinGen database. Adapted from Figure 1 in Speir, et al. The UCSC Genome Browser database: 2016 update. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan 4;44(D1):D717-25:
Author: mspeir
Session Name: hg38_NAR_2016_Fig1
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2015-08-11
Views: 1977
1439280000 1977
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_1_chr15
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1547
1543219200 1547
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_4_chr3
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1462
1543219200 1462
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_3_chr14
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1423
1543219200 1423
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_22Chr19_nmt32
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1551
1543219200 1551
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_25Chr5_nmt29
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1410
1543219200 1410
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_69Chr1_nmt29
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1436
1543219200 1436
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_17Chr3_nmt26
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1438
1543219200 1438
Author: Atma
Session Name: hervh-MYO16
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2019-01-22
Views: 1806
1548144000 1806
Description: This browsing started on hg38, and then the region was lifted to hg19, and then the TFBS track turned on to show how some histone activity is related to TFBS that aren't seen on hg38 because the track isn't available there.
Author: brianlee
Session Name: hg19_MTOR
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-01-22
Views: 1440
1548144000 1440
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_47Chr14_nmt17
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1426
1543219200 1426
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_55Chr21_nmt19
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1430
1543219200 1430
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_46ChrX_nmt20
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1982
1543219200 1982
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_31Chr22_nmt20
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1408
1543219200 1408
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_37Chr1_nmt21
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1541
1543219200 1541
Screenshot not available
Click Here to view
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_18Chr17_21
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1470
1543219200 1470
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_16Chr5_nmt21
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1757
1543219200 1757
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_12Chr3_nmt22
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1512
1543219200 1512
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_95Chr16_nmt17
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1405
1543219200 1405
Author: kinerettaler
Session Name: danRer11_plod3+-100,000
Genome Assembly: danRer11
Creation Date: 2018-12-25
Views: 1364
1545724800 1364
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_26Chr17_nmt14
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1400
1543219200 1400
Author: xiaotiao
Session Name: txiao
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2019-03-13
Views: 1466
1552464000 1466
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_70Chr6_nmt14
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1594
1543219200 1594
Author: ldistefano
Session Name: dm6_LDiStefanoData
Genome Assembly: dm6
Creation Date: 2019-03-12
Views: 1437
1552377600 1437
Author: marylaws
Session Name: hg18 Mol Biol Cell 2013 Grant GD
Genome Assembly: hg18
Creation Date: 2017-11-06
Views: 1838
1509955200 1838
Description: Acinetobacter baumannii ATCC 17978 UN
Author: Ab17978Cook
Session Name: GCF_019356215.1
Genome Assembly: hub_3861787_GCF_019356215.1
Creation Date: 2023-01-12
Views: 366
1673510400 366
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_75Chr7_nmt16
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-26
Views: 1435
1543219200 1435
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_40Chr22_nmt12
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-27
Views: 1456
1543305600 1456
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_49Chr3_nmt12
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-27
Views: 1419
1543305600 1419
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_58Chr1_nmt10
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-27
Views: 1423
1543305600 1423
Author: ruhollah
Session Name: hg19_89Chr5_nmt10
Genome Assembly: hg19
Creation Date: 2018-11-27
Views: 1493
1543305600 1493
Author: kazuhidew
Session Name: hg38_NAR_submission
Genome Assembly: hg38
Creation Date: 2018-11-28
Views: 1548
1543392000 1548